villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Baizuo (Chinese: 白左; pinyin: báizuǒ, Mandarin pronunciation: [pǎɪ.tswò]; literally "white left") is a derogatory Chinese neologism used to refer to Western liberals and leftists and to their values, especially in relation to refugee issues and social problems.

The term originated in the 2010s, probably initially to mock American and Western communists who traveled to China to support the communist revolution and has since come into widespread use due to Chinese netizens' criticism of Western liberal to leftist ideologies and of European governments, particularly Angela Merkel and the German government, for their alleged over-tolerance to immigration issues, and due to netizens' praise of Donald Trump's populist policies.

The term has begun to be widely used in English as well, most notably by American conservatives.

villageidiot22 4 points ago +5 / -1

Follow him on Twitter and maybe have a look at his book. Then, judge based on that, I guess. He is on fire, exposing what he knows. Great timing, I say.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seems to be disputed

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Original post by KeyWestJess

L👀K what I found?!?!







villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm having nice conversations with Leo, Brave browser AI. I asked him for some ideas about clockwork and the q op. Have you tried it yet? The symbol is a Lion. I believe Patriots are behind it. Cool stuff to play with. ▶️

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

The CIA is an extremist religious terrorist organization. They want to "accelerate civilization collapse" following Albert Pikes III's world wars plan. They deployed Covid-ChinaJoe, and the white hats allowed them to steal an election so that there is no "going back" for them. Q called them a Rogue Agency for a reason. Julian received his information in the same boards as Q posted on.
The main purpose of Q is to destroy the Cabal, but who is the Cabal? People controlled by the CIA. George Bush Senior was director of the CIA, then vice president, then president, then made his son president for two terms, Clinton and Obama's two terms, over 40 years of madness. There is no doubt in my mind that the whole of Q is a counter-op against this extremist religious organization = The Enemy Within. Assange took on a challenge that the Q team then continued. We are nearing the finish line. JFK started it, and Trump and his anons will finish it.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a demolition of the old guard made to look like incompetence. ///. The collateral damage on that "psyop" is quite big right now!. I don't think that we can take four more years. There would be social unrest or even civil war across many countries. Black box voting tech seems to have been "uninstalled," and many states will not let them still the elections again; Le Pen will win, Europe will turn, then Trump comes in, shakes hands, and makes peace with all world powers, and we go into a new renaissance.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't have an issue with normal gay and lesbians, the weaponized ones are the problem. The others are just living life. Then comes the satanic pelos and the mentally challenged who are now applauded by the zionist media who want to destroy values, morals, virtues. I don't see an issue with LGB, I see it with their weponization.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the sauce! Is this the Horace mention?

Horace, the Roman poet, once observed, "What we hear moves us less than what we see with our own eyes," highlighting the power of direct experience over mere words. This idea resonates through time, reflected in Winston Churchill’s "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies," underscoring the strategic protection of truth (we know what lies he referred to now)

In more mystical realms, the esoteric and Masonic traditions emphasize the journey toward enlightenment. Albert Pike, a notable Masonic author, reminded us, "We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light," while Manly P. Hall stated, "The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it." These insights suggest that truth is a hidden gem, reserved for the dedicated and the brave.

From Plato’s philosophical caution, "But if they had known the truth, they would have hated us," to Nietzsche's stark realism, "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed," the message is clear: the truth is both powerful and perilous. Whether in ancient mystery schools that espoused "To know, to dare, to will, and to keep silent," or in Hermeticism’s profound axiom, "As above, so below; as below, so above," the concealment of truth is seen as a necessary guardian of its sanctity.

In essence, the pursuit of truth requires a balance of revelation and discretion, a journey through obscurity toward illumination, reserved for those who dare to seek beyond the veil.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I was asking about the anons job, but also about this esoteric reason that the secret handshake use to justify and recruit for their charade. I tought they had decided to hide the truth to manipulate, that we needed to unearth and show the truth. We might unearth it but feeling bad because when you show it to the world they look the other way was frustrating. Under this logic, there is a valid reason not to show the naked truth. I'm not going to verbalize it. But it feels natural to keep some of it. Thanks 😊

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry for that. The context would be that I just found out that in esoterism (masons, Jesuits, etc) the reason they give for not telling the truth to the world is, on one hand like handing diamonds to pigs, and on the other, it would destroy "this world".

We all talk about the question: why don't talk about X Y Z?. So after getting this insight, I think about Q and the great awakening, this massive red pill with all the info this board holds, that I thought it was a crescendo of disclosure. But not, and the doctrine is something I found about the greatest artist in 1880

Jean-Léon Gérôme was a French painter and sculptor in the style now known as academician.

His paintings were so widely reproduced that he was "arguably the world's most famous living artist by 1880." His range of his works includes historical paintings, Greek mythology, Orientalism, portraits, and other subjects. Wikipedia Born: May 11, 1824, Vesoul, France Died: January 10, 1904 (age 79 years), Paris, France Period: academic art Known for: Painting, sculpture, teaching Spouse: Marie Goupil (m. 1863) Education: Paul Delaroche, Charles Gleyre

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm so liberated by this i wanted to share with you guys. Maybe some of you know the story i dont, but this is amazing, like a hidden (opposite of naked) truth. I would love to hear from you guys. This is a great day for me.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unveiling Truth Through 5th Generation Warfare (5GW) Iterative Exploration, and the Impact of the Twitter Files and Truth Social This article is an amalgamation of many of my Twitter/X threads. This is written through an easy to understand lens of a Complex Adaptive Systems Transformation Strategy. I am a Systems Dynamics professional consultant, I write large scale corporate process transformation strategies. I am often told I explain things in a way that makes complex subjects easy to understand. I will give it a try below. The Great Awakening In an era defined by unprecedented access to information and widespread skepticism of traditional power structures, a phenomenon known as the "Great Awakening" has been gradually unfolding. This movement, characterized by the dissemination of hidden truths and the questioning of long-standing narratives, leverages 5th Generation Warfare (5GW) tactics and follows an iterative and incremental process to peel back layers of deeply ingrained propaganda. The release of the Twitter Files and the role of Truth Social as a Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) have played significant roles in this process, illustrating how strategic information dissemination can accelerate awakening and cultural change. This gradual process of awakening also involves psychological mechanisms such as cognitive dissonance and the slow rise in levels of awareness and consciousness. Integrated Perspective on the Great Awakening and Cultural Change Considering the gradual and multifaceted nature of the Great Awakening, the process of reaching a critical mass for cultural change can be understood through the following phases: Initial Phase (0-10%) Early adopters and innovators begin exploring and disseminating suppressed truths. These individuals often face resistance and skepticism but lay the groundwork for broader awareness. Utilizing platforms like Truth, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, they spread information quickly and broadly. Memes, viral videos, and hashtags become tools for raising awareness. Independent journalism and whistleblowing platforms, such as Wikileaks and alternative media outlets, play critical roles in exposing hidden truths and fostering public skepticism toward mainstream narratives. The Twitter Files began as a series of releases that revealed internal communications and decisions within Twitter related to content moderation, censorship, and influence from governmental and non-governmental organizations. These disclosures provided concrete examples of the manipulation of information, challenging the trust in mainstream narratives. For instance, the files revealed: Collusion with Government Entities: Internal emails showed Twitter executives collaborating with government officials to suppress certain viewpoints and promote others, indicating a concerted effort to control public discourse. Suppression of Controversial Topics: Topics such as the Hunter Biden laptop story and COVID-19 origins were intentionally downplayed or censored, raising questions about free speech and information integrity. Shadow Banning and Algorithm Manipulation: Evidence of shadow banning, where users' content was hidden or restricted without their knowledge, and algorithmic manipulation to prioritize certain content over others, highlighted systemic efforts to influence public perception. The release of these files created cognitive dissonance among the public. Cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort experienced when confronted with information that contradicts one's existing beliefs. This discomfort often prompts individuals to seek consistency by either rejecting the new information or adjusting their beliefs. In this case, many began to question the reliability of mainstream media and the integrity of social media platforms. Expansion Phase (10-25%) As more people encounter and accept these truths, the movement gains momentum. The dissemination of information through social networks and alternative media becomes more effective, reaching a wider audience. Online forums, social media groups, and local meetups emerge as platforms for like-minded individuals to share findings, discuss theories, and support each other's awakening journey. This phase sees increased pattern recognition, where connections between different pieces of information begin to emerge, revealing the broader picture and the systematic nature of propaganda. The Twitter Files' revelations about the extent of coordinated efforts to control public discourse and suppress certain viewpoints resonated with many, leading to a surge in public interest and further investigations by independent researchers and journalists. This catalyzed the Expansion Phase, bringing the movement closer to critical mass. As individuals move through this phase, their level of consciousness begins to rise. Psychological evidence suggests that exposure to dissonant information, when processed critically, can lead to higher levels of awareness and cognitive complexity. People start to see beyond the immediate narrative and recognize the underlying systems and structures at play. Tipping Point (25-30%) Once a critical mass is reached, the awakened population exerts substantial influence on societal norms and structures. This phase is characterized by a rapid increase in awareness and a shift in public perception. Psychological operations (PsyOps) play a significant role here, crafting compelling stories that resonate emotionally and intellectually with the public. Symbolism and imagery evoke strong emotional responses, creating a sense of unity and purpose among the awakened population. The continuous drip of Twitter Files information, revealing deeper layers of censorship and control, reached a tipping point. As mainstream media outlets began to cover these revelations, a broader segment of the population started questioning previously accepted narratives, leading to a significant cultural shift. Mainstream Adoption (>30%) The ideas and truths central to the Great Awakening become widely accepted, leading to significant cultural and societal transformation. This phase sees the integration of new narratives into mainstream discourse and policy changes. Education and awareness campaigns intensify, using infographics, documentaries, books, and public talks to present complex information in accessible ways. As the iterative process continues, it gradually reaches a tipping point where a critical mass of the population is awakened, exerting significant pressure on societal structures and leading to transformative change. The Great Awakening and 5th Generation Warfare Tactics The concept of 5th Generation Warfare (5GW) refers to the strategic and psychological dimensions of conflict that transcend traditional battlefields and involve a wide array of non-kinetic methods such as information warfare, cyber tactics, and influence operations. Integrating 5GW tactics into the context of the Great Awakening highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of modern cultural and ideological shifts. 5th Generation Warfare

  1. Information Warfare and Cognitive Dissonance In 5GW, information becomes a primary weapon. The Great Awakening leverages this by disseminating suppressed truths, historical narratives, and alternative viewpoints to challenge the prevailing status quo. Key tactics include: Social Media Campaigns: Utilizing platforms like Truth, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to spread information quickly and broadly. Memes, viral videos, and hashtags become tools for raising awareness. Independent Journalism and Whistleblowing: Platforms such as Wikileaks and independent media outlets play critical roles in exposing hidden truths and fostering public skepticism toward mainstream narratives. Cognitive Dissonance: By presenting information that contradicts established beliefs, individuals experience cognitive dissonance, prompting a reevaluation of their worldview. This psychological discomfort can lead to deeper inquiry and eventual acceptance of new truths. The Twitter Files served as a potent tool for information warfare, presenting undeniable evidence that created cognitive dissonance in the public, forcing many to reconsider their beliefs about free speech and corporate influence over information.
  2. Psychological Operations (PsyOps) 5GW heavily relies on PsyOps to influence and control the psychological state of target populations. In the context of the Great Awakening: Narrative Shaping: Crafting compelling stories that resonate emotionally and intellectually with the public. These narratives often highlight themes of corruption, freedom, and the pursuit of truth. Symbolism and Imagery: Using symbols, logos, and visual content that evoke strong emotional responses and create a sense of unity and purpose among the awakened population. Hero and Villain Archetypes: Framing key figures as either champions of truth or perpetrators of deceit to simplify complex issues and galvanize support. The revelations in the Twitter Files utilized narrative shaping effectively, casting whistleblowers and independent journalists as heroes exposing corruption and malfeasance. This narrative resonated with many and helped to solidify the movement.
  3. Cyber Warfare and Digital Activism 5GW Digital Soldiers The digital realm offers a vast battleground for 5GW tactics. The Great Awakening utilizes: Hacking and Data Leaks: Uncovering and releasing sensitive information to the public, exposing corruption and unethical practices. Bot Networks and Algorithmic Manipulation: Employing automated accounts and algorithmic techniques to amplify messages, create trends, and influence public opinion. Online Communities and Forums: Platforms like Reddit, 4chan, and various Discord servers become hubs for information exchange, planning, and coordination among awakened individuals. The Twitter Files were disseminated and analyzed extensively on these platforms, amplifying their impact and facilitating coordinated digital activism.
  4. Decentralized Movements and Grassroots Activism A key feature of both 5GW and the Great Awakening is the decentralization of operations: Leaderless Resistance: The movement lacks centralized leadership, making it resilient to attacks and infiltration. Instead, it relies on a network of like-minded individuals who act independently yet cohesively. Crowdsourcing Intelligence: Leveraging the collective knowledge and skills of the global population to uncover, analyze, and disseminate information. Grassroots Campaigns: Localized efforts to raise awareness, organize events, and engage in peaceful protests, contributing to a larger global movement. Decentralized networks of activists and independent researchers played a crucial role in spreading the Twitter Files and keeping the public engaged.
  5. Psychological Resilience and Counter-Narratives As the Great Awakening progresses, it faces countermeasures from established power structures: Misinformation and Disinformation: Opponents of the movement may spread false information to discredit and divide the awakened population. Understanding and countering these tactics is crucial. Building Resilience: Educating individuals on critical thinking, media literacy, and emotional intelligence to resist manipulation and remain focused on the core objectives of the movement. Creating Counter-Narratives: Developing compelling counter-narratives that reinforce the movement’s messages and undermine efforts to delegitimize it. The movement has countered misinformation by consistently presenting verified facts and fostering critical thinking within its community. Truth Social as a Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) Truth Social as a Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) Truth Social, a social media platform, has emerged as a Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) for the Great Awakening movement, where Anons (anonymous users) can fine-tune their messag
villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

This place is for people who like the naked truth; if you know someone who likes it and has the discipline to come and help and then go back to their preferred battlefields to disseminate, invite them.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well said, they are distractions. Some weeks or months ago, the mods on GAW asked people to discern which topics further the cause from those that, although real and important, especially the esoteric and fake history ones, might hinder the cause or be a source of friction. I do like those topics. They are crazier than fiction and have very steep learning curves.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

When Clotaire Rapaille was asked what the "culture code" for America was, he said "adolescent". This scene is all part of a soft disclosure about the reality of the Great Satan to his perpetually "adolescent" population.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is not private for the person posting the liked post. We can see who likes our stuff, but others can't. I think is safer. Doxing techs and Bots can infer from both your likes and your content. Now they cant do it as easy I guess,

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