self 5 points ago +6 / -1

I agree. Far more related info on two shooters...

Audio analysis:

RARE VIDEO - SECOND SHOOTER PROOF ! : second shooter on video?!
related: "Hydraulic line bullet strike on speaker lift by second gunman" at 15s :

Phd scientist AUDIO PROOF - SECOND SHOOTER PROOF ! : second shooter definite!

Trump CONFIRMED only one bullet fired by the government's anti-sniper team. ONE; (the lone final different rifle sound on all audio recordings). Since TWO other rifle sounds are clearly heard with clearly different echo reports in all recordings, TWO men fired two rifles from different locations towards President Trump. Trumps confirmation that only one bullet fired to kill the rooftop assassin is in his scintillating 90 minute long RNC speech, toward the beginning.

There were TWO ASSASSINS, due to Trump's own confirmation revelation, and acoustic science. It also makes the response time of SS now longer.... over 10 seconds from first shot to ignoring the "stand down" order and taking out the rooftop patsy. 10 more treasonous "STAND DOWN" seconds, only ignored AFTER it looked like Trump might be dead!

BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt:
archive : https://files.catbox.moe/vil63x.webm