The Sound of Freedom is Hollywood’s programming for what they want you to believe about human trafficking.

If you want to end this abominable practice, here’s the place to start:

Read the six part series on Connie Fielding.

The answer is not fake stories on silver screens (The Sound of Freedom is NOT a true story - it’s VERY LOOSELY based on actual events). The answer is helping people like Connie Fielding, and destroying the government backed institutional destruction of families and trafficking of human beings.

Enjoy the show.


I see a lot of hype about the new Cavaziel Sound of Freedom movie around here.

I just want to make one top level post to make you aware that you ought to look very, very closely at the person that movie is about (Tim Ballard), the investigations into his organization (OUR), politicians he's associated with (people like Sean Reyes, Attorney General in the fraud capital of the United States), religious leaders he claims as spiritual guides (M. Russell Ballard, secret society member, multiple time SEC violator, etc).

Your cultural conditioning has led you to believe you can marginalize and disregard the Mormons. I'm just saying, think about overcoming your conditioning, and treat this topic with the seriousness it deserves.

The LDS Church is led by men who are documented as members of Skull and Bones and other secret societies.

They just got featured in a 60 minutes piece that showed that they are far wealthier than many organizations y'all give tons of attention to.

They just met yesterday with the head of the UN - not a representative of the UN, the PRESIDENT of the UN General Assembly.

It appears they were being briefed by the National Security Advisor, Robert C. O'Brien (himself a Mormon who is also a secret society member) right before the impeachment trial of Donald Trump and the introduction of Covid (see p.15 of the document found

In short, they appear to be major players who fly under the radar because you've been programmed to see them as a minor annoyance. Don't let your cultural conditioning dull your mental blade, and do your due diligence here.

I've started a blog that can be found at that can give you a head start, but there's much, much more than I can cover as one person.

Anyhow, maybe it's nothing. Enjoy the show, if you choose to see it.


In 2020, former Recorder and current Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said this about fraudulent records in his publicly funded information system of record:

"Part Two by Adrian Fontes, Maricopa County Recorder

Given the limited circumstances under which a document can be rejected for recording, there have been situations when ‘bad actors’ submit fraudulent or forged records.

Therefore, the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office recommends that you proactively check records recorded with our office and those at the Assessor’s office:

RECORDER website (scroll down to search by Last/First Name)

ASSESSOR website (search by entering Owner Name or Address)

If you believe that any fraudulent documents have been recorded involving the ownership of your property, please contact your local law enforcement agency or the Arizona Attorney General’s Office.

More information about Financial Institution/Mortgage Fraud is available from the FBI.

The Maricopa County Recorder’s Office will do all it can by cooperating with law enforcement and on any investigation in the pursuit of justice."

John Thaler and his team just presented to the AZ Senate findings that just begin to show the scope of a problem Adrian Fontes admitted exists.

Why don't you all hop on in there and see what you can find?

I've written a letter to the current Recorder, Stephen Richer, which I will post below.

Get to it anons. Be the digital soldiers you were born to be!


Goodnight, y’all, and good luck.

Remember, white squares are not white hats.

Love y’all.




Many have noticed that the tone here the last couple days is different.

I want to send a shout out to the mods for allowing free speech, difference of opinion, and open discourse on this platform to a degree heretofore not enjoyed.

America was great because great men and women came together and had fierce debates about the most important political topics of their day. To make America great again, we’ll have to do the same. Thanks for allowing that to happen right now.



We live in a republic, where our representatives are tasked with doing those things we authorize them to.

We not only have the right to expect results, we have the right to voice our displeasure when results aren’t forthcoming.

Justice delayed is justice denied, and if those we tasked with draining the swamp don’t do it in a timely manner, it is our duty to find others who will.

That’s not dooming, it’s rational, sound thinking.


‘"Justice delayed is justice denied" is a legal maxim. It means that if legal redress or equitable relief to an injured party is available, but is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no remedy at all.’

A maxim is:

“late Middle English (denoting an axiom): from French maxime, from medieval Latin (propositio) maxima ‘largest or most important (proposition)’.”

Don’t talk to me about being a “doomer”. Y’all’s willingness to allow Justice to continue to be denied while waiting for a white knight (Trump, the military) is a big part of the problem.

In this country, the seat of power lies in the individual. But y’all love the roof over your head and the food in your belly more than your liberty and freedom. Slaves to fear and comfort. Servants of a system that despises you.

“We have it all”? Fine. Administer justice.

“We caught them all”? Fine. Administer justice.

No justice? Fine. No support from me. You don’t represent me, and I revoke my consent to allow you to pretend you do.


Election Day saw a full lunar eclipse.

What most people don’t know is that when the moon turned red it was beneath the constellation of the lamb. Symbolically, the moon was bathed in the blood of the lamb.

On the 11th, the asteroid Babylon entered the constellation representing the scales of judgement.



Interestingly, searching about this led me to another discovery. The asteroid “Apophis” is set to buzz the Earth in April 2029. Who is Apophis? I’m glad you asked! Apophis “possesses vast godlike powers, able to warp reality to an extent and control chaos. Some of Apophis' more cataclysmic powers include causing earthquakes and creating storms. He can also channel primordial darkness. Apophis is said to be able to change his own size, shape and anatomy and stretch to long lengths”. The good news? Apophis is “the demon serpent of darkness whom Ra, as sun god, destroys every morning at dawn.” Again, IF there’s any relevance to this, the heavens are telling us we’re in for a ride… buckle up and get right with God. Time is running out.


The Guarantee Clause in our Constitution guarantees you will be provided a Republican form of government.

What is a Republican form of government? It is a government that is formed through free and fair elections.

The word Election means something.

We no longer have elections in this country, at least in some jurisdictions.

Interestingly, courts have consistently ruled that disputes about the Guarantee Clause are a political question, and can’t be settled in the courts.

So if the courts can’t settle it and the people you wrongly believe are your representatives won’t handle it, where does the authority to change it lie?

In the seat of all power in this country: YOU, the citizen.

YOU, PA citizens.

YOU, Maricopa County citizens.

YOU, citizens of NY, and Clark County, and every other place where free and fair elections are a myth.

I know you’ve never lived in a free country but if you want your freedom it’s there for the taking. Why? Because you are GUARANTEED a REPUBLICAN form of government. It’s the law of the land.

Wakey, wakey.


One of the foundational principles of our Republic is justice. And not simply justice, but justice delivered in a timely manner.

Part of the equation in any law enforcement investigation is the question, “when do we stop gathering evidence and apply justice?” One of the key variables in that equation is quantifying how much damage will be done to the victims by continuing to observe the crimes instead of acting on the crimes that have already been committed.

I’m not saying that decision is an easy one to make, but what I am saying is that when you publicly declare things like “we caught them all”, “we have it all”, etc, etc, it’s not unreasonable for the victims being harmed by the criminal’s actions to expect, and even demand, the swift administration of justice.

You can call it dooming, you can ban people left and right, but in the end, justice improperly delayed is a crime in and of itself. And it may be time to start asking ourselves, “if those who had the ability and authority to administer justice while holding the levers of power failed to do so, what is the next step in this process?”.

We’ve tried electing leaders we thought would administer justice. So far, that hasn’t worked out. It’s only natural to ask the question, “what next?”. It’s the question our Founding Fathers had to ask, and it’s the question every liberty loving human being has had to ask as they try to free themselves from the tyranny imposed upon them by wicked, conspiring men and women throughout history.

The precipice, indeed.


Ask yourself, and try to answer honestly, how today is in any way, shape, or form a victory.

And just wait until you wake up tomorrow.

Night, y’all.


Edit: Sorry, on a phone. Title should be Maricopa County.

So, I’m actually fairly qualified to talk about this because in a past life one of my jobs was to configure printers for automobile dealers, and then the rest of my career has been in various IT roles troubleshooting these types of issues.

There is no way that the official explanation holds any water here. The type of problem they’re describing doesn’t spontaneously crop up in 17+ different locations. Just. Doesn’t. Happen.

I don’t know what the real story is, but take it to the bank, they’re feeding you a line right now.


I’m in deep red territory (TN) but the lines are longer than ever and the workers say it’s been this way all day long.


“We beat Trump in 2020 and we’ll beat him again tomorrow, and in 2024”.

Wonder why that is.

Usually some quick anon finds something important about the location of a rally. Anything tonight?


3,700 people doing… what, exactly?

Not adding any real value to any real product that has any real benefit in any real person’s life.

I sincerely hope each of these people who got laid off learn that there’s a difference between “having a job” and “providing value”. It’s terrible to “lose a job” but even worse to waste your life “working” only to find out you’ve squandered the opportunity to add real value to people’s lives.

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