Wouldn’t we all be better off of there was never a speaker elected and the just went home for two years??
The last thing this country needs is more laws
I’m willing to give up any sham “investigations” they have for them to just go home and pass absolutely nothing
They really only need to be in session a couple weeks a year. Pass the budget, deal with one or two things that. Might have come up, then go the freak home. If something big comes up, fly back and deal with it.
It was never intended to be a full time job
Spending Thanksgiving with the family and unfortunately, it’s become clear that the post election salvo against Trump was successful.
These are 2016 and 2020 Trump voters who are questioning his ability to win. I was surprised at how easily it was to sow seeds of doubt among fairly solid Trump supporters.
The good news is that it’s not hard to answer the concerns and explain why the establishment doesn’t like him. As always, when in doubt, follow the $$. ESPECIALLY when it comes to politics.
We also have lots of time, but be aware that we’ve got to use that time to make the case.
And they should be treated as such by everyone.
Everyone always says that Republicans need to fix the issues with the 2020 election. The only way that happens (outside of a massive behind the scenes storm finally arriving) is by taking over states. To change election law and insure free and fair elections you pretty much have to hold the Governor, State Legislature, AND State Supreme Court.
Without control of all three, change in the way a state conducts elections won’t change.
Florida is easily THE model of how states should run an election.

The Democrats/Leftists absolutely love killing babies. The comments are both infuriating and heartbreaking. It’s amazing to me that people have such callous attitudes towards innocent lives.
Every business around here has Help Wanted signs up and they’re going to find people to walk around in the hot Florida sun being verbally abused by people while trying to get their medical info???
It would take a LARGE sum of $$ to get me to do that job
Have we ever had one?
For months you could tell things were happening but any conclusion seemed a long way off. It doesn’t feel that way any more. I think we’re within a few weeks of the show getting interesting and obvious.