posted ago by theW0knessHurts ago by theW0knessHurts +14 / -0

How does pillow guy get a meeting woth the president of the United States and basically get military intel on how the election was stolen? Or the overstock CEO basically getting similar treatment? What are the over under odds that they were directly commissioned by the military to help distribute that intel to civilians? Also I was reading somewhere that someone said the 14th ammendment is what allowed the USA corporation to be classified as a person and that most of not all ammendment after the 1st 12 are unconstitutional not because they're illegal but because they're part of the corporations constitution and if we went back to being a republic during Jan 2021 trump used the 25th ammendment to remove the powers of the president from the president of the corporation which basically null and voids all ammendment after 12? Just shooting the shoot and speculating. Would appreciate if fellow anons chimed in on if I'm on to something somewhere or not