Of course, our eyes are often geared towards the old US of A. How about other countries?

Meet Willem Engel. Biochemist, dancer and instructor, and activist.



Genocide has nothing to do with the AMOUNT of dead bodies, but with the intention (mens rea) of exterminating a genus, or sort.

There are different types of humans. This can be demonstrated genetically and is well documented. (dive into anthropology: Robert Sepehr on YT)

So, with this in mind, the question must be posed: What is a human being?

Can this question be answered by looking strictly biological? Or is there more we have to take into account to answer that question.

A very interesting write up I found on NCBI in this document: https://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/2003/616710.pdf

Below a few quotes that I found remarkable:

Many people think of cells as firm little building blocks, like bricks in a wall. But this is not the case, as we realize when we look into the microscope. There is very little firmness in the colonies of cells. The whole enormous order we can observe in an organism, in some ways, is an illusion, because cells die all the time and are endlessly replaced by others. The order exists only due to continuous, dynamic processes.Many people think of cells as firm little building blocks, like bricks in a wall. But this is not the case, as we realize when we look into the microscope. There is very little firmness in the colonies of cells. The whole enormous order we can observe in an organism, in some ways, is an illusion, because cells die all the time and are endlessly replaced by others. The order exists only due to continuous, dynamic processes. The only permanent thing in our biology is the recipe that specifies a human being[3]

During the embryonic stage, as we develop into humans, it all begins with the reading of the recipe. One single cell, the fertilized egg, divides itself again and again. When the dividing cells reach a certain number, they coordinate their decisions as to which cells are going to turn into what: skin, bone marrow, liver, nervous system, etc. This is done in a highly organized way that lays out the embryo in exactly three layers of cells, as found in very primitive organisms such as jellyfish. Later, a regular fish embryo emerges with gill arches, etc. As the embryo develops, we see features from toads, mammals, and, finally, humans. A billion years of evolution played through in just 3 months. More than anything else, what living cells know is how to communicate. When the cells inside of me communicate with each other, they do it so well that they practically melt into one big lump or the person that is called “me”. Actually, there are two selves: The ego, which is part of the mind and who we think we are, and the deep self, who we are meant to be by nature, to be implemented into a human being by all the cells' continuous communication with each other[4].

Deep in our lives, this is what we really know how to do. Creating closeness through communication, which by the way is not a bad definition of love. When looking deeply into our biology we are, in fact, made to realize communication, closeness and love. We were born to love. As we all know, however, loving is the hardest thing to do. A person’s ability to love expresses how coherent and whole he or she is. As we mature and develop as persons, we rediscover the coherence and wholeness that makes us capable of loving.

However, human beings are so much more than this [red.: ego]. Our lives and our deep selves are much more complicated and amazing. Deep in the biology of humanity lies a recipe for being human; and this recipe has tremendous potentials for love and meaningful relations. But there is even more to life: Through life's complicated communication systems we are also connected to the world around us. That is why, intuitively, we know so much — not only about ourselves but also about the world at large — even if this deep knowledge is not always easily expressed.

Amazing, is it not? But let it sink in a little. What happens when you hijack the communication within a organism?

Let's consider a society as a body. What happens when you introduce an alien force, with a different communication style, different value systems, different objectives? (does every culture view rape the same way?) Dis-ease is a consequence.

Let's consider the body politic. What happens when you introduce an alien force, with a different communication style, different value systems, different objectives? (marxism; mathematics is raycist) Dis-ease is a consequence.

And now you also surmise where I am going with this.

What happens when you introduce an alien force like the covid-19 jab? Why? Because the spike protein hijacks your innate immune systems. It basically orders your system to stand down. It proliferates itself.

Take note of the number in this quote from https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/action_alerts/identifying-post-vaccination-complications-their-causes-an-analysis-of-covid-19-patient-data/

  1. Can the unvaccinated get sick from contact with the vaccinated?‍ The vaccine produces many trillions of particles of spike proteins in the recipient. Patients who are vaccinated can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to close contacts. The particles have the ability to create inflammation and disease in these contacts. In other words, the spike proteins are pathogenic (“disease causing”) just like the full virus. What is most worrisome is that a person’s body is being suddenly flooded with 13 trillion of these particles and the spike proteins bind more tightly than the fully intact virus. Because of the biomimicry (similarity) on the spike, shedding appears to be causing wide variety of autoimmune disease (where the body attacks its own tissue) in some persons. Worldwide cases of pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s Palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near persons who have been vaccinated. In addition, we know the spike proteins can cross the blood brain barrier, unlike traditional vaccines.

Take also note of the neurological damage. So, not only does the spike protein hijack the communication itself, it hijacks the pathways too!

The question I posed at the beginning of the post was: What is a human being?

Clearly, the information we have available point to an astutely aware and moral being.

The article on NCBI states in the Abstract:

But somewhere deep in life exists the finest sweetness, the greatest quality in life, the pure joy of being alive that emerges when we are fully present and life is in balance. This deep joy of life is what we call experiencing the meaning of life.

For those reading the bible: The fruit of the spirit: Love, joy, peace (all the other qualities mentioned are descriptions of behavior)

So, basically, on the one hand we have the potential for being in the NOW, but not being driven by satisfying our immediate needs, as we can employ a moral consideration on what to do next. We can employ our ego to abstractly solve problems by pro - metheus and epi - metheus. Thinking before the fact, and thinking after the fact.

A being aware.

What this has to do with the jab and genocide?

If the spike protein both hijacks the communication itself and the pathways within our organism, what about the external communication and pathways? What does that mean for the beings "enriched" thusly?

Does that create a new being? A new genus? Does it inhibit a free and moral self determination on the best course of being and action? Does it make the new being dependent, unthinking, obedient and compliant? Can the being still connect to his soul? Or has such a being lost that capability due to the hijacking?

As I indicated already, genocide is not the act of extermination itself, but the willful intention of extermination of a genus.

When this pandemic was created, the immediate outcome was that ONLY a jab would be the way out of this crisis. Nothing else would help.

HCQ and Ivermectin were forbidden, and in many countries are still forbidden. People are actively dissuaded from researching and sharing this information and obtaining such medicines. Natural remedies are faced with the same.

Additionally, in countries where a vaxx mandate cannot be instituted, the social pressure and programming is inescapable in plain view. Peculiar justifications are being brought to bear in a framework of guilt and shame. But also employers demanding you to be jab-ed, lest you want to find yourself without a job.

In some countries, like Pakistan, peoples sim cards are disabled. https://www.rt.com/news/526262-punjab-pakistan-sim-card-vaccine/

And we do not even have to discuss a social credit score system as a coercive control grid to make you compliant for fear of losing your benefits.

This is a willful wanting to vaxx ALL people. This is intention.

With what effect? If it even comes close to what I am suggesting, this is a genocide of a scale never seen in human history, on par with the genocide of mosquito's, which will impact the food chain, species diversity, etc.

In an even more out on a limb scenario: certain entities are collecting all seeds. What if any and all species are already accounted for. If the whole world breaks down, can it be rebuilt? Yes, if you have both the seeds and the techniques to bring it back. (think Jurassic Park and is evidence by clone Molly and currently the research done on hybrids organ growth).

The common good does not exist in nature. Only in the minds of those who elevate it to the level of leitmotif, it exist. Consider the movies: Zeitgeist.

Yeah, it served as a wake up call. But note how it redirects the thought process into the common good. Also note with whom the maker of these movies is consorting with. Indeed. The same CABAL that gave us the scamdemic and the only solution: the jab.


Of course, for those who have been on the CT train and have been awake for years, this is nothing new.

https://qagg.news/?q=%23%232450 Q2450: We are going to show you a new world. Those who are blind will soon see the light. A beautiful brave new world lies ahead. We take this journey together. One step at a time. WWG1WGA! Q

Q posted this on July 11th 2018. Quite a Brave New World, is it not? Mask and distance mandates. Jab mandates, marxist ideology right in front of your nose on TV, on billboards, in the schools your kids go to.

How about passports and blockchain combining your biometrical, medical information with privileges.

How about math being racists, thus subverting observation and calculus, the basis for any contractual obligation and right?

How about, critical race theory?

Do you like it?

How do you transfer power back to the people? What is the Greatawakening?

The beauty of it, even because it is a painful process to recognize we have been duped for decades exacts the desire for change, only We The People can demand.

A world wide revolution.

Bigger than you can imagine.

Who would have thought!



When Donald Trump came on the scene in 2015 as a candidate for President, a lot of time was spent by Bannon cs to point to the fourth turning.


Do a search for yourself: fourth turning Steve Bannon, and you'lll see.

The idea behind it is that social movements progress in a certain cyclic manner, spanning a certain time frame.

Do the math and it makes quite a lot of sense.

Since the idea that social changes being cyclic is not an idea invented just to give Donald Trump a platform, it is always a good thing to look back in history and check a few things.

Straus & Howe, the originators of the concept wrote the following:

“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

When comparing this the Donald Trumps message, which is about hope and future, and Q, it becomes quite apparent that these things coincide. "It has to be this way".

Some people have pointed towards bigger cycles, like the move from the age of Pisces into Aquarius, noting that after 2012 the Pisces run institutions will be exposed, and taken down to make room for individual spirituality and social cohesion.

This articles and it's several other parts do a good job in explaining the lead in and consequences. Of course we have the benefit of hindsight. However, it does help to order the unfolded and unfolding events in the stream of time.

However, there are many more issues that showed a change on the horizon. Some people, like Ron Paul, already were activist for a different approach. Branded a cook by the lamestream, he diligently moved on, earning him the monniker: Dr. No, for his refusal to assent to any law not in line with the Constitution. Meanwhile he tried to educate the people there to be a different solution than the one we had already become accustomed to.

"Let's try liberty for a change".

"Do not steel, the government hates competition".

Blowback! Maybe we should be minding our own business, instead of policing the world".

When he decided to run, his base was truly thrilled. Knowing what we know now, as a president, he would not have stood a chance in hell to kill the deep state.

Quite early on in his first Presidential race, I recognized he was a teacher. A paver of the path.

"Nobody can stop an idea, who's time has come".

And indeed, looking back, just consider the faces of the people you see going past, listen to what they say and where they are now.



There is a revolution going on. Unfortunately, it is a revolution not for the faint of heart.

Of course, these days, the words of Jacques Attali, supposedly contained in the book L' avenir de la vie, future of live, is making the rounds and the fact checkers are busy dispelling the charges. But, with what I have heard and read, it is not beyond possibility that he has indicated certain things.

See for your self:


Here is an interview with him. It is a fascinating journey across thousands of years in art, politics, religion, etc. However, clearly, he has some axes to grind.

The English version of his book: A brief History of the future, comes highly recommended by Henry Kissinger as being provocative. And indeed it is.

However, he explains the current movements along different lines than 4th turning or even astrology.

With this in mind, note that Attali clearly points towards a jewish sourced mercantilistic system that would bring humanity into a state of total control.

Just as with Klaus Analschwab and the 4th industrial Revolution, these people are simply giving their opinion. Unfortunately, we have the fool and the fearful together with the psycho and the paid-off, who head their words and, thereby actually manifesting what they write about.



Silent weapons for quiet war

While reading through the document, I felt quite a level of revulsion because people are able to think this way.

On the other hand, some of the language is quite remarkable, especially when looked at things like: game theory, the silent war continues.

I still have to let this doc sink in. But I would recommend to read it, or to listen to it.

These people are sick!


Q mentions zero day. Q-4587

https://twitter.com/realAlexBaumann/status/1284240420302536705 C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1 Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4. Q

Now we know. But what is it?

This is a pdf report from the digital citizens alliance, investigating RATs, or Remote Access Trojans.

In a documentary I saw last Sunday, it was shown, how easy it is to remote control a computer (especially windows 10)

Also: streaming video boxes and subtitles may be used to acquire this control.

Given the fact that our lives take place online at least for a part, but we are very dependent on online communication, the question becomes in case of an exploit: what does it shows the hacker about us?

For instance: if you have a computer where both the OS and Data is merged instead of separated, and encrypted, any file may be copied, burned, sealed against ransom.

Your webcam, micro, access to websites are vulnerable to discovery.

Read about it here: https://www.digitalcitizensalliance.org/clientuploads/directory/Reports/2017_7The_Gateway_Trojan.pdf

Prepare accordingly.

On a different note: now you also know how access to DS computers can be had ... ;-)

People are stupid. These people even more.


I know that some attention has already been given to the contents of Dr Bossche's letter and call to immediately stop the use of the GMO jab. His fear is that down the line, even more potent and dangerous viruses may appear because people who have received the jab, are primed to respond according to the spike protein, and their own immunesystem is left unused.

According to the Libertybeacon, his letter is based on unproven hypothesis.https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-curious-case-of-dr-geert-vanden-bossche/

Additionally, the writer of the piece, calls himself an authority on this matter, because of being a medical journalist.

Item 1.

Interesting to contemplate, that the jab providers actually have no idea what they are actually doing. Yet, in this experiment you are forced to take it.

In this regard, the warnings of Dr Cahill and many others are often disregarded.

Item 2

In 1986 there was a vaccine for chickens to combat coronavirus.

An article in the Dutch paper Telegraaf dedicated some lines to that.


I know many of you do not have the ability to read Dutch, so please, find below the gist:

Title: Vaccin against Coronavirus cause new diseases

Vaccinating chickens against Coronavirus (1BV) may cause potential danger. The vaccin does combat the currently occurring disease, but is probably also the cause of a new virus, that may rear its head in two to three years from now. The vaccin is made from live virus capable of changing genetic material and able to appropriate alien genetic material. This way, a new virus can come into being, cause new pathologies.

(my comment: sars perhaps?)

Coronavirus exist in pigs (HEV), rabbits (RCV), bovines (BCV) Willem Luijtjes was a promovendus investigating the behavior and operation of viruses, especially in mice (called MHV) where it causes hepatitus. But it can also degenerate the central nervous system.

It is Luijtjens who concluded from his scientific investigation that Coronavirus can accumulate alien genetic material and change, causing new diseases. The potential for dangerous variations is quite possible.

Hans Kusters, who closely worked with Luijtjens states that despite vaccination, coronaviruses will simply mutate, and then we would have to produce a new vaccin for every variant.

The source for new mutations actually is the vaccin. And that has huge implications.

one: the use of live virus to vaccinate should stop. Whether that is practical is a different matter, since it is the best thing we can do right now.

two: we have to do research on how the virus is capable of causing new diseases. Problem here is an ethical one. We then would have to create new viruses, and that in and of itself, is a very scary thought.

Item 3.

I posed the question: Examining your own immune system: why would you rather trust those who have no clue, and have been lying to you from the start, instead of trusting your own immune system?

Additionally, one could argue that for most people, Vit D, Selenium and Zinc levels are the most important to keep track of.

On top, many therapeutics actually are toxic and destroy your immune system.

Item 4.

If push comes to shove, there are therapeutics you could consider, like HCQ+ zinc + AZ, Ivermectin and N-Acetylcysteine.

Item 5

Testing: Some material is taken from your nose, near the brain barrier. However, the question becomes: with what were those cotton sticks sterilized?

From the UK we get information that it is reason for concern: Here is the UK information: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/957271/COVID-19-self-test-instructions.pdf

And here is the view about this innocent sounding shit: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/substances/ethylene-oxide

Looking at the whole chessboard, be very careful what you accept because, however you slice and dice it, all is geared towards destroying our immune system

  1. Lockdown measure, masks, social distance, excessive sanitation by washing hand with toxic "Alcohol". (note the MAC is open, but the gym is not, or seriously restricted)

  2. The Jab.

  3. The tests, or rather the way in which material is obtained

  4. suppression of therapeutics

  5. suppression of healthy Vitamine and mineral levels.



We are going to show you a new world. Those who are blind will soon see the light. A beautiful brave new world lies ahead. We take this journey together. One step at a time. WWG1WGA! Q

This one always had me thinking: ok, during Trump's administration we have seen quite enough of that, thank you very much.

But, jeez ..... what do you know. It can be even worse.

What a Brave New World.

control grid everywhere, pushing for gmo jabs although it does not work but has tremendous downsides. The logic is totally gone.

Consider this:


Set your CC to autogenerate English.

So, here we have a totally going wild minister of Health pushing the jab. And refuses to make a correlation between the jab and problems of seniors in nursing homes. Note he denies any serious counter indication.

Also note, there is a strong protocol, that the minister is a guest in parliament and is there to render an account and has to respect the process: you never interrupt. the one speaking controls the time.

Van Haga keeps his cool!

Note the chairwomen does nothing, while in other instance she is quite stern.

That was Feb 24.

Here is what he wrote to Parliament https://dailynewsbrief.com/2021/03/15/netherlands-suspends-use-of-astrazeneca-covid-19-vaccine/

Up is down, down is up. Nice brave new world, huh?

So, how are we doing where it concerns respecting democratic values?

According to the Pew: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/10/14/democratic-satisfaction/pg_10-15-19-europe-values-03-02/

Netherlands: 51%, so a tiny margin think the people's view counts. Note this was published right before the whole Covid hoax.

So, how is it in 2021? https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map?type=fiw&year=2021

Not freedom house is part of the swamp. But the map is quite instructive. If you click on the NEtherlands, it shows you two items:

Political Rights (40 out of 40) Civil Liberties (58 out of 60)

When you plot which civil liberties have remained not breached, taking the EU constitution as a guide: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:12012P/TXT&from=EN

If you can get passed the pretentious and plump proza,

  1. Human dignity is inviolable
  1. Right to life
  2. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity. In the fields of medicine and biology, the following must be respected in particular: the free and informed consent of the person concerned, according to the procedures laid down by law;
  3. No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment

(yes: wear your mask, keep your distance, do not meet anyone, work at home, do not hug, get your jab, obey! whether you like it or not)

  1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
  1. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life, home and communications.
  2. Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.
  3. 1.Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

Well, no church, no assembly if you cannot meet with 6 feet distance and a max of arbitrary numbers of people, depending on the whim of the day.

9.2. The right to conscientious objection is recognised, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right.

Dare to object. O that is right. You cannot object against a law that has no provisions for objections. Get your jab, wear a mask, obey! You may even lose your job. It already started with medical professionals.

    1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
    1. The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.

That is nice. Except, it does not apply to social media. Or anywhere for that matter. There is no plurality in media. Only one viewpoint, and that is .gov propaganda.

  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association at all levels, in particular in political, trade union and civic matters, which implies the right of everyone to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his or her interests.

Here is how the police feel about those Sunday Coffee and tea parties at Museumplein:

Let's whack some viruswappies.

For March 20/ 21 BLM protests are being organised. Watch what happens. Nothing in comparison to what happened Sunday last:

https://files.catbox.moe/0ce28j.png This was Sunday.

Compare to BLM: https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fjoop.bnnvara.nl%2Fcontent%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F07%2Fknielendeagenten.jpg&sp=1615820416Tc9a0206ed4b4d58439a4aa464332206dc43ad500bc516ff33845c24653c51a62


Cause? Nothing really. The people were sitting in, having a coffee, hugging, making fun, singing and dancing.

According to one eye witness, who filmed quite a lot, she informed the police around 200 medical professional were present. Police said: we'll warn you so you can get out. After that, we'll whack you.

  1. The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint. Academic freedom shall be respected.

Try that. What happened to that paper that totally destroyed the Drosten PCR test?

What happened to unbiased HCQ + Zink + AZ inquiry? Or Ivermectin?

How about an honest reporting on those who actually dies OF Covid and with covid.


  1. The freedom to conduct a business in accordance with Union law and national laws and practices is recognised.

Not really. All restaurants, bars, and SMB mom& pop shops are closed. O there is a law that says they should close. Without objection. However, this cannot happen as only through equitable compensation an enjoyment of property can be limited.

    1. Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions. No one may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the public interest and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law, subject to fair compensation being paid in good time for their loss. The use of property may be regulated by law in so far as is necessary for the general interest.

21: 1. Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.

Tell me again why those not willing to engage in a GMO experiment are being ostracized?

    1. Children shall have the right to such protection and care as is necessary for their well-being. They may express their views freely. Such views shall be taken into consideration on matters which concern them in accordance with their age and maturity.

22.2. In all actions relating to children, whether taken by public authorities or private institutions, the child's best interests must be a primary consideration.

22.3. Every child shall have the right to maintain on a regular basis a personal relationship and direct contact with both his or her parents, unless that is contrary to his or her interests.

Ah yes, tell me again why kids are forced to:

A. be subject to indoctrination and feel made responsible for the health and well being of grandma, their parents and teachers?

B. Who the fuck do teachers think they are? They are merely service providers. If I do not like the service with indoctrination and mandatory masking and vaccination, I fire you.

O, I cannot. the law provides I have no say at all.

23: The Union recognises and respects the rights of the elderly to lead a life of dignity and independence and to participate in social and cultural life.

Yes, lock those elderly in their homes. No vistis, no hugs, no contact. O, no going outside as well. But, here you have a jab. Too bad you get sick and die.

35: Everyone has the right of access to preventive health care

REally? Who's talking about Vit D , selenium and zink uptake by supplements and well designed diets?

No one? Yes ... well, those alternative healthcare professional are quacks! You take the GMO jab. That is the only thing that will get us out of this crisis we continue to put our thumb on the scales. .....says the government.

Therapeutics? Hombug!

39: Union policies shall ensure a high level of consumer protection.

Nice, but that does not apply to GMO jabs.

41.1.Every person has the right to have his or her affairs handled impartially, fairly and within a reasonable time by the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union.

    1. This right includes:(a)the right of every person to be heard, before any individual measure which would affect him or her adversely is taken;

Has anybody asked you anything concerning lockdown measures, maskmandates, social distance, loss of social contact, loss of business, loss of income, going crazy, having your kids go nuts over being responsible for grandma's health and teachers nagging on about the virtues of BLM and the idiocy of those refusing to be GMO jabbed. ....

So, since this all is one big fuckfest, I dare say: let the EU implode in on itself. The sooner the better.

Next step: jab passport and mandatory wearing of a bracelet with your patient file. And China in the driver seat determining whether you are allowed to go to the cinema, a party, a bar, restaurant, fly, ride a bus, or even go to the library to loan some books, or do shopping.

Brave New World?

We are just at the beginning.


While perusing Q's posts we come away with a lot of cryptic stuff, we have no idea how to transcribe it.

On the other end of the spectrum is Q's remark that a lot of data is exchanged in password protected images with a hidden message inside.

But, there are other ways to do it. Some so ordinary, you wouldn't think twice about it.

Which ways?

How about a painting being the message. May be you're thinking the Nightwatch by Rembrandt or something. No, a bit more abstract, or rather more 21th century like. Or the lyrics. Or the tones.

There is a guy who wrote a programming language mimicking rocksongs. Shakespeare is a programming language that uses proza to identify what it needs to do. How about colors? There is even a recipe programming language.

Since we have computers, we've done some crazy stuff that boggles the mind. Have a look see and I do hope it will be as edifying to you as it was for me. A real eye opener.

Think of the way this would obfuscate a hidden message.

Here it is:



Here is the link to the doc. It is a pdf. Download it and store off line. [url=https://www4.zippyshare.com/v/kif1bbGb/file.html]SQuay_Bayesian Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 FINAL V.2.pdf[/url] Here is the topline:

Laboratory Origin Hypothesis The spike protein that gives the coronavirus its name, corona or crown, is the key to match with the lock found in host cells. But before it can inject its genetic material in the host cell, the spikeprotein needs to be cut, to loosen it in preparation for infection. The host cell has the scissors or enzymes that do the cutting. The singular, unique feature of CoV-2 is that it requires a host enzyme called furin to activate it at a spot called the S1/S2 junction.

No other coronavirus in the same subgenera has a furin cleavage site, as it is called. The other coronaviruses are cleaved at a site downstream from the S1/S2 site, called the S’ site. This is of course a major problem for the zoonosis theory, but it gets worse.

Since 1992 the virology community has known that the one sure way to make a virus deadlier isto give it a furin cleavage site at the S1/S2 junction in the laboratory. At least eleven gain-of-function experiments, adding a furin site to make a virus more infective, are published in the open literature, including Dr. Zhengli Shi, head of coronavirus research at the WIV.

Also note the list of those already informed:

First Name Last Name John Amuasi Kristian Andersen Danielle Anderson Ralph Baric Francis Collins Carlos das Neves Peter Daszak Vladimir Dedkov Dominic Dwyer Anthony Fauci Hume Field Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Eddie Holmes Gerald Keusch Marion Koopmans Dato' Sai Kit (Ken) Lam Fabian Lendertz W. Ian Lipkin Ken Maeda Hung Nguyen Stanley Perlman David Quammen Andrew Rambaut Angelie Rassmussen Linda Saif Zhengli Shi Supaporn Wacharapluesadde


Quite questionable post since the voting was 57-43 and not 53-47, so, I amended the post to reflect that.

It leaves the question at the end just as valid.

A couple of days ago I posted my expectation that the acquittal in the Peach Mint 2.0 would come down to 53-47. (https://greatawakening.win/p/12hRH0uuCH/x/c/4Dx4LXmhPGj) As evidenced by this article, https://nypost.com/2021/02/13/senate-votes-to-acquit-donald-trump-in-impeachment-trial/ , it was 53 - 47 (should have been 57 - 43). The basis for this expectation can be found in Q posts. goto qagg.news and plug in the following search string without the quotation marks: "53 - 47". Here is the list: https://qagg.news/?q=53-47 Post 3533 says this:

Reminder re: impeachment. 2/3rd Senate vote required to impeach POTUS. 53-47 Logical thinking. You are watching D's 'con' liberal base using 'hope' tactics while maintaining 'POTUS obstruction of Justice' FAKE NEWS narrative. Think 2020. Q

Think 2020. In hindsight, this ties indeed the election of 2020 to a new impeachment under the header: multiple meanings exist. In other posts, Q indicates that the clock is ticking and poses the unanswered question: When will the "1st" alarm go off? I guess, the second alarm has gone off. Who is still deeply snoozed in lala-land?


The dems are very big on what did the President know, and when did he know it?

Pence was rushed off.

Who was tasked to inform the President?

Then we have: We know he was supposed to know, and he did nothing, so he is guilty of incitement?

Of course such is no proof. It may be a political expedient argument for inquiry, but then again, they should have done their homework, but they only invited Trump to testify AFTER their Impeached him. (see letter) I suspect they did not even send a written request for information.

However, they very strategically avoid talking about own leadership fuck up, denials of insistence and the quite intricate management structure of Washington DC.

I am wondering where this point will be discussed?

Then the legal cases pending in court, and those which where denied: The question about these cases and if there ever was evidence was demonstrated, was answered with a Pennsylvania ruling, that the judge found no evidence would be considered as it would disenfranchise a large swath of voters.

It signals that

  1. No evidence was heard
  2. There was massive voter fraud.

It seems to me, the lawyers manage the case strictly as should be expected. Attacking the validity of the evidence, framing the question, challenging the jurisdiction, arguing on correct constitutional grounds. It looks like a film script. They also sidestepped the above question, because there was nothing in the file. No due process.

So, when will it be discussed?

Or would it be a question of: letting the antagonist spent ALL their ammo. And then drop the MOAB?

But all in all, these fuckups are being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars from the treasury, money that has to be loaned, to keep us in debt slavery, cause our taxes go to paying the interest. And while they do this, these people suck the money machine in private, via their foundations and family.

8% favorable is way too high. Out of 435 + 100 people, less than 70 can be trusted?


Blumenthal is showing covid signs. He is shivering, or rather trying very much to keep his assmuscle under control for fear of doing a Swalwell. https://youtu.be/BrTUGVlz1i8 @1.57 PM


Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight,fight, fight, fight, fight,fight

a la dems ....

Etymology: Apparently the notion is "pulling roughly," or "to tear out one another's hair."

Bitch fight.

Their KAMPF.



If you are not aware of what the Atlantic Council is, go to their website and check who is who. You will find the same cohencidence inbreeding as with the Trilateral Commission, and other thinktanks connected to it. Take not of the number of former US military .....

Of course the usual suspect are connected to it, like Soros, and ex Burisma Ukraine fleecer Kholomoisky.

So, this means that this institution basically influences NATO.

With now the Biden Regime on stage, the question becomes: What is the regime to do with China:


Good idea, right? Replace Xi, but leave the CCP in place, preferably lead by the Jang Zemin wing.

One has to wonder who wrote this. At least it must be someone who has been in the Hussein admin till 2013, as the writer consider that time as the pinnacle of detente.

let's see: Kerry? Hillaryous?


Over the last couple of days I have been contemplating the happenings.

And a few Q posts stand out that keep reverberating in my brain.

Please, keep in mind, I am speculating here, and maybe terribly. Perhaps you may think: "this is crazy talk". Let it not deter you from reading on.

** Related Q Posts: **

topic: Movie: 3635
Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background. 'Official Secrets.' Relevant today? Enjoy the show! Q

2663 [S]omething out of a movie? Fiction? The hole is deep. Q

Q mentions during discussion several movies: Snowden, hack the planet, Sum of all Fears, Godfather III, State Secrets, Iron Eagle, Rapid Fire, Matrix, etc.

Q probes: 461
What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors? Q

So, Q says:

People kill people. You are watching a movie. They want you WEAK. SLAVE. SHEEP. DISTRACTION. Q

1450 You are watching a 'scripted' movie. Q

Keep that in mind. A scripted movie. Everything has already been gamed, while at the same time you see Potus exhausting every possibility to allow for people to do the right thing.

What we are looking at is treason. And what usually happens with treason is both sides are using this allegation to get rid of the other party.

E.g. The Emperor in Star Wars: "It is treason, then", while being on a binge to make the illegal legal:

  • But, Lord Sidious, is that legal?
  • I will make it legal.

These are the Q-post that I cannot leave alone:

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q

You'll notice they are an exact copy. No interaction in the latter, just repeating the same thing.

So far we have discussed mass arrests, military operators running to different locations and arresting people. We also discussed to whom this first arrest might apply: Pence, the Pope, Pelosi, etc.

Why does Potus not attend the inauguration? Because there will be no inauguration? I tend to agree with that sentiment, but not for the reasons you may think.

Let's keep the focus on Q post for the moment. When looking for posts with the word: "biblical" in it, there are 14 posts.

Some of these posts have to do with prayer, or waking up, protection.

4884: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUsLDzXWUU4

note the language.....

Of course, this bring into mind immediately through the words temple, the story of Samson. It was Samsons last act, after behaving been betrayed, and having had his eyes cut out.

For those not inclined to read a bible, you can simply read the proza in the first part. The second part of the page is devoted to the actual story as found in the bible.


29 Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, 30 Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it.

Ah, poetic justice! And let's be honest: we would like to see that happening, wouldn't we.

As Q said:

Who controls the NG? Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US? Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines? Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize? What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly? Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

It seems clear, our Potus has no desire to bury himself when he brings that corrupt temple down upon their heads

Who of you saw the show: Game of Thrones. Good! And if you have not seen it, download it and watch it.

Death - Game of Thrones S6

Sit down and watch carefully.

  • What has their religion become?
  • How had that happened? What laws?
  • What had happened to Cersei because of that?
  • What was about to start?
  • Who were gathered?
  • Where were they gathered?


Suicide weekend followed.

A story following the same patterns is found in https://biblehub.com/niv/2_samuel/17.htm.

The neglected councillor hangs himself. It comes down to a showdown between father and son. A typical Ferngorn forrest episode.

At this point, I would suggest to do another Q search, but this time with the phrase: "How do you"

There are 98 drops with that phrase. And these go both ways. to prevent things and to advocate things.

Study them. Let these drops massage your mind. take it in. Mirror it.

How do you get all your enemies gathered in one place like all enemies of God are gathered in one place called Har-Megido

In a movie, in this movie, what would be the ultimate moment of cracking down upon your enemies?

Yes ....

At the height of their power, when nothing stands in between the execution of all their plans, when they revel in joy: the inauguration.

Clean and swift. MIL is the only way.

Think again of this post:

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q

You think such a scheme will be shocking? The title of the book: "What happened" is an understatement in comparison, in such a scenario.

First arrest, would then be a mass arrest. A perpwalk. A parade to be remembered.

I leave you with Q35

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand.

Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

So, I am not saying, this is the way it will go down. Yet, I cannot escape the feeling, it would most appropriately fit the description: biblical.


So, voat GA / QRV is gone the way of all earthly things.

Yet, the data of the site still remains. For those interested, you can always go back to searchvoat.co and rumage through the past, especially when it concerns digs on certain people.

For me, personally, I have been busy in saving all my contributions and comments, and now am running through a process of incorporating it into a database for easier access.

At any rate, glad to see you guys out here and looking forward to the crescendo. What a show!

Happy Christmas to all!

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