tray1129 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the same town that formed 1500 patriots with AR 15's in response to a possible BLM rally... That Chamber is fkn stupid!!! Know your city dumbasses!! Way to go Idaho!!!

tray1129 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dont think shes a Rino..Ive followed her since 2016..Pretty tough gal

tray1129 0 points ago +3 / -3

If this is true it would be the all time greatest cover up known to mankind.. As a pilot myself, ive never believed anything other than Junior died in the crash..If not, that would mean NTSB would be in on it.. NTSB is a pretty dam incredible org and I dont see them fabricating anything like this... But then again we are living in some crazy times... JMHO... DJT 2024!!!!

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