deleted -1 points ago +2 / -3
signes -2 points ago +1 / -3

Did I ask about burden of proof in legal cases? Most of the time that's not even a probatio diabolica because Q literally claims things that turn out to be false, so that's just outright false. And bringing up probatio diabolica doesn't help your case at all because you're trying to explain why you believe in Q, remember? Not why he could be right or could be wrong.

You would have to prove that there's any pattern of irregularities before you go forward with the ability to investigate, which is something that Trump's legal team is yet to prove. The Carone hearing was literally a joke.

Don't give a fuck if I'm on the hook or not, you've done a poor job of proving any point. I don't care if your friend is in science or medicine or not or whether he's said HCQ works because that's not been proven in the medical community at all. Answer my question: if HCQ works, why did Trump not take it?

signes -9 points ago +1 / -10

Biggest claim in history that is yet to be proven by any justifiable means. How is it that Trump's court cases have been shot down one by one? What receipts? There's literally no proof, just pure anger, threats, and smoke.

I would actually like to see you and other ardent Q followers attempt to do what you actually say you're going to do. Because that's the day QAnon (the belief) dies.

signes 0 points ago +2 / -2

I really have read a lot of the posts and I'm not convinced. I'm here to hear it from Q believers, who should be able to provide reasons of why they believe this. This is not some sort of personal journey, it's something that can be proven or disproven. So the fact that Q believers cannot provide their reasons for following says more about QAnon than Q could ever say.

I would say that people calling for the U.S. military to be deployed on U.S. soil is fairly radical, just saying. Listening to Q is not thinking for yourself, rather it's following an alternative narrative.

signes -11 points ago +1 / -12

I believe that Trump won't do it. His advisers would definitely stop him from doing that. He's definitely just keeping up this fraud thing and not conceding so he can run in 2024.

The will of the minority (in this case Trump voters) does not matter. They lost the election. "The people" happens to be a smaller group than the people who voted for Biden, so you really can't call the will of this group the "will of the people." And if they do rise up and incite violence in the streets with the goal of capturing Washington (and reinstating Trump or something similar)? You'll find out what the Insurrection Act and military defense on U.S. soil is actually for- not for quelling protests but attempts at an uprising.

signes -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's always valid to ask for proof, there's never a situation when it's not valid, even if that's being asked in bad faith (which you assume). The court cases have netted nothing, proving that the claims of Dominion stealing the vote are meaningless.

Q is making exceptional claims. The burden of proof is wholly on Q and his followers. You can't say no to proof or say just follow the facts (especially when Q is selling facts that aren't really facts at all).

I think it's important to not marry Q with conservatism. You can still be anti-socialist, anti-communist, anti-progressive, etc. and not be a Q follower. Also, HCQ is definitely not a known treatment (Trump did not take it when he was at Walter Reed, I wonder why that is?). Maybe people wear masks because they know that, even though they won't die, they might spread the disease to someone vulnerable who could die?

signes -2 points ago +1 / -3

That's a fair question. Some people just don't believe Q reflexively, but I think it's best to be prepared that you could be wrong, even if that's not likely.

signes -4 points ago +2 / -6

Well yes, it is real, his messages are on the boards and what not. But I mean "real" in the sense of true, as in "prove what QAnon is saying is true."

What purpose does Q serve in waking up patriots? What exactly have they done other than vote for Republicans and Trump? That doesn't seem like any sort of uprising to me at all, and all this effort will probably fizzle anyways when Trump leaves office. How is it that some of it is predictions when they are in fact things Q claims will happen? He's not even saying maybe it will happen or maybe it won't. That seems like a retroactive attempt to make his narrative work.

Trump already said he doesn't know anything about QAnon (which is the media term for Q; whether it's correct or not is irrelevant, it's clear to see what it's meant for). If Q is the correct term and not QAnon, surely Trump would've been able to put 2 and 2 together and explain what Q was. Or he's dumb?

signes -3 points ago +3 / -6

Validate that QAnon is a government insider and that anything he says will come to pass. That's kind of the point of this thread.

signes -1 points ago +1 / -2

Well I will say I do appreciate your candidness in sharing.

I think that if somebody idenitifies with Q that's similar to say, identifying with a religion, so therefore if you believe everything they say you believe they are real and true so you have to prove that (not saying you as in you but a hypothetical person who would be indentifying with Q).

I understand that picking out specific examples kind of seems like cherrypicking but at the same time, if those examples have been proven incorrect then that really does muddy the water on what exactly is supposed to be believed and what isn't. And if, for example, Q is suddenly proven to not be a government insider (which is up in the air because I don't think he's ever attempted to prove it) then that's pretty big and everything he said would fall apart.

I can see how you're kind of split on it after Q's claims about the election didn't come to pass and that you're kind of tracking it at the same time to see if anything happens. I would like to just say that if something Q does say truly happens, maybe think about it. If Q says, for example, that John McCain was going to die, maybe that was going to happen anyways (seeing as he had cancer before Q predicted this)? And that's an old example but the point is still there. Maybe you already know that though. You seem rational compared to others I've talked to who just... aren't really, maybe they're not all there.

I'm not saying Q is absolutely fake, I can't prove absolutely that he isn't a government insider. On the other hand, it's on Q to prove that to me before I believe him (he has the burden of proof after all). Right now I'm saying that there's a 99 percent chance this is fake. But keep searching for yourself. I don't mean to put myself in an authoritative position or be the one giving you advice but it seems like you're on a good path right now.

signes -4 points ago +2 / -6

Ah I see, well he is a senator so maybe he would be in the news lmao

signes -5 points ago +2 / -7

Maybe I'll watch that and get back but can you specifically point anything out personally? If you're sending it I assume you've seen it so can you go ahead and argue yourself why it is that QAnon is real?

signes -3 points ago +3 / -6

That's not a key part at all. Do you really expect anyone to say anything different? Nobody would say it's a bad thing that a Satanic pedophile cult is being fought, the problem is that it's not real.

signes -5 points ago +3 / -8

McCain was old and had cancer, and had already fallen a few times that year. If Q gets points for saying a dying old man will die, then I should get points for saying that someone who is terminally ill will also die.

Flynn being pardoned could've been easily foreseen. Trump pardons people in his inner circle to reward them and stoke his base. Conservative media was already calling for a pardon and Trump basically does whatever they suggest.

The number of senate seats for Republicans could've been ascertained by simply viewing poll numbers. (Sidenote: if there's so much election fraud, how is it that Republicans retained the Senate in 2018?)

Can you elaborate on the "no name" claim? Who is no name?

deleted -8 points ago +3 / -11
deleted -11 points ago +2 / -13
signes 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yes but they already have asked Trump about QAnon and all he had to say was "I don't know a lot but they seem to like me very much." That answers seemingly nothing about the question and doesn't prove QAnon is real at all.

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