It is quite bizarre, and even shocking to some to hear the words 'I love Hitler'. It seems that 99% of remarks about Hitler over the past 70 years generally revolve around hatred of Hitler and the Nazis, and the only positive comments have been from actual Neo Nazis. The actions of the Nazis rightfully deserve condemnation of course. The Nazis philosophy of enslavement and socialism deserves hatred.

But the thing about hatred is that when you are being hateful, you are not operating in Love. They are totally incompatible, 180 degrees out of phase with each other. This mindset of perpetual hate and fear is the cabals main tools to stop humanity from 'ascending' (in love). The more people live in hatred, the more likely groups like the Nazis will gain power. Hatred props up the system of enslavement.

It is fair to question that if one was living in a state of Love, then how would they put a stop to evil if they can't even notice it? You would percieve someones evil actions as rightfully wrong, a negation. You would not hate that evildoer in return, but instead would realise that their actions are pointless and would only cause evil to befall on themselves. Hatred is nothing but the action of setting a kind of spiritual flame to evil deeds, so that they are ceased. This powerful action can be horrendously abused and you can end up living in hatred, which means a misplaced desire to 'burn down' everything, even yourself.

The Bible talks at great lengths on love and hatred.

β€œYou shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not

The continuing hatred of Hitler (or any controversial figure for that matter) will keep humanity locked into a system of perpetual enslavement. For if humanity was living in Love, then the cabals schemes and brainwashing techniques would be useless. They prey on our weakness of hatred and fear.

God is forced to counterbalance the hatred, and this is a hellish pathway or journey, as you are forced to 'burn' off your vice of hatred. Much easier to just make the conscious choice to negate hatred and fear and live in Love.

  1. For the word fool is, in itself, in the essence, nothing else but an enkindled wrathful fiery wheel, an outrageous madness; and he that so calls his neighbour without a cause, he has brought forth a word in the fire-wheel, and in the wrath of God, and is guilty of it; for the forth-produced word is arisen out of the ens of the soul and body.
  2. Every word, when it is formed, doth first awaken its own ens, whence it takes its original; then it leads itself forth through the council of the five senses against its brother. Now whosoever uses such a wrathful devouring fire-word against his brother, he sows into the anger of God, and is in danger to reap the fruit which he has so sown, when it springs up and grows. - Jacob Boehme

Seems like some powerful group uses the jews as a means to do dirty work behind the scenes, and inevitably when a country gets fed up (as has happened countless times throughout history) the jews solely get the blame.

It would be IMPOSSIBLE for jews to keep getting placed in positions of power time and time again without a helping hand. Who is that helping hand?

It seems that there is a powerful faction who is controlling the jewish population throughout history. Its clear the jewish people have largely been propagandised to despise and hate Christians and only see themseles as rightful rulers.


Obviously the thought of world governance brings up ideas of tyrants restricting liberties via socialism and communism. What if instead of these systems, a cooperative world government was in place whose only agreed upon role would be to strictly enforce a well written constitution, such as something like the US Constitution?

To me, the main problems would be voter fraud, a federal reserve type monetary system, big tech monopolies and also a sense of complacency amongst communities.

If by some magic (perhaps blockchain technologies) these problems could be fixed, I don't see how a world government, or a world constitution would be a bad thing.

I would love to know others thoughts about this

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