russia_hoax 2 points ago +4 / -2

short answer: no pam bondi and dave aronberg are the original reason the investigation got fucked and nothing happened with epstein to begin with.

bondi brought corrupt little pedo jew boy aronberg in to clean up after rick scotts fraud and their buddy epstein's trafficking ring.

now she's in charge of releasing documents in the investigation her and her little jewish faggot fucked up

russia_hoax 3 points ago +4 / -1

pam bondi brought in the baby dick sucking little jew dave aronberg to clean up rick scotts medicare/drug control fraud and sweep it under the table then she stuck him doing the same thing, cleaning up the epstein prosecution case, destroying documents and hiding evidence, and now the bitch who is partially the reason nothing resulted from the epstein case is the same person in charge of "releasing everything"

russia_hoax 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is misleading, this did not happen today.

this individual didn't even fully bother to read the details of the story before making an intentionally misleading tweet.

Two of the violations occurred on February 15 and one happened on Presidents Day, February 17.


deleted -2 points ago +1 / -3
russia_hoax -5 points ago +1 / -6

patriot front are not feds, but the guy who runs that twitter is a degenerate cross dressing diaper wearing antifa furry faggot who larps around in dog masks




of course all the larpers and grifting faggots will accuse anyone actually standing up to do anything of being feds

russia_hoax 1 point ago +1 / -0

javier gerardo mileikowsky, son of norberto horacio mileikoswky, cousin of benzion mileikowsky aka benjamin netanyahu