sillysausage 2 points ago +3 / -1

does anyone else remember when they lost literal tons of weapons and ammo in Iraq, back in October 2008? if we didn't recover those, I don't think we're gonna have much luck here

sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

Lol 3 months later, no correction or retraction. On something obviously, probably wrong. Come on this is why people don't trust Q, is shit like this being uncritically passed around. Every time you get something right, all people have to do is pass around times like this and drown your correctness out with your own incorrect words. Making sure you aren't saying stuff so easily proven wrong should honestly be considered part of opsec.

sillysausage 5 points ago +7 / -2

no time stamp or mention of what channel/news service? seems legit

also, Biden being incompetent is not nearly the redpill y'all think it is - every under-Boomer Biden voter I know thinks he's incompetent, but less so than Trump (these same people are also uniformly more concerned by domestic affairs, especially since 2020, than our impacts on the world and how those will end up impacting us)

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