It's always been bigger than Trump. Q is Palpatine, Trump is Vader. Q saw great potential in Trump to carry out His plan, but Trump failed. However that DOES NOT mean this is over. We don't need Trump, Q doesn't need Trump. The sheeple think Q is dead, but they are sorely mistaken, and they will learn the Truth eventually. Trust the Plan.
That's just completely, demonstrably 100% not true. Biden already signed the EO. We already rejoined. You literally live in a make believe fantasy world.
It's far worse than that. It wasn't even a real bible. It was a box containing dark magick ritual objects and aborted fetuses. The whole thing was a satanic witchcraft ceremony, right in front of our faces. Those sons of bitches!
21 is 2 if you just leave off the 1 or whatever. 19 minus 2 = 17. 17 = Q. Trust the plan br0ther.
I hear you but it ends up clogging up the threads with bullshit. This is a critical time and we need to stay on focus.