stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was once considered that the Hittite Empire was just fiction from the Bible, yet archaeologists discovered their civilization. Archaeology has shown that the walls of Jericho did come falling down. Egyptian chariots are strewn about the bottom of the Red Sea. I remember a Reader's Digest article from the '80s or '90s on how NASA was able to locate ancient trade routes between cities as described in the Bible from space, and were able to discover cities' locations as described in the Bible. It's pretty amazing.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good article:

The Impact of LGBT Parenting on Children's Well Being Dawn Stefanowicz's First Hand Observations on the Disastrous Reality of Homosexual Parenting (Jan. 3, 2016)


stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I spent my Father's Day afternoon helping my daughter with her physics class homework. A lot of those formulas I haven't touched in a very long time, so I had my Raspberry Pi computer next to me on the kitchen table looking stuff up to help her. I learned that the shortcut to convert meters per second to kilometers per hour is 18/5. So 5 meters per second becomes 18 kph. Neat.

Then for dinner, I made my daughter's favorite cream spaghetti. The sauce is simple: stir fry some bacon or smoked salmon with a bit of garlic and basil, then it's one medium carton of heavy cream, and after you dump it into the sauce pan, add about 1/3rd of that carton with marsala wine. Simmer it to cook out the alcohol, then add chopped spinach. She loves that. Despite getting soaked in a sudden rain downpour while I rode my bike home from doing some quick shopping in the evening, it was a good day.

stevethefish76 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lots of clickbait flying around about this new, absurd, GHEY Star Wars Acolyte show. Keep in mind that this was made by Harvey Weinstein's enabler, that degenerate lesbo what's-her-name. It's a real rancid turd, but Star Wars has been on the decline ever since Greedo shot first in '97.

People have told me that all of this Disney Star Wars crap has ruined Star Wars for them. I never saw The Last Jedi, so I've spared myself the microtrauma or whatever you'd call it. I never saw another SW movie since then. They can't take away the originals for me, and between Harmy's Despecialized Trilogy and Adywan's SW Revisited, the true fans are keeping SW alive. Here is a video I saw for the first time of Donnie & Marie Osmond doing a cute SW song and dance skit, back when SW was fun.


stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

But did he sit back and let his daughter get the shots too? These pepole have been brainwashed. The thing is, I was once brainwashed. Then I learned about the MMR shot. Then I learned that it's not just the MMR, but ALL shots that are dangerous. And because of all of this crap we've had to endure, there are now more anti-vaxxers than ever. That is not a bad thing.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I clicked on this, I was hoping to find a post from you on this. Thanks.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think everyone is in the same position. At least two coworkers have told me that they won't get any more COVID shots. Hopefully they've learned and won't fall for it with MUH BURD FLOO that they're trying to scare us all with. Although in that case, I agree with what others have said on here about it just being used as an excuse to murder millions of chickens and drive the price of food up even higher.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope so. Their banks have collapsed and I'm concernfagging for Cuba. May God help those people as they have been shat on for too long.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +4 / -0

You don't go to job interviews dressed like a slob, do you? You present your ideas with intelligence. Otherwise, you end up looking stupid. It's best to be wise and smart. Libs are smart, but unwise. Look at the people with high IQs who took the clot shots. A snooty shitlib looks at a meme and rolls his/her eyes and points out stupid grammar and spelling mistakes as an excuse to dismiss the message.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I only know of Tom Liddy, because he had a radio show in Phoenix, AZ. A conservative talk show.

stevethefish76 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nice try, but no.


I'm an English teacher. I may not be perfect, but I try.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was so satisfying to see Tim Cook get eaten by dinosaurs in Jurassic World III.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh crap, that sounds like the stuff my dad was injecting himself with when he was a pre-diabetic. The doctor put him on some shots derived from Gila monster poison to prevent him from becoming full-blown type 2 diabetes. It must be a similar product. He didn't lose weight with it, but when Mom died he lost a ton of weight from the stress. Hair went white, started behaving goofy, etc. At least he no longer takes that poison.

stevethefish76 15 points ago +15 / -0

I have an overweight shitlib coworker. I mentioned about how Ozempic is hurting people and true to form, he rushed to defend Big Pharma and said that his friends who are taking it love Ozempic. This is the guy who has completely avoidable type 2 diabetes and always races to get the latest mRNA booster killshots. He also makes creepy comments about his girl students' bodies and brags about how he has a stunning and brave "niece" who recently "transitioned." Constantly mocks Christianity too, while always rushing to defend Islam. Total shitlib.

stevethefish76 5 points ago +5 / -0

The libtards are stupid, but they are "educated." Using memes with horrendous punctuation and spelling confusing their, there, and they're as well as dumb phrases like "could of" and "should of" just makes us look stupid and gives them more excuses to look down on us.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +4 / -1

Poor punctuation too. Embarrassing.

stevethefish76 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ah, I got it! "The Multiple Man" by Ben Bova. I had to remove the term "science fiction" from the search in order to find it. Ben Bova is a big SF author, but the book usually falls into the mystery/suspense category. Here is the summary from AmaCIAzon:

From acclaimed, Hugo award-winning science fiction author, Ben Bova. The dynamic new President of the United States, James J. Halliday, seems determined to single-handedly turn an embittered nation around from economic, political, and social ruin. No one could be prouder than his devoted press secretary Meric Albano. But is the President accomplishing this monumental task alone? After one of the President's rare public appearances, a derelict is found dead nearby. A derelict who not only looks like the President, but whose blood, retinas, even fingerprints match those of the man in charge. Is the real President, the man Albano swore loyalty to, still in office? Is this part of a plot to topple American democracy? That's what Albano has to find out-if he doesn't, his life, as well as his country, will be destroyed. Author Ben Bova weaves a suspensed-filled, paging-turning novel that has turned out to be more science fact then science fiction.

Pff. It's "than," not "then." But that's what I was thinking of. I've been thinking of this book with the speculations of Biden using dopplegangers. I've seen the videos of what is obviously latex masks. Although in the case of Biden, it's not a President determined to single-handedly turn America away from ruin, but a tapioca-brained potato determined to destroy America.

stevethefish76 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lately I've been thinking of a sci fi novel I read back in high school and I'm hoping someone here might know the title. I cannot remember the author. All I remember is that the protagonist is something like Secret Service and while staying at a hotel, the US President goes into the back alley or something for an unknown reason and is murdered. Then the President is replaced with a clone. I can't remember how the book ends. I just remember there's a few sex scenes in the book with a pretty lady with small tits. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Pee is literally stored in the balls." -George Soros

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