sleepydude 6 points ago +6 / -0

He's describing the "fizz."

The part of the soda that keeps it from being stale and "flat."

It's that twinkle in the eyes of a child when he sees a toy he wants. Such things are obsessions, and the substance of idols in their own right. "I want it, I want it, I want it!"

Temperance is required to keep your hand from lifting towards that which, in excess, will be your undoing.

or you walking out of the bathroom, naked, without seeing me.

sleepydude 1 point ago +3 / -2


Spot all the symbols.

Notice the red gnome house.

Cherries on the two bimbo's outfits?

At the end he's in a room full of trophies?

What have we learned here?

sleepydude 16 points ago +16 / -0

What does Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Kanye West have in common?

Find the link, and you'll realize just how much danger Kanye has been in this whole time.

He probably tried to defect around the time of the "Fishdicks" episode of South Park.

Since then, his handlers with the Kardashians have been keeping him in the limelight. You can't escape if all eyes are on you. He was a bird in a cage this whole time. Only now does it seem like he's making another break for it by being as absolutely volatile as possible.

I'm still not sure who he is working for, and I doubt he is as well at this point. MK Ultra and the Cabal brainwashing is funny like that.

The only way out is through God. There's only one Anchor which connects us to the ground. His Gospel Music stint is probably the best indication of which master he is desperately trying to serve right now.

sleepydude 25 points ago +26 / -1

There are many who realize this and try to get back that which they gave up.

Some even attempt to steal it back from the Club.

If they get caught, they're asked to do something to prove their allegiances again. Things like turning trans, like the Wachowskis. Others get off easy and simply are blacklisted.

No matter what, if you try to speak out and say what's really going on, they will not hesitate to kill you. Once they have your Spark, you're only worth what they decide you're worth, because you have nothing left to bargain with.

sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, and more.

I believe it's entirely possible the Placebo Effect and the Remote Viewing aspects of Project Looking Glass are the same phenomena.

If you will something enough, it will happen. Faith in your belief is that powerful.

But like all Placebo Effects, the potency dwindles over time. It's the flow of the river righting itself after a disturbance. Eventually, the stream will return to its destined path regardless of your faith.

You may move a mountain by willing it...

20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as much as is a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto you. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2017%3A20&version=GNV

...but eventually that mountain will want to go back home.

That's why Remote Viewing is so unreliable. You aren't seeing places far off, but rather believing that you have seen places far off. There is a distinction. The belief forms certainty, and Manifest Destiny is achieved. However, the more you Remote View the same thing, the less reliable the accuracy, just like the Placebo Effect.

Your faith in the procedure, be it Remote Viewing or popping a sugar pill will follow in keeping with the theory of diminishing returns.

There's an impatience factor underlying the dynamic. The more you check on whether or not your food is done in the oven, the more time it has every check to cool off as you let heat out of the oven to check.

Further, your resolve crumbles the more you peer in on others because you weren't satisfied with the results. This may seem paradoxical, but it is a clear indication in wavering faith.

It's a hard concept to grasp, but that's my understanding after reading tons of documents like in the OP. Alchemists and Philosophers of yore understood this.

In modern times, the same dedication is talked about among workout coaches. If you believe you can, then you will, no matter how insane and unlikely the goal may be. The Human Spirit is granted an Authority by God to make the impossible possible. A radical, true random which comes outside of the Universe in a way only afforded to God and beings Like God.

It's the Mantle of a Creator, which was bestowed upon Adam before he cast it off.

Jesus returned it to us, but it's potency is split among the many Movers in the world. Only by coming together again in Communion will we have the potency once wielded by Adam in the Garden to name the Creatures of the World.

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2018%3A20&version=GNV

sleepydude 0 points ago +2 / -2

I wouldn't expect marshal law.

Instead, I figure if the Military were to step in they would cut off the internet on election night and the days after.

That way, they'd have no clue how many fake votes they need to win any election.

Republicans would yell election fuckery and demand why the election results need the internet to begin with, since the machines aren't supposed to be connected to the internet anyways.

Legal fuckery ensues, and we're looking at about Summer 2023 before we even know who won a local election.

sleepydude 2 points ago +3 / -1

The Tower = Astaroth

The Eye/Star = Lucifer

The Bull = Beelzebub/Baal

This is a worship ceremony of the Unholy Trinity coming together.

sleepydude 11 points ago +11 / -0

Don't misgender here.

That's clearly a woman.

A very, very mentally unstable woman...

Who has to put an exclamation mark on her name tag because while it's pretty clear she has no dick between her legs, she does have a football team's supply of testosterone noodling her brains.

sleepydude 10 points ago +10 / -0

You see, that's the funny part.

He was hired to teach philosophy at UCLA.

A portion of this was submitted as his thesis paper and earned him a doctorate. He had since built upon that framework to create this document.

He was fired from UCLA and arrested after trying to purchase a handgun and threatening in this manifesto to shoot up the school because his white, woman coworker wouldn't sleep with him... because he was black.

This is the writing of who is teaching students in the most mainstream liberal universities and colleges.

sleepydude 4 points ago +4 / -0

Read what's on the ball and chain.

Being offered money to pay off debt from the people offering you money is the same as loosening the shackles for good behavior.

At the end of the day, they went to med school to be a slave and follow directions from faceless interest groups. Even if they pay it off, they're still mind-slaves to the Rockefeller medical complex.

So you're right, they sold themselves a long time ago.

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

It all goes straight into the school debt ball and chain anyways.

sleepydude 6 points ago +6 / -0

In terms of Comms, I'm at a loss for specifics.

It could be that a whistleblower/leaker type messenger isn't following their orders.

Sounds like the "bird watchers" are being sent out to go hunt for them.

Personally, it sounds like a Celebrity has flown the nest and they are desperately trying to wrangle them back in.

Taking a look at the "fly west" has me thinking someone may have approached Kanye West with information in exchange for protection.


sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course they gotta make it about muh Climate Change:

“Climate change is happening. Patterns are changing. We don't know how this bird got here,” he said. “I will say this is — up until this point — a unique event. And that is why I think it caused so much interest and excitement for birders here.”

sleepydude 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember that rap concert a year back where people just started dropping like flies?

It had a massive prop head of the rapper on stage.

What was his name?

sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Modi and the farmers have a bad relationship in India.

If I had to guess, they're the worst off as far as WEF food shortages go. They could convince the farmers to strike, and unlike the Dutch, Modi will be forced to give into their demands. It's a whole role-reversal deal.

sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

to discover the secret counsels of men

to see and know things done many miles off

Sounds like Project Looking Glass, aye?

What tech do you think is the bare minimum to manage these results?

What's the deal with Nostradamus?

In the old days, people would watch the stars and weather to determine when rain will come. In the old days, people would blame earthquakes and natural disasters on the sins of the civilizations they affected.

Others would annually toss a virgin in a volcano to stop it from erupting...

Are we to take these ceremonies and soothsaying so literally?

What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?

There's a superstition that someone in your house will die if a black bird enters your home and croaks. There's a superstition that walking under a ladder will bring bad luck.

What if these superstitions aren't the cause, but indicators of things yet to come? Samples of the Universe giving clues as to what comes next. All logically derived.

We've grown spoiled and complacent due to our technology.

Let's say you have a monitoring program that spots keywords used on the internet. Suddenly there's a massive increase in the word "bean".

Two weeks later a tornado rips through a city.

A month passes. Then again, people suddenly are all about the beans. Two weeks, another tornado.

Years pass, and the trend keeps.

For some reason people always get obsessed over beans before tornadoes occur. There's no logic or connection to find between the two, but somehow, someway, when humans think about beans a tornado is soon to tear shit up.

Are we then to blame beans for tornadoes; that when humans talk about beans they somehow summon a tornado? Or are humans talking about beans as a warning that a tornado will soon arrive? It's a chicken and the egg scenario, just like all superstitions.

Did you get bad luck because you opened the umbrella inside, or did you open an umbrella inside to warn yourself of impending bad luck?

Is it truly a self-fulfilling prophecy or a premonition?

How could we possibly tell the difference?

I'm not saying I know for sure beans and tornadoes coincide, I just dreamt up that for sake of the perceived absurdity in the loose connection.

But there are things like that... Beyond explanation...

There are clues and random occurrences that coincide with things they by all reason shouldn't be tethered to. A quantum entanglement between not particles but concepts.

Trends in human activity are indicators of big events. Things we tend to believe are beyond our control.

There is a group which believes wholeheartedly that in order to change the future, and alter the prophecy, all you have to do is force trends upon civilization and our combined energies towards that end are the causal factor for change.

If you look at it objectively, it's not any different than prayer.

We pray to God that the natural course of events be diverted by his hand. Our attention and dedication towards some future is thought to manifest that future into reality, if God wills it.

The Cabal seek to force us to adopt trends, thereby forcing God's hand. Brainwash us and use our psychic energies to push their agendas. They want tornadoes to happen? Then they look at what event precedes a tornado -- in this case beans. Then they push beans like crazy, and try to inject the "current thing."

Beans, beans beans.

Do they then get their tornado?

Is it all just a self-fulfilling prophecy?

What if the data shows it's more than just mere chance.

What if the data shows, like Project Looking Glass, that the outcome does skew towards the unbelievable result? That people projecting their will can discern happenings of far off places, and in secret meetings? Even if it's just a meagre 3%?

How far does Project Looking Glass go? As far as throwing virgins into a volcano?

Why is social control so important to them?

Short answer? It's more than just Propaganda...

sleepydude 8 points ago +8 / -0

Consider this comment the veil slipping.

Things are much worse than any one individual can comprehend.

Even the Cabal doesn't know what to do about it.

Imagine the world is tangled up in Christmas lights on account of thousands of years of Human history taking shortcuts...

Some want to take the time to untangle the mess.

Others say it's time to break out the scissors and soldering iron.

Others, still, are ready to throw it all into the garbage bin and start over.

We aren't gonna simply shake ourselves out of this mess, as we're liable to just make it that much more jumbled.

We, Humanity, have a debt to pay to God. It's unfortunate that this time the only way to pay for the ransom is to clean up the mess we made. All is not lost, God has not abandoned us, but he's done bailing us out.

It's time to get to real Work. The first step is taking off the ball and chain and throwing the ones with scissors, soldering irons, and trash bins to the curb.

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

When approaching capitalized words, it's important to realize the author isn't talking about a general thing.

For example, there is fire. Then there is Fire.

The former is a thing. The latter is a Person. An ideal. A concept. A Truth of this World crafted by God.

Tales exist of Fire, and children are birthed of it. A Fire in your heart is a passion which consumes your being to produce heat and a brilliance that others cling to. Leaders must have this passion of Fire within their heart, otherwise none will seek out its warmth.

Poetry is the humble use of words to express understanding of these Persons.

sleepydude 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's not 4:00 am yet.

Plenty of time for fuckery to be afoot.

sleepydude 5 points ago +5 / -0

I could decode the twitter bird, I guess.

Anything with Wings = Messengers.

That's why Angels had wings. Angels translates to "Messenger of El / of God"

So it is with anything that bears wings in modern culture as well.


Notice the number of fashion/beauty companies with birds in their logos.

I don't think it's just because they like birds. Fashion companies have fashion events worldwide every year. What better way to slip secret messages and hide Comms in fashion apparel?

I doubt they are dressing up in trashbags for shits and giggles. They're sending a message. "This is how we want the world to look this year." Like a steaming pile of trash? Well, that's accurate to Biden's Agenda, alright.

They also are the preeminent users of third-world slave labor to make and ship their over-priced tat. There needs to be communication to get that done under the table.

The first Zoolander should be setting off alarm bells...


sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's been a while since I've done a Thinking in Symbols.

I guess I'll dust off the thread and get back to it. Got any suggestions from over there? Any head scratchers they still can't nail down?

sleepydude 4 points ago +4 / -0

I used Telegram on my old computer, but didn't like the format.

To answer you directly, no, I'm not in communications there... but I have a reason.

I had planned to join his telegram and spout my nonsense there, but I think me being separate is for the best. My decodes come from a much different starting point than him. I don't want to sour his methods, and I don't want his methods to sour mine.

Why do this? Because if we both use different jumping points but come to the same conclusion, then it's far more likely we've hit paydirt on the actual meaning of the Comms.

I'm gonna stick to here for right now as my primary source of Comms discernment. It's better this way, I think.

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