simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for cluing me in on this one. I was away from my post, so to speak, over the long holiday weekend here in the States.

A few things to consider:

-Saying someone is a conman, and putting them under a gag order so they can't tell their side of the story is a common Deep State tactic. And that is what has happened to Dennis.

-We can see for ourselves that Dennis had contracts with the DOD and basically all elements of the Intelligence Community. We can see that they hired Dennis over and over. We can see that they hired him even after they smeared him in the NYT. Why would they do that, if their claims were true?

-We can see that he has multiple non-prosecution agreements from the Feds, in return for delivery of digital evidence. Let's be real: you don't get non-prosecution agreements in exchange for bullshit data. You get them because the Feds know DAMN WELL that what you've got is authentic and damaging. And they want to clean up the crime scene.

-I won't comment upon Arpaio in writing. But there is more to that story.

-The PCAP data will authenticate itself. You will have to believe no one, and trust nobody. The digital signatures in the payload authenticate the data.

-LEGIONS of politicians, judges, executives, and so on have a reason to smear Dennis. The HAMMER was used -- in addition to flipping 2020 -- to locate blackmail material on said legions of individuals. And Dennis has that information.

-Because of the preceding point, there are many parties that want 2020 to be resolved, but do not want the pathway of resolution to proceed through a discussion of the HAMMER and SCORECARD systems. Because such a discussion would risk bringing to light not only its use to flip elections, but also HAMMER's use to collect blackmail material -- and those very powerful people do not want to risk having their personal secrets/scandals coming to light. They'd support fixing 2020 in any other way, but not in a way that brings the HAMMER to light.

On a side note, I've found Mary to be believable, consistent, and friendly (while being guarded against the very real possibility -- from her vantage -- that I may be a covert hostile actor). To the extent I am a judge of character you can count on, you can take that into consideration.


simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

Will be interesting to see who Trump's running mate is.

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

–TrumpLovinChildOfGod 2 points 5 hours ago +2 / -0 I used yours and added the following hashtags:


Let's use these... ALL: please like this to pump it to the top, so we can have visbility on hashtags.

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0


Let me look at the previous thread.... someone made a few. We should use those.

simon_says 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thank YOU!

Everyone needs to become unshakeable here. Let truth loose and it will conquer all.

simon_says 5 points ago +5 / -0

Look here: https://greatawakening.win/p/16c2WEdnLl/this-is-what-youve-collectively-/c/

You guys did this.

(It's as small as I could shrink my screen. There are a TON more.)


simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0

(I was going to call and say to check GAW... But you beat me to it.)

simon_says 8 points ago +8 / -0

Did anyone else hear Bannon state that Maui's electric utility turned off power six hours BEFORE the fire started? He said that yesterday, and mused that "something's not right with this." (Or something to that effect.)

Anyone have further news or explanation about that?

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0


I'm thinking of chasing down other generals. Perhaps other here can help?

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank for following me -- saw that.

I think retruthing is echoed back to Jim. So that would help.

Be tireless.

We can get this done!

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably infrequently... So let's have thousands of messages backlogged by the time he logs in again in a couple weeks.

Patience and fortitude bring every manner of fortune we want.

simon_says 7 points ago +7 / -0

Friends, may I remind you that General McInerney has THREE stars on each shoulder. And he'll die with those on his shoulders. The man is a treasure.

And Mary Fanning is a treasure, as well. She fights tirelessly to bring the truth to all of us and to mobilize us. She will also die a hero.

Let's get this done!

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's about my timing on all of this.

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