Couldn't agree more. MDMA is also life changing. I was exceptionally fortunate to have a lot of beautiful and powerful spiritually empowering experiences in my life. Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, and lots and lots of marijuana lol. I prefer edibles, as in my own personal experience they can produce very similar effects. There's a banned T.E.D talk by Graham Hancock called ''The War on Consciousness'' I recommend for the uninitiated...
With you 1000%
I'm also hoping he strengthens protections for whistleblowers and publishers. ESPECIALLY including dropping the charges against Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, etc. This would CRIPPLE the smoky back room deals Biden /Clinton/Obama/Gates etc have been trying to force through.
It would be one of the biggest middle finger moves ever made by an [outgoing] president..
Those brave individuals risked everything to expose corruption. Providing assurance that their good deeds will not be unduly punished.. rather the criminals they've exposed are given due scrutiny (and litigation/imprisonment..) that's a powerful move...
This is a longer video but they have a lot of ground to cover, detailing the people behind the scenes of what may play out to be the most singular event in our lifetimes.
From Google and gates to British Intel ops, three letter USA retirees. . It's a who's who, all coming together to save our medical system from ''foreign agents'' via patches conveniently promoted by voices of authority..
And using the chaos around the thwarted psyops topotentially discredit the results of the election or impose an interim governing body.
All sources cited at thelastamericanvagabond in the show notes.
This is part 2, I recommend both episodes. Available on dlive, twitch and rokfin and YouTube, but only by way of glitch as the yt channel has been entirely deleted wuthin the last two weeks.
Please check this out.
Guess they failed to anticipate her role in the Biden administration..
Not to mention Kamillary is literally Clinton 2.0.