Fuck yeah. Respect. I've been doing the same thing everywhere. I salute you, fellow patriot.
Where can I get a sticker like that? i want one!!
Fuck yeah we do. We all do. Whoever doesn't may as well go join the traitors. Because we don't need any pussies anyway. We take the constitution seriously.
I actually do the same thing lol but i emailed him from an encrypted email service. Been trying to stay away from google etc lately especially with this kinda patriot shit. I have a feeling he read my email though. But he did say he’s been getting tens of thousands of em
hey, fuck off faggot!
This is literally a media-induced mental disorder now, kind of hypochondria but with a basic ass common cold with a 99% survival rate.... it's fucking insane. There is so much you can do. Tell her to take vitamins C, D, E, and a few other supplements to just strengthen the immune system, and to not watch TV, or go on facebook, and not fall into the fearmongering because fear will just weaken her immune system. It's a crazy world we're living in, but you can only save those who are ready or willing.
We have won indeed. Walk like a winner, speak your truth to everyone, don't wear the face diaper ever in public, and spread the Light!
To answer your question, the probability of that is around 177.6%
Agreed 1000%. Fucking tired of blind sheep still walking around with their face diapers being totally oblivious to the fact that we are in the biggest fucking war for freedom, just walking around following fascist orders and keeping their mouths shut into a face diaper. We need to take this whole network of corruption down but we also need to snap all of these sleepy fucks back into reality somehow.
Agreed with everything he's been saying 100%, which is why I think he is playing one of the most important roles in this fight for freedom. So did he email you back?
That speech of his gave me chills. I loved it and I believed him fully and I had this urge to see justice prevail in the exact way that he described. I also had a feeling, especially hearing him talk about the little kid on the side of the road, that it might actually be him... that kid, standing on the side of the street... looking at the president, the father figure, his friend.... so many clues there. We're talking about either JFK or Trump or both.
I have been. I emailed him as well. He must win. He'll go down as one of the greatest freedom fighters in American history.
He sure is. He is ripping the entire State Bar of Georgia a new asshole. He's taking down the whole fucking tower of corruption and lies. I love him. He is God's gift to America and the World!!
Bro Lin Wood is single-handedly ripping them a new asshole on telegram. God I love this dude. What a gangster. He is taking down the whole State Bar of Georgia
What state? Maybe move elsewhere.
Thanks. I kinda needed this in case nothing major happens in the next few days... although I feel like major things are already happening, but for everything to unfold it's gonna take a lot more time.
Is POTATUS Joe Biden? That would be my obvious guess. What does it stand for? Kek
More like "Imagining the military making the raids and arrests behind the scenes"
it sure is getting pretty biblical
I'm not a lawfag either but holy shit this is amazing!!!!! I just bought some GME shares and I'm gonna HODL it
What was the date when he retweeted it? Just for context. Thanks
It literally does. Just like the process "electing" Biden did. They are a walking violation of the Constitution and are a disgrace to America.
Love the idea and this seems to have become a trend. Patriots for the win!!! This is the NEW domain for the NEW republic!! While ".com" represents the old America the COMpany!
Video purged! Mirror???? Please save all videos right away and copy to any telegram channel.
I can assure you that's not a Zoom call lol not a Facetime either