My wife was hit by a car in April 2019 and I've mentioned on here before about how her sense of taste and smell was greatly diminished due to a concussion. 3 months later she started having intense back pain. The doctors were hesitant to associate this problem with the accident, so it was not included in the settlement.

Anyhow, she's found that activated B-12 works well for nerve pain and has reduced her use of steroids subsequently. I thought perhaps glucosamine would regain cartilage growth. I used it when I developed a pain in my knee and I'd feel it going up our stairs after jogging at night. Glucosamine worked well for me, at least. The problem is getting my wife to take anything at all, especially if they come in large-sized pills. She's already taking other stuff, so it would have to be good because she doesn't want to take many supplements. If people have recommendations, especially based on experience, advice would be greatly appreciated.

I've been into alternative medicine for 15+ years already, but I've learned a lot by coming to this forum. GEOTUS talks about medical breakthroughs coming and we've seen the suppression of stuff like HCQ and Ivermectin. I'd never heard of Fenbendazole before coming to this forum. Please help if you can. She goes to physical therapy nearly every Saturday. I have a stretch ball, but I'm surprised they don't have her use one at home. I use it when I have lower back pain, and bought it 12 years ago at a chiropractor's insistence. My wife was doing well over the summer, but now with the weather cooling down, she has difficulty boarding a bus with its steep steps when she goes home. What about even stuff like eating more red meat? Thanks in advance.


u/RealCleanUpPhilly posted this about foreign particles found in the vaccines by Italian scientists:


I shared this with a scientist friend of mine. He's actually worked with bacteria and viruses, and even worked on developing a vaccine (which was rejected b the FDA).So, he is rather familiar with viruses. Lemme post his comments on the "COVID-19 vaccine":

This is not a real vaccine. The body needs to see the actual virus to have an immune response. The spike proteins are only the mechanism that the virus has to get inside a cell to infect it.

So this so-called "vaccine" is flooding the body with the shit that damages cells, hence the heart problems, blood clots, etc. No immune response, or rather not an adequate response. You need the actual virus. The body builds antibodies based on the virus. Kinda like a negative photograph. The antibodies bind to the virus and render it inactive. Not the stupid spike proteins.

The spike proteins are damaging cells and the body is probably responding to the damaged cells. When a cell gets damaged, the body will destroy the sick or dying cell. So you get a bunch of spike proteins. The target cells get damaged and the body is cleaning up the mess. I am sure there is some sort of immune response, but not adequate to protect against the actual supposed "COVID virus." The immune system is trying to get rid of the spike proteins along with flushing out the damaged cells. Hence myocarditis, blood clots, etc.

The liver is a filter, so its trying to filter out that spike protein. The mRNA from the spike protein is recombining with liver cell DNA. And the liver cells, when they replicate will express these spike proteins on their cell walls. So, the body is replicating spike proteins via the liver cells, but not the virus itself. If the virus was there and active, the body would become a virus-replicating machine. A virus uses spike proteins to gain cell access, take over the cell replication mechanism used to read and replicate the cell DNA by inserting its own DNA or RNA into the mix, the cell then cranks out more virus particles. Then the cell collapses and the viruses go on to other cells and repeat. This stupid spike protein is only damaging the cells that they target. There is no actual virus contained in the "vaccine." So cells get damaged, but not turned into a virus factory and the body does not have the virus to make antibodies. So you will still get sick if exposed to "COVID". There are no antibodies to protect them.

The spike proteins are causing damage to the cardio pulmonary system. Then the liver is trying to filter that junk out and it ends up expressing the damn proteins on its cells walls.

This explains why the clot sots are useless against actual viral immunity, and why people are suffering myocarditis. This doesn't even get into the mRNA function that reprograms one's DNA to give them autoimmune deficiency syndrome, nor the mysterious objects found in the vials like crystalline structures, sharp metallic objects, or creepy squiggly objects moving about. Even ignoring all that scary crap, these injections are a fraud regardless.


Japanfag here. I "work with" 9 other foreigners, and by that I mean that they work in my same town but we are assigned to work in different schools. I usually never see them unless it's during breaks like the current summer vacation because we don't have lessons scheduled. I have overheard them talking about taking their children to get vaccinated and I just sit there and try not to roll my eyes. Today I overheard two of them talking about voting independent. There's no way they'll vote for ermagerd Drummmmmmpf, but apparently they're getting sick of the Democrat Party at last. One of them is a paid subscriber to NYT and WaPo, so he's a boomer. Just this week he tried telling me that MSG is just a spice like anything else, so apparently it's no worse than turmeric or something. I try to keep my interaction with these people to a minimum because they're lost causes, but it looks like even they are getting tired of what's going on too.

I'm in Japan and as an overseas voter, I can only vote in the federal elections. Badass Paul Gosar gets my vote for Congress. Who do you recommend for Senate? Is Mark Brnovich a good guy?


I distinctly remember one of the tripcodes Q used around April 2018. IIRC, it was used to bait a hacking attempt and we got a couple of fake Q posts which were soon removed. Among the strings of characters was the message "The pain comes in 23." At the time I thought 2023? Who wants to wait that long? Now it's 4 years later and I am wondering if the real show will begin next year.


I called my normie Repblican, triple-jabbed dad in America over the holiday weekend. I'd told him not to get the jabs, but my aunt bosses him around. It's a long story. Anyhow, he says lately he's been experiencing double vision. He can drive a car fine, but when he focuses on things up close, like reading a book, etc., one eye starts to point downwards. So it's not a matter of crossed eyes like I thought he was saying at first, but a lazy eye. I don't know what word describes this, so looking for a connection to the Microsoft firmware update via injection is difficult. Any input? I found this article, but not sure if it contains what I am looking for:



I tried DuckDuckGo but all I get is stupid crap about what that pompous poof says about Ukraine and Trump. I distinctly remember him interviewing a woman who thanked the Russian troops on air during an interview. Smith assumed she made a mistake so he tried to correct her. She said no, she was trying to escape from Georgian troops. He went to break and warned her that if she said anything positive about Russia that she'd be cut off. She then proceeded to thank the Russian troops, and he cut her off.


Does anyone have video of this? I'd seen this back in the wild frontier days of YouTube back before they started censoring so much.


These vaxholes are like a goofy old aunt Edna that gets caught up in a Nigerian scam. Prince Mbupa keeps asking for money from her and she keeps getting it. If she can just keep funding him, eventually he will regain the throne of Nigeria and promises to share his inheritance with her. As long as she keeps sending him money, he will continue asking for more money and constantly move the goal posts.

Aunt Edna, have you ever done research to find out the political system of Nigeria? Do they even have a king? Wouldn't there be news about a deposed prince somewhere in the news? All you have to do is do your own research. The answer is: "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW, OKAY? PRINCE MBUPU NEEDS ME! I'M DOING SOMETHING GOOD!"

In the same way, the CDC, Bill Gates, and all these world leaders keep moving the goal posts back further and further. As long as gullible people keep getting boosters, the badguys will continue to ask them to take more shots. "Oh sorry, you can't get your life back yet. We need you to keep getting injected." If they keep giving them what they want, the cycle will never end. These people are totally brainwashed and believe the lies. They refuse to look into what's in the shots, refusing to listen to whistleblowers. They only care what the Wormtongue media on TV says.

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