Dear Deep State,

We’re not fighting for democracy. We’re fighting for our inalienable rights, and our democratic republic (here in the US of A). So keep it up with the “endangering democracy” narrative, because it’s highly motivational!


🇷🇺📻⚠️ — Per Observer, Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet Sevastopol sends priority flash codeword message via Morse Code.

3531 Kilohertz CW, 16 March 2022, at 0235 UTC


(Per Observer, these are command and control messages to the fleet)

Has anybody ever done a deep dive on photos of Trump doing the thumbs up sign? Wondering if there’s a pattern there…


Russia-Ukraine war could bring 'biblical event' as global wheat supply disrupted.

“Remember, bread riots are what started the Arab Spring, bread riots are what started the French Revolution,” said Sal Gilbertie, CEO of Teucrium, the largest U.S. exchange-traded fund issuer focused solely on agriculture funds. “It is a biblical event when you run low on wheat stocks. You won't see a global food shortage. Unfortunately, what you're going to see globally is that billions of people might not be able to afford to buy the food."




Yes, our power lies in understanding bonds and contracts.

No, I don’t have anything else to say about it.

Good luck, anons.


If you’re self sufficient, you can dictate terms.

Canadians? Not self sufficient.

Australians? Nope.

Europeans? Hahahaha.

Americans? Not a chance.

Russia? You betcha.

You want to be able to win this thing? Get self sufficient.


I know y’all want to believe these people care about you, because the other side sure as hell doesn’t. But you need to understand: they don’t. Not one little bit. The only difference between them and the Luciferians is that Patel et al want to protect your way of life (which is good!); but as for you as an individual, they think very little of you. Hence the whole @q troll.

How do I know this? I was one step away from spending my life with these types of guys. I went to graduate school with them, and the lawyers, and the MBAs. I went to the Capitol Hill receptions, spent time learning at their masters’ feet, listened to them at their parties, studied and argued and debated against them.

They see the chessboard the same way the Luciferians do, and on that board, y’all, collectively, are ONE PIECE. Not individuals: ONE PIECE. And yesterday they used you like the TOOL they see you as to needle those they view as their equals: the DS.

Sorry to break it to you.

Think ahead of the game…


If Trump says Putin is playing Biden

And Trump thinks he’s as smart or smarter than Putin

And Trump hasn’t conceded the election

Then what Trump is really saying is that he’s __________ Biden.

(This should be fun)


I am NOT advocating for violence, just wondering what y’all think about the efficacy of peacefully protesting now that you’ve watched J6 and Ottawa go down…

Do you ever think about the morning that Washington woke up and realized, “Dang, I don’t think Clown George is going to just give us our freedoms.”?

I do. Must have been a terrible day. Hope we never have to come to that realization in this generation.

YOU BETTER WATCH THIS… AND THEN PREPARE FOR WHAT’S COMING (www.bitchute.com) 🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
posted ago by sourcesPlease ago by sourcesPlease

This country’s governmental systems are not suited to govern immoral people… just ask the men who formed said government.

So what do we do? Did the Q team address this? What is our role?


And Klaus Macron

And Klaus Gabbard

And Klaus Crenshaw

You get the idea.


Election fraud? They wanted to get caught.

Plandemic? They wanted to get caught.

Their goal in doing these things was NEVER to get away with it, their goal is to destabilize societies.

You all are doing an amazing job at not giving them what they want, which is chaos. But realize, as things unfold, they are NOT trying to “get away with it”, they are trying to rub your face in it, and get you to react, so there will be a veneer of legitimacy to the next stage of their plan.


Because that would just be 😎


What does that tell you?

Remember, this is information warfare.


Is to develop your logical faculties and apply them to the best of your ability in as many circumstances as you can.

“They” think you’re like cattle and sheep… governed by your genetics and your emotions.

To prove them wrong you must resist the urge to react, and learn how to act.

Q told us to think logically. I think there’s much more to that then we’ve generally accepted.

Good luck, anons. Stay frosty…

And yes, I know we can’t be perfectly logical. There’s an answer for that, too, but this isn’t the time or place because it’s a pretty complex topic that’s difficult to address with people who aren’t ready to hear it.


Instead of fact checking, which can be politicized, let’s start evaluating the logic of the information we consume.

Logic checking is simply taking a statement, applying some simple rules, and seeing if the statement evaluates to true or false.

It takes some time to learn the rules, but it’s a far better system than “fact checking”.

I think Q wanted y’all to learn this; the way they communicate naturally lends itself to logic checks: as a former programmer that was very obvious from the moment I started looking at the drops.

What do y’all think: should we try to be more logical as we parse through this tsunami of information being thrown at us? I’m happy to help anyone who’s interested…





Not saying it’s true, just something to think about.


All you beautiful anons on here deserve an immense serving of gratitude.

This might get a bit long, so bear with me.

To establish some legitimacy, if I can find it, I’m going to link to a post I authored the day I sensed that the tide had turned (EDIT: found it. https://greatawakening.win/p/140cgLVKDZ/the-battle-is-over-prepare-for-t/). Read it, and see if what I shared has been shown to be true. It was stickied, so if you hang out here a lot, you might remember it.

Ok, so here’s what I’d like to share today: in the same way I knew that the tide has shifted, I now know that victory is ours. The world is awake. You did it… not metaphorically, but literally! What an amazing accomplishment!

I would like to offer a thought that I haven’t seen expressed elsewhere. We always speak as though The Great Awakening was only for the good guys. I would like to propose that our enemies were just as asleep as we were… that many of them were doing what they were doing not with any form conviction, but s as sleepwalkers. I propose that the rain we can claim that The Great Awakening is now complete is that both us AND our enemies are now awake. Everybody has taken sides, and nobody has an excuse. The whole world is truly awake!

Is it sad that many of our brothers and sisters have chosen poorly? It is. Do we mourn in the knowledge that great harm is occurring both to them as well as to their victims? We do. But we also rejoice in knowing that our enemies have, as awakened beings, chosen to reject humanity, charity, inalienable rights, and human dignity. This will give us the strength to do what is necessary to end this madness.

The conspirators crafted a narrative they were sure would work, and are now scrambling because it has failed. They have learned that narratives, like large ships, take time to turn… but they are now out of time, so the only choice they have is to run the ship up onto the rocks and do as much damage as they can. They have lost. We are victorious. Their success was dependent on people remaining asleep, and they failed in their attempts to drug us into a never ending slumber. But here’s the warning: the effectual battle will continue, and the damage will be great. Friends, acquaintances, loved ones, and even your very life are in grave danger.

Stand strong friends. Gather your courage. And when the time comes, go to battle as an awake agent of light and truth, and fearlessly defeat these awake agents of darkness and misery.

God bless…


I just watched a video that claims that all of our elected leaders are personally bonded.

If this is true, we now have the leverage to end this for good.

Here’s the link to the site:


Dig, U.S. frens, DIG! If this is legit, it is the true MOAB because it makes these leaders personally liable for the damage they’ve done… including financially.

EDIT: Just going to start dumping info. Please feel free to contribute.


Biblical, you say? Indeed. How many laps around Ottawa will the truckers make before the walls come tumbling down?


I am a systems engineer at one of the world’s most recognizable brands. In my “spare time” I’ve created a working prototype of a TRULY free speech platform that is designed to govern the market of ideas using free market principles. Good ideas survive, bad ideas die through creative destruction (NOT censorship or banning).

Thing is, I’m a systems engineer, not a developer. My prototype is good, but not good enough to take to market. I need a tech team to help me bring this to maturity (secure and scalable), a place to host it that can’t be interfered with short of the techpocalypse, and probably most importantly, a business team that loves building businesses as much as I love building technology driven tools.

I do this for free… you will be, too, for now. Happy to enter into agreements regarding profit sharing at the outset so we all get compensated generously should we succeed. Will be done properly, using lawyers. NDEs will be required at first… although one of the first conversations I’d like to have is whether we should open source the project and leverage the talent that’s available in that community. I personally don’t need the money, but if you do, and want to take the risk and responsibility of creating and running a business, I’ll listen.

Looking for C# developers familiar with Unity, and any tech minded, savvy, business people who can run the show from that side, because Heaven knows I don’t have that skill set. I’ll work with the computers… you can deal with the people. 👍🏻

Based on the response I’ll set up a time to demo the platform where interested parties can attend. Cheers!

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