NH Voters, don't fall for the ruse that Matt Mowers is MAGA, he's not, he's backed by McConnell and Chris Christi RINOS!

Please vote for Karoline Leavitt, who is the real MAGA candidate and has been on Tucker and Warroom expressing her MAGA views! Get out and knock on doors this weekend. Also, support Don Bolduc as well! Find out the other MAGA candidates and show them your support. The primary is next week, be sure to vote!


The FDA and CDC have been in the possession of dozens of peer reviewed studies showing the efficacy of Ivermectin as both a cure and prophylaxis. They've had these for months, much longer than what it took this agency to approve the vaccines for EUA use. The FDA is not allowed to issue an EUA for vaccines if there is a reliable treatment for a disease. The vaccines would immediately be ineligible for use if only congress would demand action from the FDA in assessing these treatments in a timely manner.

In addition, VAERS is reporting over 9,000 deaths linked to the vaccines. This is WELL in excess of what was allowed in the past from the FDA before they would pull a vaccine from public use. Why hasn't congress demanded the FDA answer for this discrepancy?

There are legitimate reasons to believe that the FDA is operating as a rogue agency at this time and is engaged in criminal activity. The Senators in Congress aren't making an effort to act as oversight and demand answers. WHY?


I expressed some concerns the other day on the pace of the audit with regard to the pallets counted vs those waiting in the pen.

On camera 3 you can see a segregated pen with a little over 9 pallets left out of 14 that were originally placed there. On the other side of that pen you see around 24 or so pallets all lined up in a long column.

After 6 days of counting they have gone through a little under 5 pallets of ballots with a little over 9 to go in that first pen. It was reported by Fincum of AZ on the Warroom that they have a hard date of the 14th to be out of that facility, which leaves 13 days left to count.

A couple of posters opined that they may have actually ID'd the ballots they want to audit. I'm coming around to that idea for 2 reasons.

1). They can't audit the remaining ballots in the time remaining even if they double their productivity. That's just simple math.

2). When I watch them come to get ballots, there is a guy with a clipboard and there appears to be a specific method as to which pallets they are picking the boxes from. This would lend some credence to the idea that those 14 pallets that are set aside in a separate pen from the other 24, were put there for a reason, not just some random selection.

So at the current pace, they will be done with those 14 pallets right around the day they are scheduled to leave. Perhaps the narrative that they are going to count all 2.1 million is incorrect or a head fake. Maybe they've decided that they can show 200K or so fake ballots by having previously identified the exact cartons holding them and that is what they are auditing? Either way, something is definitely different about what is being done vs what I thought would be going on.

One last thought. You can see that they are treating the counted ballots differently. They are not all going to the same pen. Some are being stored adjacent to the pen where the ballots are being checked out. Others are being held across the room in the other holding pen. It's likely one side or the other is holding the segregated fake ballots.


I watched the Warroom yesterday with Fincum from AZ on it. He said that there is a hard end date the team needs to be vacated from the Center they are doing the count in. He said end of business on the 13th because they have to be out by the 14th. I missed the month, I'm thinking May but let's assume June because I did hear they had 40 days to finish at one point. Also he said they were going to go to a 20 hour work day from whatever they are doing right now, which looks to be 12 hours as I follow it through out the day. Now, we are in day 5 of the counting and I can tell that the teams are getting faster at their job, they obviously have worked out many of the issues you would expect at start up. That being said, you can see from camera 3 that they are just finishing up the 2nd pallet, which is confirmed by looking at the boxes already counted in camera 2. At this pace they will need about 90 more days of counting to finish the pallets we can see lined up in camera 3. Clearly I'm not the only person seeing this issue here because they have already announced the increased work day. They are going to have to go to 24/7 soon, which means double the workforce, if they have any hope of completing within the timeline specified. I'm wondering if this is some sort of head fake to keep eyes on this facility while other stuff is going on? Everyone is acting like this is for real, and it should be for real, but they aren't getting the job done as it's currently set up. Any ideas along these lines?


Last week, practically every college in the US, at least the major ones, made the decision that every college student wanting to live and study on campus will need to be vaccinated. If this vaccine is as dangerous as being reported, we are going to lose 4 years worth of college grads to whatever happens to vaccine recipients. I am hoping that a cure is announced or some other intervention happens between now and late summer.



I hate to be "that guy", but I wouldn't mind taking some money off of libtards who are smug in their stealing of the election. It's not legal to make election bets in the US last I checked. I'm not a big gambler, in fact I haven't gambled in years. But I see an opportunity here because almost no one is thinking that Trump will be coming back into office except us nutjobs here on GAW. So the question becomes whether there is an opportunity present to leverage what we believe will happen into a monetary gain? Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to take some off the hands of the libtards. People can donate their winnings to charities if they feel that betting is unbecoming or against their religious beliefs. I've looked around a bit this AM but couldn't find any offshore exchanges that had a current bet going, everything I found is for 2024 presidential or 2022 senate races. So if anyone has some ideas, let us know. This will be the biggest event in US history to date when it happens. Would love to see us anons use it to our advantage.


I attended a webinar last night with the main players from Windham and other state Senators, along with James Okeefe from Project Veritas. State Senator Bob Guida has gotten a bill passed that goes to the full Senate for consideration. HB 43 (As Amended) directs the Attorney General to investigate the accu vote machines involved in the irregularities discovered during the hand recount after the Nov election. The Governor, AG's, Election officials and SOS have all resisted this effort for one stated reason or the other. The truth of the matter is that it is likely that our state election was stolen. One of the irregularities is that our Federal election for Senator, Shaheen, received 106% of the democratic vote, something unheard of in previous elections. So below I've posted the emails of the officials that need to be pressured to do the right thing. It's a blurb from an article from the GraniteGrok that has that information. Please email them as appropriate. Thanks!

...."then respectfully contact ALL the following people via email and request they work with the town of Windham to re-run the Windham election day ballots through the same Windham voting machines; count the total number of ballots in their possession; AND investigate/analyze those machines. Tell them that all of these investigative steps MUST be open and transparent – IN PUBLIC WITH MEANINGFUL PUBLIC OVERSIGHT. It should be recorded on video and posted online. There should be no questions about the “investigation process” – and the public should be welcomed and encouraged to watch in person – up close and personal.

Governor Chris Sununu: governorsununu@nh.gov

Acting AG Jane Young: jane.young@doj.nh.gov

Associate AG Anne Edwards: anne.m.edwards@doj.nh.gov

Assistant AG Andrew Chong Yen: Nicholas.A.ChongYen@doj.nh.gov

NH Secretary Of State Bill Gardner: William.Gardner@sos.nh.gov

For the officials below, please reference HB 43 (as amended) and request their support for this bill!

Speaker of the House Sherman Packard: sherman.packard@leg.state.nh.us

Ask the Speaker to share your concerns with every State Representative

House Deputy Chief of State: debra.childs@leg.state.nh.us

Ask the Deputy Chief of Staff to ensure your email is passed onto the Speaker with a request to share your concerns with every State Representative

Senate President Chuck Morse: Chuck.Morse@leg.state.nh.us

Ask the the Senate President to share your concerns with every State Senator"