theriverdolphin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Checking back in, seems this post I made on a whim was a grand idea. All your responses lighten the tension. Bless! ?

theriverdolphin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Great vibes up in here. Love it, folks! ❤️

theriverdolphin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this comment! Truly! It reminds me why this board is a unique and profound place.

Not just for the passages, but also for your commentary. A second look, and a second interpretation on the topic, is very much appreciated.

NOW, in response:

I think your take works out logically, I think your take works out theologically. However, it is a LOT to digest. And I don't mean that the biblical prophecy is hard to digest. Taken literally or figuratively, the Bible is a profound work of art.

What is difficult for me, as its always been, is Donald Trump. Even within the context of Q/TGA (the phenomenon, not this site), Donald Trump begs our scrutiny. I think that ANY person in the public narrative, and especially one who not only espouses his own sanctity but is adored by the masses, is worthy of the harshest critique. It seems he's a far cry from the demon-esq characterization hurled at him by his political adversaries, but he's still a business mogul who profited immensely off the most decadent stages of capitalism and the global subjugation of humanity. He's still a reality tv star who has clearly thrived off fame. His life and his education still sit firmly within reference to the mystery religions/illuminati/cabal (i.e. freemasonry, jesuits (georgetown), etc.).

Trump as frontman and bulletproof shield to the media for military masterminds I can take. But Trump as destroyer of evil? Trump as transcendental force for transcendental good? Perhaps. But it's hard not to sober up on him from time to time. Sure, the likelihood that opposing forces have existed for all time within the mystery religions/brotherhood of the snake/freemasons/jesuits is high I'd say. But he is without doubt somewhere in their club, and their club is difference than ours. In sympathy for those who can't quite get on board with the Don, I have to admit that I get it. My lifes experience has culminated in an abject disdain for TV personality + fame. And that intuition hardly feels illogical.

Could he be a test? A trial of sorts? Sure. But if he is a sign for folks to get their chickens in order before show-time, he is a difficult test, and one that many rational, well intentioned, and good hearted people will fail.

The vaccine endorsement has me questioning his role, and perhaps the role of Q. Careful discernment, which has admirably always been advocated for by Q, should lead each of us to steep skepticism of any character in play, from Lin Wood (who's almost too clean to be true) to Donald Trump.

Again, thank you for your response! I hope we can continue this thoughtful discussion.

theriverdolphin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m saying that the likelihood of a holy man residing there seems pretty slim.

theriverdolphin 2 points ago +2 / -0

My rabbit hole has led me to the inevitable question of whether or not we’ve been led (partially) astray by none other than the false prophet that was promised.

I just think it’s a valid inquiry, is all.

theriverdolphin 1 point ago +1 / -0

"the memes must flow," Frank Herberts Dune

theriverdolphin 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is nothing more insane to the normie than the idea that Donald Trump could be anything other than Hitler 2. They are unwilling to explore even the most plausible proposition on these boards. I think it’s a great hindrance to our own freedom to pay any mind at all to a “msm” comfort zone.

As far as I’m concerned, our job is not to legitimize anything. It’s to explore and critique and explore and critique. Explore! Then critique:)

If they want to call me a terrorist for feeling an affinity towards the concept of ancient aliens, I’m Ok with that haha. They’re still clearly the asshole!

theriverdolphin 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you think it could be worth your time, dig in! Least that’s what I assure myself. There are only so many ways one can cope with some of the “truths” (not saying they aren’t, just keeping my head on a swivel) we’ve had to reckon with. To undo reality in search of truth is our mission, and it’s a harrowing one. The actual truth is probably far more impressive, immense, and disastrously rapturous than any of us could believe (and I think Q illustrates this clearly enough). Why not get your elasticity in order before we truly have to stretch? Happy trails fren, good luck and good heart!

theriverdolphin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Actually, yes. I’ve been sorting out some similar links since about a week ago. Fantastic and absurd, but perhaps plausible.

theriverdolphin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heppy borfday fren❤️

theriverdolphin 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve kind of tried all avenues, from sharing freely to blending in. At the end of the day, I’ve found that keeping YOUR cool is the most important factor when trying to let people in on where your heads at. It’s been hard to not want to “warn” others or vent about calamities they have never even considered, which can compound ones (My) own feelings of alienation when faced with such devastating “truths” or suspicions about the nature of evil or power. But as I’ve come to a more introspective, critical, and even “healed” place with the information and perspectives the last year or so has opened my mind to, I’ve become more calm when discussing or broaching these topics with people, even my normie-but-loving NAZI HATING parents (lol). In closing, I think the key is to be calm with the trigger when dropping truth bombs. At the end of the day, you might blow someone’s mind, and that may be an understandably uncomfortable ordeal for them. Most people don’t want to up-end their reality. But I love y’all for ridin’ the fire with me! ❤️

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