Yea, his response was very ... diplomatic. He's not interested in being the hero.
Nicotine helps fight off the spike proteins.
McCullough never took the jab. He was referring to all the vaccines prior to these gene therapies.
Have them watch the Dark Horse Podcast with Bret Weinstein and Pierre Kory. This was the one that got banned off Youtube and led to the Joe Rogan podcast. This has all the fundamental information without the technical jargon. It can be found here:
You can listen to the Joe Rogan podcast with Bret Weinstein and Pierre Kory here:
You can also show them Pierre Kory's original Senate testimony about Ivermectin, which can be found here:
For information on Ivermectin, you can go to or and just click the "Ivermectin" tab. The FLCCC is the main organization founded by Paul Marek, Pierre Kory, and some others, and they were the first doctors advocating for the use of Ivermectin for Covid-19. This is the website where treatment protocol information can be found on how to dose, what supplemental treatments to take, duration, etc..
Another great video is this one by Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity discussing Ivermectin toxicity. This video pretty much convinced me that there's essentially zero risk of overdosing, and that Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol.
Sounds like they are aware of it, but not convinced of it. This is probably due to lack of information. If they are better educated on early treatment and how to combat the illness, they would be less fearful. This podcast episode helped me understand how to approach this properly: Some more information has come out since then and this was based on the delta variant, but it's a really solid base from a top doctor.
Here is a detailed step-by-step guideline if you scroll down the page. I heard about this on a podcast with Dr. Henry Ealy and he claims to have seen success with this method. You declare your religious exemption and back it up with law.
Another resource is . Liberty Counsel is run by Mat Staver and this was recommended by Dr. Peter McCullough on his podcast.
I do not have any personal experience, but hopefully these can help.
Ok. Well, the event is coordinated to be on the same date as a worldwide "stop the mandate" event, so perhaps someone you do trust will start to promote it in the upcoming weeks and then you can make a decision.
Both Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough have been promoting it. Dr. Malone said they spent $600k+ on top notch private security to prevent a 1/6 scenario.
You might want to up the dosage. Take a look here on page 2:
The FLCCC updated its protocol and recommends 0.4-0.6mg/kg per dose for infection. The "50lbs per notch" on the horse paste is equivalent to 0.2mg/kg per dose, which is the recommended dosage for prevention only.
What the hell are you talking about? Did you even read the paper? After 6 weeks is when they say the protective effects of the vaccine begin. Stupid shill.
I've heard that medical exemptions are extremely difficult to get and Dr. Henry Ealy strongly advises getting a religious exemption. Take a listen to this podcast episode, where he outlines a step-by-step plan you can take that he says has been very successful. The entire episode is pretty much about tjhis issue, but if you don't have the time, skip to about 15:30 and listen to that Q&A, then skip over to 45:50 - the end, which goes into detail about the process and has a couple of questions from the audience that are in the same situation as you. The 15 question list he talks about can be found here:
Not sure yet. We'll have to wait and see. The common folk share the same circumstances and information, while Trump is privy to special knowledge, so you can't equate the two. We won't know until it all plays out.
As an aside, the gist of the OP's argument is that we shouldn't blame people, essentially saying we should lower the bar. I take the opposite stance in that the standard for doing right and good should be set high. First, by removing blame, it cheapens the sacrifices made by those who held the line. Second, the recognition of moral actions should be earned and not handed out so cheaply. We no longer take personal responsibility nor do we hold each other accountable. It's so much easier to keep up social pleasantries. This is partly to blame for why we are here now, and going back to it for the sake of expediency, creating "harmony," etc., will only lead to your great grandchildren fighting the same demons again.
I don't agree with that at all. Coerced, sure. The people who genuinely believed they were doing the right thing is likely very few. I suspect most let themselves believe they were doing the right thing despite knowing deep inside things were not right. If these people are supposedly guided by moral principles, they would plainly see there is injustice for those who elect not to take it. This is simply a cop out. They were either afraid, coerced, or simply abandoned all personal responsibility and rationalized their decision with a number of flowery excuses conveniently provided by the mainstream and others who compromised on their principles.
Still not taking it.
Riccardo Bosi claims that the "official" numbers in Australia are fake, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same here.
Durvet doesn't list the inactive ingredients, but another brand called agri-mectin does. The inactive ingredients are:
Corn Oil, Polysorbate 80, Apple Flavor, Aerosil
I looked into it a while back and I read somewhere that the ingredients are pretty much standard industry wide, but I have no evidence for this. I think the "white paste" version uses different ingredients like titanium dioxide and propylene glycol. Probably not the healthiest stuff in the world, but people seem to do fine on it, at least in the short term. If someone has knowledge about these ingredients, perhaps they can chime in.
He's been advocating for this for a few months now on his podcast, which can be found here: He originally reported this information when ivermectin was making the rounds on the news cycle as a horse de-wormer, so it was pretty much drowned out even on these boards.
Will be shunning everyone. Tough love is better, builds character. This thing was never a "momentary" weakness; it only revealed peoples' natural dispositions. Once a decision is made, they will sink their heels in and rather watch the world burn than admit a personal mistake. Only when the truth becomes undeniable and public opinion changes will they swing back this way. Won't be rubbing it in, but no free passes when that happens, no "oopsies, let's be friends again." You do what you want, but to me, being "gracious" to someone who hasn't earned it only makes everyone feel better without fixing the problem. You went through all this crap and you've become a better person for it, if you love them, why deny them the same experience? These are weak and vain people that have already demonstrated that they will never learn in the abstract; it must personally affect them.
They haven't mentioned it yet. This announcement came out today, so I'm guessing they'll make a determination after gauging public interest. The email they sent said this: "AFLDS is opening its first medical clinic in the coming months, with many more planned shortly after. We would like to hear from you! [...] Please visit the following link and let us know - your feedback will help us make decisions for future clinic locations!"
Is this for prevention or illness? If prevention, you can follow the "1 notch per 50 pounds" advice on here. However, if you are treating covid, you need to increase the dosing based on the new FLCCC I-MASK+ protocol.
Australia. You can hear it from Dr. Peter McCullough here, starting around 12:25
Hi, this announcement was made today and it came with an email that stated "your feedback will help us make decisions for future clinic locations!" If you're in the field, might be worth your time. I think there is already a great demand for this service all over the country.
Well, at this point, I think everyone knows the raw deal. Any talk of fair debate is just posturing. Rogan wants no part of a revolution and prefers his lukewarm stance and putting on airs of objectivity. Either he just doesn't get it, or he fully gets it and is just not prepared to put it all on the line. Needless to say, this isn't easy. I thank him for getting the message out, but he's not the fighter we were hoping for.