ron_paul_was_right 1 point ago +1 / -0

one interesting thing i had not noticed before. Barr was General Counsel of Verizon from 2000-2008. remember the very first document leaked by Snowden in June 2013 that started the saga? when NSA sent secret orders for "ALL TANGIBLE THINGS" (i.e. Business Records) to Verizon and AT&T and all the phone companies, it was Barr who was on the other end receiving that letter. since the letter was classified top secret, Barr would not be allowed to tell anyone else, but it was his job to make sure Verizon complied and handed over all American's phone records to NSA. Barr has known about the mass surveillance since it started. anyone who trusts a Swamp Thing like Barr to do any "plan" is delusional.