I came across this link yesterday, where the author argues that George W. Bush actually activated Devolution via Continuation of Government protocols following the 9/11 attacks. The thesis is that this led to the massive abuses of federal power we've been seeing, and that Trump was actually trying to deactivate Devolution, rather than activate it. I don't have many unique thoughts on this, but am interested in the perspectives of others here.



So a good friend of mine has an asymptomatic inguinal hernia, which is not constricted. Likely from weight-lifting, like a chad. Obviously, surgery is one reasonable option. However, this friend would like to consider non-surgical options that lead to full resolution and still allow him to lift weights (eventually- a break may be necessary). Has anyone dealt with this before or have any words of wisdom?


So I went down a bit of a rabbit hole over the weekend. I was listening to the latest Joe Rogan Experience episode with Randall Carlson, who seems to synthesize geology, astronomy, archaeology, and mythology in his research. The main thrust of his argument was that a series of comets and asteroid fragments from the Taurid meteor stream crashed into Earth, right into massive North American glaciers, about 12,800 years ago and about 11,600 years ago, causing globe-spanning cataclysms. These led to the extinction of many species of megafauna in the Americas, changed the sea levels dramatically, and wiped out a whole lot of human beings. He also thinks that some previously-undiscovered but advanced human civilizations were likely wiped out back then. Pretty heady stuff.

After watching that episode, I've gone back and watched Randall Carlson with Graham Hancock. Namely JRE episodes #725 and #872. Hancock is a British author who has done a bunch of research and writing in a similar vein. Those episodes are a blast to watch. The drone footage really does a great job of showing the geological changes in the Pacific Northwest which occurred as a result of a one thousand foot tall wall of fresh water (300 million to 400 million cubic feet per second) traveling at about 60 miles an hour down into the Columbia river gorge.

My point is this: I've never really thought or cared too much about the possibility of their being ancient civilizations. I love history, and always assumed that humans from 12,000 years ago were like the Clovis people: migratory hunter-gatherers who lived in small communities. But Carlson and Hancock make a pretty compelling argument for the existence and subsequent destruction of more advanced human cultures, including that of Atlantis. I'm intrigued by how some of this may correspond to the Great Awakening, or the Cabal. Imagine if one of these civilizations survived, and preserved its knowledge? Would this explain the Tic Tacs, or advanced surveillance tech that we can surmise exist? Or something like Looking Glass? I welcome your thoughts.


The market has been crazy the past few days. If you are a follower of GME, it seems like the MOASS is nigh. Sadly, I've felt this way about 17 times in the past, and the hedgies have weaseled their way out every single time. It appears to me that the DTCC is doing some controlled demo of certain hedge funds, like Melvin Capital, and then throwing the funds from the liquidation back into the market to keep things afloat a little while longer. I'm afraid that they'll come up with some completely illegal but hidden solution to negate the MOASS. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Anyways, here's my thought: Does anyone have a line to James O'Keefe at Project Veritas? It'd be amazing to have him run an expose on the whole GME situation. If anyone can shine a bright light on the hedgies' shenanigans, it's PV.



I just came across this website. It was linked to by Robert Kennedy, Jr. in catsfive's recently-stickied post.

The authors of the site have compiled a huge amount of scientific data for various medications used in the treatment and prevention of Covid. These include Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Remdesivir, and many others.

I strongly recommend giving it a perusal and a bookmark. It is a very useful reference should you or anyone you know get Covid, and would be effective for evidence-based argumentation, if the other side was actually willing to examine the evidence.



Trump launched that lawsuit back in July, I believe, against Twitter, Facebook, etc. I haven’t heard anything about it since then. All of the news about DWAC, TMTG, and @Jack stepping down has me mighty curious if there have been any developments with the lawsuit. Does anyone have any news?


11 days no see? Is this moass?


I’m having a lot of trouble figuring out why nearly every physician is going balls-to-the-wall in support of the mRNA vaccines. I know quite a few personally. One of the smartest I know had covid about a year ago. He was sicker than a dog for a couple of weeks. A few months after, he got the jab. I asked him “why?” The reasons he gave were incomprehensible to me at the time, and so mundane that I’ve forgotten them.

Today, I was talking with someone I know who took her kid to the pediatrician. Her son has a heart condition and is not, in a sane world, a good candidate for a vaccine that may cause myocarditis in young males. The pediatrician harangued her in an attempt to get him vaccinated, which she declined. When the mother was checking out, the receptionist disclosed to her that her insurance company provides significant financial incentives to physicians who achieve a certain percentage of vaccinations in their patient pools. Something like $80,000 a year if they got over 67% of their patients vaccinated. Has anyone else heard about insurance companies paying to get people vaccinated?

I’m just incredibly confused by all of this. It’s starting to seem like there are serious financial incentives being paid to physicians and hospitals to achieve maximum levels of vaccination. I would guess that this is the carrot. Those who do not comply likely lose their jobs or have their licenses suspended.

Anyone else have thoughts on this debacle?


Today, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee mandated the Covid vaccine for all state and private healthcare employees. These people must all be vaccinated by October 18th or lose their jobs. There is no provision for regular testing for unvaccinated people. Religious exemptions will likely be allowed, though there are scant details on who accepts exemptions and on what grounds. Likewise, there are no details on how compliance will be enforced, though I have heard that the state Dept. of Health has records for all of those who have been vaccinated. It would be easy for them to compare databases and know who has not complied.

This topic is very close to home to me. It is simply incredible that any governor can be allowed to get away with such a wide mandate. What will the next mandate be? Is there no rule of law in our country anymore?


GeorgeNews posted in their Live Chat on 7/18/2021:

"Saudi in news soon..."


EchoLight (https://greatawakening.win/u/EchoLight/) posted the chat compilation on 7/19, and the quote above is from the compilation. I find it a pretty solid proof that this was mentioned by GeorgeNews, and then yesterday (7/20) we started hearing about Pegasus, and how it is has been used extensively by the Saudis. It seems likely to me that the Saudis used Pegasus to spy on members of the royal family, especially after their recent bout of fratricide.

What I don't know is if this is all a distraction. I thought I remembered seeing in another GeorgeNews post something about SA (Saudi Arabia) being used as a distraction from the audits. I am unsure how all of this ties in with Trump and the sword dance, as well. If Trump truly established strong ties with SA against the DS, then it makes sense that they would leak about Pegasus to both harm the Saudis' reputation and to distract from the audits.

I welcome your thoughts.

GeorgeNews posted in their Live Chat on 7/18/2021:

"Saudi in news soon..."


EchoLight (https://greatawakening.win/u/EchoLight/) posted the chat compilation on 7/19, and the quote above is from the compilation. I find it a pretty solid proof that this was mentioned by GeorgeNews, and then yesterday (7/20) we started hearing about Pegasus, and how it is has been used extensively by the Saudis. It seems likely to me that the Saudis used Pegasus to spy on members of the royal family, especially after their recent bout of fratricide.

What I don't know is if this is all a distraction. I thought I remembered seeing in another GeorgeNews post something about SA (Saudi Arabia) being used as a distraction from the audits. I am unsure how all of this ties in with Trump and the sword dance, as well. If Trump truly established strong ties with SA against the DS, then it makes sense that they would leak about Pegasus to both harm the Saudis' reputation and to distract from the audits.

I welcome your thoughts.