teemomushroom 1 point ago +1 / -0

...in bed XD

teemomushroom 2 points ago +2 / -0

had a dream I walked by a Mexican restaurant and these three guys in the window we're human centipeding in a circle. one of them looked like the owner. anyways, thought I'd share.

teemomushroom 4 points ago +4 / -0


firing squad.

teemomushroom 1 point ago +2 / -1

look into the hymn to St. John the Baptist and the 6 frequencies and 432hz rabbit hole and then rewatch that movie

teemomushroom 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do wonder why they use it though. it's pretty LGBTQRSTUV#_#)$*)@

teemomushroom 2 points ago +2 / -0

so did Richard Branson and he has a pedo island. how do you think Elon Musk became the new pretend richest man in the world? it is highlands group grooming technocrats.

teemomushroom 4 points ago +5 / -1

Under a flag there are certain rules (Constitution) and they are law of the land. Our is the one Q posted with a height width ration of 1:1.9

1871: USA is turned into USA Inc. drawing up a new Constitution unconstitutionally, and in turn, moving us from law of the land (sovereignty, law of the Republic of We the People) to Maritime/Martial law (law of the sea).

Maritime/Martial Law is often indicated by a gold fringed flag and means so sovereignty and no constitution. This is not the actual flag denoting the Constitutional Republic of We the People.

The Brits/Cabal have continued the scam by chipping away via a quantum grammar game. Change the meaning of words, you change the way history is read: Change the way history is taught, change the meaning of words. Think of the infiltration of American academia, and then think of how widespread these socialist ideologies sprout up around the world.

The Patriot Quantum Grammar movement basically says this word means this one thing and nothing else everywhere. In turn, our constitution cannot be misinterpreted or perverted; and, that logic will be shared around the world.

There was no gold fringe on the flags behind Donald Trump at CPAC and he said "they just lost the White House."

"We are taking this country back and returning it to You the People."

teemomushroom 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you really want to flagfag here is the rabbit hole

Quantum Grammar

teemomushroom -6 points ago +1 / -7

he did it because Wall Street folks have been shorting and manipulating his stock as well and he's too dumb to protect himself. he adds to the narrative by doing stupid shit on Joe rogan which just create more opportunity for them to say "muh volatility" and fuck with his stock some more. it would be far better if he just made something useful but he's lazy and stupid. listen to his interviews. he just regurgitates what smarter people have told him. he offers zero solutions or creativity ever.

by v8power
teemomushroom 3 points ago +3 / -0

anyone can lie anywhere. in the matrix a lie can make sense relative to the matrix, but the matrix is a only projection of our world pretending to be something - unnatural. we are not entirely unnatural. we are human, part of earth. our humanity is not inherently deceitful.

teemomushroom 3 points ago +4 / -1

cause he ran one of the largest child sacrificing rings in America

teemomushroom 5 points ago +5 / -0

bro I'm Frodo when sam asks him to remember the shire. I have none to crack open cause I spent the money on popcorn. the popcorn is all gone from inauguration. I don't remember the taste of hopium, nor the touch of a day's work. I'm running on sheer duty should nothing happen in a month there will be civil war, and by God I'll be a part of it.

teemomushroom -4 points ago +3 / -7

quarantines are for those who ARE sick not those "at risk". Musk pretends to be on team Patriot sprinkling this horseshit around and I'm sick of him disgracing and corporatizing the Tesla name especially when he's done nothing progressing science, spirituality, or technology. he is a cardboard cutout of the bill gates and zuckerberg pseudo-savant mold and people should know he's no friend to America. he left CA for Texas but won't leave China for America. I hope he rots in hell with Pence and the families and the rest of the cabal. off world the lot of them.

by v8power
teemomushroom 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's wrong. the truth is we've been manipulated by negative alien agenda and we know it in our soul. we know what they've tried to steal from us, and we know our way home to God, none of which gels with the deception built around us. we are not the agents of deceit.

teemomushroom -3 points ago +2 / -5

I didn't realize we gave a shit about his faith in us

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