I think… YES!
Why? Because we’re winning… BIGLY!
It seems like at every turn we’re winning. Many have suffered in this war, many tragic episodes. Unfortunately, real war takes much.
The reason I’m posting this is because many of us know that tomorrow isn’t Jesus’ birthday. It feels a bit hollow knowing that.
BUT, why not blaze a path towards true understanding? Just try again.
To be honest, I don’t worry much about when it happened, as much as the fact that it DID happen. I believe that God became man and His sacrifice on the Cross and His blood are what matter most. What saves us.
Do I believe that the Son of God was born on 12/25? Nah, don’t. But if we can humble ourselves and try to love them, maybe we can heal faster. I don’t know, but I hope.
We’re winning. Let’s Celebrate the Love of Christ.
Pedes. We have been waiting for this movement and moment to succeed for a long, long time. Whether Decades or years, it’s been a long and winding road. We’re ready, now.
I feel it, the shift, I really do. Something BIG is coming and I’m pumped AF. This is it frens, we’re here. Literally. I’ve come to accept that DJT … IS POTUS/CIC. I just know it. Confident in it. 100%
I don’t know what comes next…. BUT it “feels right” to me. Can you feel it… the coming transformation???
I think soon we’re going to see:
Arrests (you know what I mean)
End of Financial Slavery (+ slavery in all forms)
A Payday for those who “knew” (YKWIM)
A Change in US (“money” won’t matter, VALUE will!)
A GOLDen Age, where our progeny thrives)
An era of pure truth and healing
A time of harmony with God
A time of Humanity fulfilling our place as being Created in HIS IMAGE.
We’re here frens. ITS NOW. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT… with LOVE. God bless all of you, and Thank you all. 🙏
HO-LEE Anons!! Came across this today and thought it was interesting. Any Digs or Anon discussion? Sauce below.
EVIL FAUCI trained and inspired by EVIL JESUITS. Come out of her my people!!!
Sauce: (Shadow of Ezra)
Arizona election can be set aside. Voided. Nullified!
Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh can file a Rule 60(b) as NEW INFORMATION has been discovered and presented right here.
WOW. Looks legit, may need more Anon eye on.

Could this be the setup for... "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us"?
...We’re hearing reports that Twitter is about to reinstate President Trump’s Twitter account. I don’t know if this is true, but I will tell you what’s being said, and you can make up your mind. The report comes from an account called “First Squawk,” and while they’re not verified, they are a popular tech news account with over 250k followers. So, do with that what you will.
Sauce: http://mailer.dailyheadlines.com/ga/click/2-114563907-556-77785-152904-1564460-57a63d4f4e-j8500f4712
Sauce: https://www.foxnews.com/us/alabama-elementary-school-gadsden-shooting
Watch Salty mock the lefties: https://www.bitchute.com/video/iN2f1SQ5tpHv/?list=notifications&randomize=false
The corresponding decision was made by the Supreme Court of the DPR.
They were found guilty under a number of criminal articles, including mercenary activities and actions aimed at seizing power in the republic.
Intel Slava Z https://t.me/intelslava
Extra sauce: https://interfax.com/newsroom/top-stories/80091/
The “Not Since 1917” series concluded with the notion that Prussia did not disappear from the world stage; they simply became invisible and operated through a matrix of globalist corporations from their new base in Washington D.C. We closed out the series with an incredible speech given by President Trump, just prior to the 2016 election, where he described the ‘kult of Prussia’ and declared their time in Earth would soon be coming to an end.
Sauce: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/the-reichswef-part-i?s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

It just came out as I was shopping for my organic fruits and veggies today: "Wow this BIDE-IN-FLATION, is killing me...". Then add context as you see fit.
Today I received my FLD prescription of HCQ + Azithromycin + Zinc.
Hey Fraudchi! How about you fuck the right off?
Next up? My Ivermectin prescription! Death to the Deep State!