rouxleaux 4 points ago +5 / -1

To many white people. I feel like I was the only one who noticed that all the back up dancers ect were black, not hispanic, not asian, not white. All black, you cant tell me that was not on purpose. Just a little racist I think.

rouxleaux 3 points ago +3 / -0

You handled that better than I would have. I think I would have told her calmly to provide me randomized trials that show that mask actually work. Then when she cant and becomes belligerent I would have less then calmly have to tell her to fuck off. She sounds like a crazy karen libtard

rouxleaux 3 points ago +3 / -0

So the messed up part here is from a purely economical aspect it seems like the stores would be looking the other way to survive right now. They have to know, "if I dont get people in house they will buy online and then I as a store owner die" . This obviously mainly applies to smaller stores. Big box can fuck them selves all day long I guess. But the smaller stores are slicing their own throats to be hard core like this. Oh well if you dont want my money then screw you. I have several stores that are dead to me b/c of this stupid crap. Keep you head up!

rouxleaux 13 points ago +13 / -0

The real question is when are we going to have some enterprising conservative do an amazon competitor? I will throw all money at this person/group

rouxleaux 1 point ago +1 / -0

Problem is anyone that is up in that place (swamp) for so long gets corrupted. Regardless of how good you start out being. Two things that would fix it all instantly, prosecute corruption (we agree here for sure) and then they DO NOT GET PAID TO SERVE. This is how it use to be so no one wanted to stay longer than needed. No one should go up to Washington and leave several times richer.

rouxleaux 1 point ago +1 / -0

Technically if you wanted avoid confrontation then you could tell them you have had it already. HIPPA prevents them for pulling info like this. This also would not be the same as taking a drug test. Again if you are worried about anaphylaxis (big concern with this vaccine) they can not force this on you. Essentially it would be like making you play Russian roulette.

rouxleaux 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dont think so. That would be a massive law suit. All one would have to say is I am worried about anaphylaxis. So a employer would force me to take something that could kill me. No chance in hell that would fly I dont care how lib the judge is

rouxleaux 7 points ago +7 / -0

how about my body my choice. IT IS ALWAYS THE PATIENT'S CHOICE!!! I have patients who decline surgery for cancer and that is their choice and it is their right.

rouxleaux 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well its been many moons since I did that stuff so..... yea dont know if that is a great bet. I hope you kick some ass!

rouxleaux 3 points ago +3 / -0

The axiom of if you can not do (work in the private sector) then you teach (get on the gov dole ) is so so true.

rouxleaux 5 points ago +5 / -0

You might think I am nuts but I loved organic chem and bio chem.

rouxleaux 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair this isn't the correct question. The correct question would be who you vote for the people controlling dementia joe or Putin?

rouxleaux 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the only fence that they want down right now is the one on the southern border. Both should be built bigger IMO

rouxleaux 2 points ago +4 / -2

bull crap. I do believe he tried however the backstabbing ass holes are so thick in that place there is no one to trust. The thing is I am sure this is how it has always been we are just now seeing it. Additionally they now know they can do what ever they want and we peasants will not do anything to hinder them. Welcome back to the caste system.

by gamepwn
rouxleaux 15 points ago +15 / -0

I was about question this. Can any legal pedes elaborate here?

rouxleaux 13 points ago +13 / -0

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus protect us all. Watch over and protect us all.

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