swift_water 1 point ago +2 / -1

My position is a bit more harsh and maybe that's because I actually bothered to be down in the trenches with these people - they're -actively- trying to genocide us. And they have -no idea- how primed they are for genocide.

Its not a pretty picture down in their gutter.

Stop them from killing themselves? More like hand them the bullets.

"Sorry not sorry." Is the tldr.

swift_water 0 points ago +1 / -1

The Watchers (Seraphim) are the real story of the bible. So much emphasis given to heaven/hell wherein reality it's very rarely if ever mentioned.

The reason they'll allow it to circulate is the same reason you have been allowed to have the internet. It's a double edged sword.

Most will read the Bible and take from it stories on how to lead a more virtuous life. Very few bother to learn what's beneath. The story hidden in plain sight.

They know this.

If you want the deep stuff - Essenes. Enoch. Watchers.

Keywords. Enjoy.

swift_water 2 points ago +4 / -2

When you're ready and you've gotten done with the basics and the Watchers deep dive and have had direct communication with the Seraphim, ask me about why I think Enoch was Pythagoras.

Shits way fucking heavier than people think.

swift_water 4 points ago +4 / -0

FEMA has jurisdiction over the whole government. It can form its own courts, arrest without warrant, etc.

swift_water 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's why they bet on it to fail - by everyone buying into its bankrupting billionaires. Thats the point. Same deal with AMC and Blackberry. They're toast haha

swift_water 4 points ago +4 / -0

A quick Google is ganna bring up tons of articles, Elon Musk just joined the fray too. If you've got robinhood check BB, GME, and AMC.

swift_water 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah I just caught wind of AMC in the mix as well hahaha whaaaaat is happening. Honk honk.

swift_water 4 points ago +4 / -0

BardsFM is fantastic - oddly he hasn't posted in about 5 days. I'm worried about him.

swift_water 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes the other points are more valid. The overcoat is not.

swift_water 13 points ago +13 / -0

Overcoats don't have the details on them. This has been covered extensively.

swift_water 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're getting too close to the truth with korshan model, Icarus :P

Just poking, a kind of "be careful or you'll fall out of the matrix" kind of thing.

swift_water 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ding ding ding. You however are flying dangerously close to the sun and should get away from computers for a while :P

swift_water 13 points ago +13 / -0

You'll soon find yourself exhausted and stop. There's a reason why few bother to try. They find out very quickly these people have serious issues at the foundation of their world view.

Let me save you some time. You can't build a bridge this large or deep.

Lack of accountability - they genuinely do not understand even the meaning of the word responsibility, they lack self-awareness so they can not begin to tell themselves that they've been lied to.

Biological - they have quite literally got their amygdalas on fire all day everyday - they're hijacked, that's not a euphemism or metaphor. They're quite literally under mind control - their emotions dictate what is real, which leads us to

Etymology - they genuinely believe you can not KNOW something. This has become a little more mainstream with notions such as "whiteness" being "multiracial", that is to say - they're beginning to admit that they don't mean to refer to race when they say white people are the bad guys. They're referring to people that genuinely believe in an objective reality and hold people accountable to it's rigor - despite what they might feel.

See the disconnect?

Moral relativism - this is the biggy. And it ties into their lack of intellectual integrity obviously, but more sinisterly - they ultimately believe there is no right and wrong. If somehow you managed to find someone in the crowd there that was there by accident - this would still be their hangup.

Sorry tldr - just... Don't bother.

No pearls before swine.

swift_water 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paton Oswold and his wife and daughter?

swift_water 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is just BardsFM from youtube but someone's done some filter to make his voice deeper. Was from a show I think on the 18th... Does he know someone is ripping off his work?

swift_water 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it's definitely something that lines up, with it being a similar psyop, but the jury is still out. I think the real question is would the community that's formed around it have been an unintended consequence of the operation? If it wasn't, then sites like this are absolutely a massive trap.

I prefer to think that it's not.

swift_water 10 points ago +10 / -0

You're also taxed under maritime law, that's not fictitious either. 1913 is another year to examine closely, with the SS act and the refounding of the federal reserve act.

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