teemomushroom 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have my doomer moments especially when I think of all of the evidence and ballots they destroyed. The Military's behavior during the inauguration is too much to ignore imo. They clearly are not treating Biden as President, and Biden's nose melting at his NIH speech was a big sign. I am right there with you fren. This is our chance to place our faith in God above all else. Trust Him. His plan is the only plan. God bless you fren <3

teemomushroom 5 points ago +6 / -1

Thank you for this. I'm struggling with understanding why I of all my frens and fams that I have been able to find Jesus and I can feel more and more what eternity would have been had I not and it saddens me that so many have been blinded to their own eternity with Jesus. Thanks fren. God bless you.

teemomushroom 1 point ago +1 / -0

you make a good point. I'm not saying everyone from anywhere are all bad, but the ones actively influencing humanity throughout time did try to make us into a slave race demanding blood sacrifice and fear harvests. I pray they find good so they can return God.

teemomushroom 3 points ago +3 / -0

In Greek mythology, Orion was the hunter killed by scorpio after Apollo got jealous of orion and Artemis hunting together. Orion also comes in the form of nimrod in Babylon in the Bible. There is a relation between Nimrod and the evergreen tree (hence Hillary = Evergreen)

Orion hosts negative aliens.

Draco is believed to have suffered similarly at the hands of aliens from Orion.

Pleiadians are believed to be positive and in support of the growth of humanity.

teemomushroom 2 points ago +3 / -1

adrenochrome, certain metals, harvesting fear. imagine we are capable of inhabiting certain conditions they cannot. imagine the spiritual battle. I realize we've been convinced to stop using our imagination and spirituality but these measures of attention span willful ignorance are things the Bible warned us about. read a book. distance is not obstacle. time is not reality. the battle is spiritual. stop using climate change logic.

teemomushroom 2 points ago +2 / -0

we're not alone in the fight. and our tech isn't half bad. the Bible says Satan came to interfere with the progress of Man. There was a direct violation of Humanity's evolution. DNA manipulation has been around from the beginning of time. Ours was manipulated to make us into a slave race. We were redeemed in Jesus' death and only through him can we return to God. don't forget God's army.

teemomushroom 8 points ago +9 / -1

Roswell is clearly a reference to their avatars whatever you want to call them but don't hate because they've been called many things through time. another trick of the devil is to convince the uninformed he doesn't exist. the name is less important than the truth. they are out there. and people are waking up at different paces. let people find the truth and they will find God. we are saying the same thing fren. we are all on God's time.

my house is firm on the Rock of God too. God bless.

teemomushroom 1 point ago +3 / -2

I just realized the digital currency "mining" connection (gates patent for digital currency biomechanics network to reward certain tasks) with aliens trying to make us a slave race. they want us back in the mines!

teemomushroom 16 points ago +20 / -4

I'm not a wallstreetfag but digital currency is NWO agenda. It goes hand in hand with the rfid implants. gates has patent for digital currency connection of biomechanics to let you earn money for doing certain tasks. which is "mining". I trust no one pushing digital currency, it is evil and part of the mark of the beast.

teemomushroom 2 points ago +3 / -1

KEK yes they are like the sabus of the anonymous community. it's pretty annoying but there's more good people trying to post which keeps me going with this place. God speed fren. good vibes <3

teemomushroom 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yes they are fren <3 boggles my mind how Q even says they're real and anything about them gets canned by the mods and everyone says to go to conspiracy.win

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