hey fellow anons I read somewhere that trumps company has a market cap potentially of 53b dollars. today was a great day and just wondering if this is the start of the domino's falling down where things start going our way?


Hey unless I see that the military comes out and shows that the machine data cannot be verified. I think we are in apt of trouble. I know Trump said we've secure elections but did we really with loses like Ohio and abortion being put in the constitution there or Kentucky gov race being lost. Idk do we have a chance?


I read somewhere that someone said that there is a chance to reverse gay marriage in USA since it's not in the Constitution, and that it's because the case that made it legal points to non existing "rights" almost out if a porn novel. Idk I just want to stop seeing fags in media and what not. Plus we have the Supreme Court on our side, so is there a chance?


To know if we really got our country back, the newest candidates need to vote nay on every piece if legislation, I don't care about what l, but I think we would actually be doing better if nothing was changed or put into law at all. Plus the candidates should for nay until legislation is easy for the avg person to understand meaning the only thing they should be vote yay on is legislation to limit every bill to 20 pages and not omnibus spending packages. Idk just throwing an idea out there for anons to ponder on


Hey frens, I'm hoping to bring this topic back up because I used to see a lot of ppl post about the amount of unprecedented sealed indictments. I don't remember where that info was pulled from but I'm trying to do some research to see if it's only gone up or down, indicating maybe something covert has already happened. I haven't seen anyone post those numbers in like over a year and wonder if that is a data point we no longer want to track here. I say this in the perspective of the devolution theory in that if the trump admin is some kind of gov in Exile but the military is carrying out plans or someone has been directed to act on those sealed indictments yet or not indicating that something is happening.


Idk but she strikes me as a patriot even tho I disagree with her on some issues.


Wtf is this all about. I thought FL enacted a ban on cities declaring themselves Sanctaury cities in 2019? Does this actually have any standing?


How does pillow guy get a meeting woth the president of the United States and basically get military intel on how the election was stolen? Or the overstock CEO basically getting similar treatment? What are the over under odds that they were directly commissioned by the military to help distribute that intel to civilians? Also I was reading somewhere that someone said the 14th ammendment is what allowed the USA corporation to be classified as a person and that most of not all ammendment after the 1st 12 are unconstitutional not because they're illegal but because they're part of the corporations constitution and if we went back to being a republic during Jan 2021 trump used the 25th ammendment to remove the powers of the president from the president of the corporation which basically null and voids all ammendment after 12? Just shooting the shoot and speculating. Would appreciate if fellow anons chimed in on if I'm on to something somewhere or not


We need to as a whole not send our kids to the public schools this back to school year. Everyone should begin coordinating to not send their kids to school for the month of September. We need to keep the bud light effect pressure and not let the communist indoctrinate our kids. If they think they own our kids at school don't send'em there in the 1st place and we should all back it. Trying to help us get ahead of the issues. I believe this would be something Q would want since he's warned us of so much it's up to us to get the ball rolling on things like this. I know most of us are prob not part of the public school system, but it helps give those who are a chance to counter these awful alphabet ppl narratives.


I heard that they rolled out the tanks there, Amy idea why and what's happening?


Is it me or does this submarine story scream that particular Q post? Like almost like comms. Could someone be defecting rn? Kinda like the movie

I only ask because I saw someone on a video do so but had to empty it put it in a specific bag and label it firearm. Plus I don't think it was something he put in the cabin, and did so through a checked bag. Like I'm genuinely curious as to how he completed this? I also think he said he had to "declear" a fire arm at the check in counter. Also if it's possible why aren't more people doing this?


Any anons here have a highway or rail line that might be similar for an arcinist to travel along? Maybe I'm being paranoid but I no longer see current event... just stop state psyops


California just jeeps on going bonkers, and it doesn't look like it will stop. Is there any hope or way to fix it or stop them from going full commi

Where is his investigation


Now a conspiracy is just basically the news because the current rate a theory comes true is up from about 6 months to 6 weeks now. It used to be 60 years. I guess the deep state is really losing control then. Thoughts?

Any fellow pedes know when one can purchase merchandise of the persecuted president¿ also on a serious note so I keep my compliance with community guidelines - Trump didn't seem to be the least upset by this, sooo can we now use this to go after corrupt piloticians? Like what's the consensus here. Also are we really lining our hope on 2024 at this point because I still like the theory he's POTUS weather it be devolution or Wartime pres or pres in Exile. But is this really a narrative ploy when we know they rig elections?


Hey lawfags. Is this something that SF can legally do or is this just a dog and pony show? Im super confused on what happened today


I'm having a hard time distinguishing who is worse now. We were taught the Nazis bad but never why the Commies are bad. I'm an adult and I'm only just discovering how bad the commies were. Like a fat as I know the Nazis did bad things - or so were told. But I heard an interesting theory that Soviets used the dead bodies of the holomodor to stage the Jewish extermination before the rest of the allies got to see the concentration camps. Thoughts???


I saw the wookipedia update him to be alphabet ppl but is Disney trying to go further? Like wtf, I'm living in bizarro world if this is true

Soooo I have a quick question, do you refere to yourselves as Indians?🤔 I mean technically of you do you can lay claim to the name based on that name of the state no?

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