villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sensing spicy adventures awaiting us this week. Numerology, astrology, and happenings seem to be aligned. China might get into Taiwan as soon as Biden is exposed. / First arrest might be Trump. // Biden impeachment gets traction. B safe frens

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

All the big boots in town are talking about end times, final battles, biblical times, last chances, and all sorts of amazing last days happenings that thanks to you guys some of us can see while so many genuinely cant. I wanted to say thanks to the anons that came before and all the military frens making amends for all of Americas sins. A week to REMEMBER


villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please do try it out and come back with your feedback

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Soon they will push a vaccine for white supremacy and critical thinking as deemed necessary for WHO standards.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

I did not took that one as I tend to distrust when paid billionaire scientists change the definition of vaccines to meet their marketing scam. It was quite obvious at the time and now that we have the hypothesis tried and tested. No thinking person would ever take a vaccine again. Not for this not for anything. This is which craft and black magic in many ways. Brainwashing! Genetic population control as well

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don’t you just love the smell of dilated man made vagina (interior tapestry included) in the morning?

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Humor might do the trick if he is not that far gone in his military grade zombification. I thought it was a very good and simple redpill. If you have the experience and would like to share back the feedback and come back here to tell us the highlights we might find it useful. Best practices kind of mood here. A meme can have massive effects.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been "healthy" since 2018 when I lost all my excess weight and recovered my health. I learned most of the protocol from other anons and mainly Dr. Mercola. My daily routine is like this:

  1. Morning stretch for 10 minutes (yoga warrior sequence)
  2. 30-minute run with my dog at 3.000 meters (home) and 45-60 minutes at sea level. 4.IceBath for 20 long slow breaths daily before strength training or calisthenics.
  3. Calisthenics 12 exercises (every day the same ones) 10-20 reps each.
  4. 20-minute Yoga (legs, equilibrium, and inversions) Shavasana (death pose to be prepared for death).
  5. Infrared Sauna for 25 minutes.
  6. Second Ice Bath, shower and work for 4 hours.
  7. Clean Keto Breakfast after 12:00 (steak, avocado, eggs, fruit, honey, kefir, others)
  8. 35 to 45 Minutes nap.
  9. Work for 4 hours or rest, digg, post, meme.
  10. Entertainment and self-development time -dating, family, friends.
  11. Klean keto Dinner or 1 cheat meal every 10 days.

Additionally, I have a headstand coffee enema every third day. After it, I used prebiotics and probiotics, and Kefir. I sleep on an earthing/grounded bead setup. I use psilocybin microdoses, maha ganja in drops, and vaporized. I take testosterone supplements, adaptogens, and a sustained Zelenko protocol in low doses. I dance to keep happy and connected to my inner passions and trust my gut. I no longer have to take anxiety or depression or any other medications.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take a couple of MCT oil or regular coconut oil. It will lower the stress and anxiety. You can also massage your hands and feet vigorously while the coconut oil does the trick.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are correct. Trump might not be a spook? More like a counter clown. And Biden well he wasn’t elected. So the last spook was Obama.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Desantis is another neocon trotan horse. I don’t see how you can trust anything coming from satanic families and organizations or the clowns in america crowd. Anyone can sound level headed in comparison to demented commies.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Foreigners think that Americans have two main components to their culture: 1. Convenience and 2. Adolescence. Those two characteristics are so strong and difficult to overcome that are used again and again against you. I would love to see america growing up (psychological development from convenience to effort and from adolescence to adulthood) into a full grown adult mentality and not this victimhood and immature collective. Sheep’s to Lions. I know many of you are there . I suspect this rude awakening is part of your growing pains.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Old school is going to be old school. You do know that 9/11 was an inside job? You really think torturing people for a war you took to them is very difficult to justify. But yeah be proud of America's war crimes.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s for sure what’s happening. Clowns in america running his campaign is the biggest tell. When are the new warmongers and CIA cheerleaders going to wake up to the Desantis psyop?

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mike Prysner: Yeah, well, military records are pretty hard to get. You can FOIA request government documents, but military documents are quite a bit harder and the military can deny you for no reason. It’s a little harder to get documents from them. The Navy documents on Ron DeSantis that were obtained through FOIA by Florida press, they were heavily redacted also. They had information, but most of it was blacked out, so there was a lot that was not there.

I think the reason it’s easy to obscure is, one of the big reasons is mainstream media doesn’t actually care about these things. The thing is, DeSantis just wanted to talk about his military experience enough to be able to check the box, to say, I’m a veteran too. It’s like politicians who were former officers in the military, that’s a stepping stone for political careers. And so to be able to get your cool guy photo in Iraq holding the gun, the one that Pete Buttigieg shares, it’s like you get that photo, you get to say in a debate, I’m a veteran, and then that’s pretty much it. No one really cares to look into it that much.

It is interesting because torture was once a big political issue in this country. People can recall that Obama rose through the Democratic primary and then won the presidential election on the firmest stance against torture and on closing Guantanamo Bay. In fact, the 2008 election, Obama and McCain were both dueling about who was more anti-torture. And so it was a massive political issue because it was such a big scandal. It has, I think, ceased to be a scandal. I mean, Obama, once he was elected, he of course did not close Guantanamo, but he did implement bans on certain forms of torture like waterboarding and things like that. I think there is an acceptance among the establishment that, well, the political crisis there is over, the international scandal is over, and it’s time to move on.

by BQnita
villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Think mirror: bad guys had a 16-year plan. Trump got in unexpectedly halfway through then deployed a 16 years “counter plan”. We are at year 7 of a very long show. Patience and Popcorn. White hats will continue to painfully awake the world until the tipping point is reached in the “noosphere” so that justice will be demanded by a loud majority. We are all in this together is a metaphor for this “boat” that unfortunately includes the normies, zombies and naive class who need to be unbraiwhashed and redpilled. White hats and God Win (Saint Germain and Co.)

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

And in a way the establishment and the MSM have to cover for both the incompetence and the corruption, inevitably exposing themselves as cover-up accomplices to the normies. What might have been overlooked is how far in the sand these zombies have their heads buried. I hope this level of suffering is waking up the 10% we need to reach the typing point.

villageidiot22 5 points ago +5 / -0

Use search.brave for your searches is very easy and precise. it took me a second to find this https://www.showtimes.com/movies/sound-of-freedom-170653/movie-times/

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good morning! I keep thinking of this phrase and can't seem to find where it came from: "It is a controlled demolition made to look like incompetence". It makes so much sense now! Why would all the armies allow this to happen? World War III, Net Zero societal suicide, money laundering in plain sight, election rigging, WEF control, WHO treasonous treatises. All of this "is" the controlled demolition. A masterclass in planning. And at the same time, it tells you that they are not going to make it public. Those with eyes to see will join the anons and everyone else will go through another timeline altogether in their minds. Happy Friday vibes! I'm thankful- very- thankful today.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sorry I wrote October not November I'm using Grammarly and it has been correcting some of my posts. I should check back on them faster. Sorry for he mishaps

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sorry I wrote October not November I have no idea why but Grammarly has been correcting some of my texts it might have been that. Still October 30 Monday

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sorry I did not wrote November I wrote October I don't know what happened just deleted it sorry

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