think500 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. But Trump Team may be trying to release this MOAB slowly, to minimize the tsunami shock for the witch's demwitted followers.. ie let everyone wonder if it's true for a while, before an Official confirmation.

think500 0 points ago +2 / -2

Point to one. Because so far (story broke a week ago).. no one has been able to.

think500 -2 points ago +3 / -5

"A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor, treason, and sedition.

The two male, one female panel of officers cast a unanimous verdict shortly after Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, who prosecuted the military’s case against Clinton, showcased his final witness for the prosecution, Clinton’s former strategist and lover, Huma Abedin.

In exchange for leniency and a plea deal, Abedin testified she and Clinton had “shared” underage children with her estranged ex-husband, Anthony Weiner. Pressed to clarify her definition of the word “shared,” Abedin qualified her answer by saying they had “practiced” lewd and lascivious behavior on underprivileged minors Clinton had imported into the United States.... ...

“You refused counsel. You refused to defend yourself. This tribunal therefore decides that the defendant, detainee Hillary Rodham Clinton, be hanged by the neck until dead,” Vice Adm. Hannink said flatly. “The sentence will be carried out on April 26, after Taps.”" - Michael Baxter - April 16, 2021

think500 0 points ago +2 / -2

More valuable than hearing, more useful than sight..
Feeling words of caring, knowing they are Right.

think500 2 points ago +2 / -0

POTUS doesn't preside over wars.. he wins 'em.. and ends 'em.

think500 1 point ago +1 / -0

Time to start asking 'Where are these legi$lators getting tens of million$?' .. The job only pays a fraction of this. What are they selling? Who does it belong to?

"We have the best government money can buy." - Mark Twain.

think500 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not just a theory, but a matter of record, when I say that since the slime.. The profession of politics has been nothing but a conspiracy against The People.

If you go into politics, and you're not crooked, you are either destroyed, blackmailed, or excluded [blackballed] from the actual business of the given legislative body; which has always sold out their constituency, not only in modern times but throughout all of history, in every place on Earth. Exceptions (outside of fiction) are rare as unicorns. Plenty of RINOs though.

The nwoCabal effectively erased party lines long long ago when they bought up [with counterfiated and looted funds] everybody for sale, ie every politician in the beltway and states (save about 2%) by the time Trump raided their game in Jan 2017.

Look around now, with the Country and humanity on the line, the grave congressional sellout continues, forcing the Great Man 'to the mattresses'.

think500 1 point ago +1 / -0

Precedent is the great political lubricant.

think500 5 points ago +5 / -0

What does it mean when your politicians [reps of the satanic New World “international” Order] come for your 2nd Amendment and gun?

It means they don't want to hear any loud 'objections' about what they intend to do next.

America's Founders clearly defined the 'Fourth and dominant branch' of government when they wrote the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.

Outlaw guns?? but.. All outlaws will STILL have guns. ALL now knowing.. you have NONE!

“Democrats and liberals in Congress want to disarm law-abiding Americans at the same time they are releasing dangerous criminal aliens and savage gang members onto our streets. Politicians who put criminal aliens before American Citizens should be voted out of office!” - President Donald Trump

The first thing a small group, trying to enslave a much larger group (by magnitude x100,000), has to do.. is disarm the larger group. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin.. all knew legislavers would try to grab your gun some day, hence they provided you with 'The Right to Bear Arms' (2nd Amendment), the fourth (and most powerful) branch of government.

The Constitution grants the final 'vote and [veto]' power to We The People. The 2nd Amendment is the ultimate 'check and balance' against inevitable government graft, and worse [“leaders” gone mad].

Americans are the largest armed group in history (by 100x w/400mil weapons). The 2nd Amendment IS the 4th branch of government.. the greatest in the Liberty Tree. Never allow any politicians to cut it down, it was created to protect you from them.

---begin Q quotes---


WHY school shootings? What is more precious than our children? Emotional pull. Distraction event. Gun grab event.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident? Why is this so very important to their agenda? We, the people, are who they are afraid of. We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

They think you are stupid. Puppets w/o power. They want your guns. Why? No power left. Q

---end Q quotes---

Complete Quotes of Q-anon here.. https://qanon.pub

think500 5 points ago +5 / -0

No. You have to be blind and braindead to even consider this.