We have been looking for the Keystone, and things with 17, Q and anon and different combinations of important keywords from Q. Yet, if you attempt to search any of those terms you get met with a FLOOD of RECENT news articles. Almost as if they are trying to throw M&Ms in our skittles trying to slow us down. They are trying to make the important info harder to find.

Keep up the searching Anons. We are getting there. DIG DEEP.



If he really is out Lin, Sydney, Flynn and others have no reason to keep what they know hidden. If you come across some, first download it to your computer, next archive the web link so if it gets taken down others can go to that web link to get it, then after you have done that, post about it here. If that becomes impossible, create a torrent and get that bitch back on the web. It's up to us, as digital patriots, to maintain the war until we get bigger guns.



You may love rubbing our faces in the fact that Trump is no longer in the White House, Biden is now president... Blah Blah Blah... I don't think you have realized yet what you voted for. We Watched Joe for 8 Years with Obama and all the corruption happening. The War, The Death, The Poverty, The Lies... Your Excited for Trump being gone and that's all. You don't understand what you have done. I Pray you aren't effected too much by your choices today. You are ill-informed and have been lied to. You really don't understand. I hope one day you do. Then you can feel like us right now. When you do, we will welcome you back, because we know what community means.

As King Leonidas once said, May you live forever. Enjoy your spoils.


Now we wait for a little bit. Duped or not, Trump was an amazing president. Im upset that he only got one term(thus far). He is an amazing man. WWG1WGA.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V91UZTrcXos Posted by another user, copied here for visibility.

Londonrain go show him some love.


Lin wood might have told us what is about to happen.


LIn states " whatever happens over the next several days, stay in your homes and let the military or law enforcement handle it. If you have some of the Soros, BLM Antifa types causing problems trying to blame it on trump for over throwing the government. That's not happening he is trying to save our republic."



When does a bird sing... The short answer is early morning. Too simple to be true, I know right but think (mocking)bird... Bird refers to the MSM news cycle. Not the OWL or cages. Its the news cycle. Around 4 AM is when the narrative is set for the day and continues on till late morning, Just like nature. Q References this in Drop 564, And if you ask google one of the first results is 4am aka the Dawn Chorus. Link for post https://qposts.online/?q=564&s=postnum


The person had invalid credentials, a gun and 500 rounds of ammo. Just heard about it via NPR on the radio. Can anybody do some digging? Deep state leaving packages for future use?

*Sorry for the vague description, was driving and typed it from memory. Thank you all for the info. *


Thats all, Frens


The TXT file, inspected shows the following in a header.

<!--"Operation Trust" was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists' takeover. - LULZ.com-->

https://chanology.com/teardrop/ Right click and inspect to see for yourself

Edited - Changed EXE to TXT


I might be a little slow to the party or way off base, but walk with me here.

RED[1,2,3,4,5,6] Don't have to be immediately one after another. And the talk about RED4 with DC going on lockdown had me thinking that maybe things have been happening behind the scenes for longer than we realize.

EAM Loyalist has a colon behind it. What if THAT Q DROP IS THE EAM. What if were waiting for nothing. What if its all been carried out in front of us while we blindly wait for our devices to screech at us. Emergency Action Message to Loyalists(Q Followers). Details matter.

RED1 Potus Twitter removal has happened, and happened a few times, the first being way back in June during the CHAZ in Portland.

RED2 Central communications black out is up next, and what if Central Means location... not essential communications. Recently we had the Nashville bombing which did knock out communications in the Central US.

RED3 Classified movement or Pelosi or Pence, Now we are getting closer to today, with the 6th being when members of congress were moved during the breach of the capital building.

RED4 Movement of MIL assets to DC, following the Capital building, Under the guise of Riots and such will happen.

RED5 National Military Command Center is the Pentagon. Per Wiki:

The NMCC has three main missions, all serving the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff in his role as the principal military advisor to both the Secretary of Defense and the President (also known as the National Command Authority).

The primary task of the NMCC is to monitor worldwide events which may be of defense significance. The NMCC also has a crisis response component e.g., response to the bombing of the USS Cole, the September 11 attacks, the attack on the USS Liberty, and Payne Stewart's plane crash. And a strategic watch component (e.g., monitoring ballistic missile launches and other nuclear activity). The NMCC is responsible for generating Emergency Action Messages (EAMs) to missile launch control centers, nuclear submarines, recon aircraft, and battlefield commanders worldwide.

I think we have yet to see this introduced. As well as, the rest of the message

RED6 Secretary of Defense Instruct1, Is Chris Miller, and again We are still waiting for this.

USSS and CASTLE_ROCK have yet to be indicated as happening as well.

Maybe the wall around DC is meant to protect things, like in the case of an invalidated election, Trump can't stay and Biden cant be let in. We saw them moving WH assets out of the white house. With an invalidated election, the contested states would need to vote again, not all just those swing states, and that would be done Via Military. What if everything is being put into place to prepare for that time when this country has no elected leadership and those that attempted to undermine democracy(House and Senate) were removed. Trump would have a no contest win if Biden was caught cheating, as it would undermine democracy and be considered Treason.

The best part of all of this would be that maybe the military gave the go ahead after the courts refused to hear any of the evidence across the states and that is when Trump said show up in DC, and when it came out from specific people close to the president that he will be president for four more year. What if they already have it in the bag and the rest is procedural, But during the process this is the state we have to go into.


I believe that CASTLE_ROCK could be a place holder for the pentagon. We have all seen Q Drop 4414, and the CASTLE_ROCK at the end of it Q Drop 4413 Is not spoken about too much though. It holds two links, one to axios, speaking about Pentagon officials resigning, and another talking of upper level military officials going against Trump. It also speaks about "Those Loyal" to country values and the Oath taken. The good people who serve proudly for America CASTLE_ROCK Q Drop 3782 which shows Trump standing behind 2 marines, and states "Castle clean". The last one I will link is to Q Drop 4433 Which is an image of an American Flag, File name CASTLE_ROCK_GODSPEED.png The ONLY references to CASTLE_ROCK are DC Military Brass related. Castle has been used in the past to describe other parts of the military, but I believe that _ROCK is describing the Pentagon. I don't think its related to Colorado. There is nothing notable related to that town and Q posts... One guy mentioned something about a star from WW2 but that doesn't tie in with Pentagon officials resigning. Yes Cheyanne Mt. and other mountain complex' but things with a strong title usually get shortened to other titles with Q.


Started with this - https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0WyDW5b/post-1464-dark-to-light/

Then Found this - https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0WyEbou/more-darkness-to-light-post-610-/

EO date lead me here - https://qposts.online/?q=12%2F21%2F2017&s=date

Im not sure if im chasing something that already been proofed or not, im fairly new to this. Any thoughts?


Israeli forces bombed syria, 2310 GMT, Which is 610 EST, Post 610 reads the following:

Read slowly and carefully. Will become critically important in coming weeks. Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms. Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/ Q

Post 1464 - Dark To Light, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM tied to Pompeo tweets today. I think im chasing the rabbit right now, can someone make a infographic.


https://qposts.online/?q=1464&s=postnum Lin Dropped a Dark to light post last night, 1464 includes dark to light and seems pretty important. BOOM BOOM BOOM CLICK THE LINK AND WATCH THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!! Learning about Israel hitting Syria with bombs.




23-Nov-2017 12:05:13 AM EST Post 209:

Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

What is SpaceX?

Expand your thinking.

23-Nov-2017 12:10:13 AM EST Post 211: NK_SpaceX

23-Dec-2017 1:10:06 AM EST Post 437:

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

US loses space dominance.


IRAN Nuke deal.

NK Nuke/Missile Tech.


NASA Tech to ?

HRC SAPs (private server).


$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).


Left eye [marker].





BO cut the NASA funding and cancelled manned missions. Wanted to push NASA to promote Muslim values. What is spacex? An INDEPENDANT Space Program

November 23rd, 30 Days before Elon Launched falcon rocket and called it a "Nuclear Alien UFO from North Korea"

December 22, SpaceX launched the first set of IRIDIUM COMMUNICATIONS Satellites into low earth orbit, Iridium operates the Iridium satellite constellation, a system of 66 active satellites used for worldwide voice and data communication from hand-held satellite phones and other transceiver units.

Iran Nuke deal fell through in late 2017 with the US. DJT refused to certify it, stating Iran did not honor the spirit of the deal and would not allow Iran to get closer to nuclear weapons.

BO admin knew of NK nukes, Trump knew of NK nukes before test, released info about tests.

Dunno who received NASA tech, assuming SpaceX

HRC SAP refers to Hilary's SAP emails from her server. SAP stands for Special Access Program, of which is Classified ABOVE TOP SECRET.

The Eye of Ra or Eye of Re is a being in ancient Egyptian mythology that functions as a feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra and a violent force that subdues his enemies. The Eye is an extension of Ra's power, equated with the disk of the sun, but it also behaves as an independent entity, which can be personified The Eye goddess acts as mother, sibling, consort, and daughter of the sun god. She is his partner in the creative cycle in which he begets the renewed form of himself that is born at dawn. The Eye's violent aspect defends Ra against the agents of disorder that threaten his rule, The Eye of Ra also represents the destructive aspect of Ra's power: the heat of the sun.

Unsure of left eye (marker).

Piece this together as you want in your own interpretation. I like to think that SpaceX was a way for the US to regain power in space. Which BO was responsible for us losing it. SpaceX also launched COMM satellites responsible for COMM and DATA Transmission, among others (ZUMA), and notable Starlink. All of them seem to be important with the blackout weve been waiting for. Somewhere in Hilary's emails, there maybe something related to space programs or nuclear weapons programs and their controllers. Need someone to help connect the dots here. The Eye of RA symbolism is rather eerie and specific. Thoughts?

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