villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Above your comment you can find to sauces to make sure it was said by him.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

His dad created this whole mess and they are dismantling it for good. Who still gives the hour of the day to these satanic globalist kids?

villageidiot22 8 points ago +8 / -0

He said in other statements that he can't compete against the " propaganda of the US", he has recognized publicly the control by intel agencies and mainstream media is total in the Western world. "That's it". meaning if you trace this shitshow back to its causal fault -yes it was wider than mail-in ballots- there was a whole psyop attached to it by the masonic disinformation media. ....But in the end, this was an Obama-era op developed and deployed by DoD /CIA that they all knew by heart. They had pre-printed ballots for Biden. Remember the fire at the Chinese Consulate in Texas? those were ballots.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly, not for normies and zombies, just for awakened and rebellious souls.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice! I know it would be a great success. But I have never developed an app so we need to crowdsource it. Let me get back with some ideas into this same chat, hopefully we would find an anon that has experience in this and AI can help us with the details and technical aspects.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you met a lady anon? If you did then count yourself lucky 🍀

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

They did tried to talk about that but someone changed their tune because it was waking up people. Each time they went deep diving into Q to discredited that made it more attractive.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do think violence is necessary and should be swift. I also hope that “utterly destroying you enemies” becomes a widely accepted western value again (it was for centuries) instead of the satanic tolerance they promote. Violence is needed and as the Bhagavad Gita plays out Warriors are supposed to be the ones who govern not these weak men. I guess will have to see how the deportatiin operation is carried out with a war in the cartels at the same time.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Temperance is a western value that comes to mind. Nobody here is happy as the secrets we all knew about for the last 8 years have been revealed painfully slow and at the cost of human lives. Trump has said that there would be a truth and reconciliation commission were I guess all this shit show will finally make some sense and maybe help bring forth a better version for all of us. I guess the world needs more pain to be jolted out or something. And some will never understand that they were the poison themselves.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not to mention the Ukraine War! But I’m sure is less painful than the whole world locked up for 5 years destroyed and enslaved, all patriots labeled as terrorists being hunted by UN/China troops coming from Canada and Mexico working with a corrupt DoD. But yea very painful indeed.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Taking down the fake media implies taking down the traitorous intel agencies that control them.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate the term collateral damage but it exists for a reason. Remember the 16 years plan included a confrontation between armed citizens and the state. But yea, The Precipice will be the end to some and suffering in some extent to all.

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

With the added value of creating and training the biggest counter-intel open-source peaceful army in history. We are at year 8 of the 16 years counter-plan o the black hats 16 year endgame, guessing Dark to Light and Think Mirror means in part to have 8 years of darkness followed by 8 years of light. That's my hopium at least

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

self-criticism is a virtue they do not posses

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

He works with Astrid, she was one of the first and best whistleblowers at the WHO. He is also an insider. I don’t think he has any significant red flags and his narrative and sources are not that much suspicious. We would love to hear your thoughts and sources in a more thorough manner if you don’t mind.

villageidiot22 4 points ago +5 / -1

Continues: Together, this united force of light serves as a precursor to the impending Military Justice, which will relentlessly pursue and bring to justice all those responsible for this unimaginable Democide. It is worth noting that within the US Space Force, established by President Trump on December 20th, 2019, all members are officially referred to as Guardians.

The viral masterpiece of Light, the short film titled “Cutting off the head of the Snake in Geneva,” is now rapidly circulating worldwide, disseminating a profound message that resonates with the essence of enlightenment. The enigmatic creators of this captivating visual narrative have ingeniously embedded a code, cleverly disguised as a “title” beneath my name, which subtly fades in and out as I speak candidly, devoid of any scripted content. Although many viewers may have overlooked this subtle detail, I now reveal its location, inviting you to embark on your own journey of discovery. These two words, accompanied by a single dot, serve as a gateway to meticulously researched and verifiable legal blueprints, currently in effect, that constitute an indomitable force of retribution. This collective retribution, borne out of the betrayal inflicted upon countless victims and humanity as a whole by traitors and demociders across various jurisdictions, now stands resolute and unstoppable.

To all those responsible for perpetrating this democide, manipulating the truth, wielding influence through media, practicing deceit within the medical profession, and embodying rogue elements, I have coined a proverb that shall endure beyond my time: “We are the Guardians of Humanity, and our Light obliterates the darkness of evil.” Rest assured, each and every one of you perpetrators shall face judgment, and the necessary corrections of your unreliable Justice systems shall be made in the name of Humanity.

Dear fellow divine beings, prepare yourselves and align with the Guardians who tirelessly safeguard your well-being, that of your loved ones, and the sanctity of your respective constitutions, regardless of your geographical location. Fear not the machinations of rogue governments or any other adversarial forces, for the era of light and love has dawned upon us. Their demise is imminent, and the year that shall witness their downfall is 2024. All fake democracies, traitor politicians, fake political parties and systems will be replaced by US Military Rule and Justice.

All perpetrators and traitors are trapped now and as President Trump said: “I caught them All.”

Well, I can confirm his astute statement as 100 % Truth.


PN -2–1–2024

And you need to watch this to understand and maybe integrate parts of my statements of this interview:


DISCLOSURE We caught them all with our Stratagems, also all rogue Swiss Government elements !


DISCLOSURE The Greatest Show on Earth — Documentary Film in 4K November 2023 with President & CIC of the United States Donald J. Trump


DISCLOSURE The TruthStream Show, USA: “Donald J. Trump is the Wartime President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America” with Derek Johnson


DISCLOSURE WHO, WEF, Rogue Government elements and the ruses that caught them all — The Legal Blueprints — Military Operation STORM is reality and is a multiple beyond Biblical in response to the Democide executed against the Human Species.


VIRAL Documentary Short Film “Cutting off the Head of the Snake in Geneva” — Released October 2023 — Over 600 Million views since Oct. 19 2023



VIRAL Live TV Show — Pascal Najadi with Dr. Drew and Dr. Kelly Victory “Ask Dr. Drew” Show — New York, USA


US General Michael Flynn’s repost of the Film on X with his own words


The Travesty of Swiss Justice vs Pascal Najadi 2023 | Scribd Follow the Truth on on my TruthSocial account: ... 7 uploads www.scribd.com

The United States 🇺🇸 are formally at war since December 2019 and the White House Website has published the beginning of the Final Act of Operation #STORM here, the continuation of President Donald J. Trump’s Executive Order 13818 that he authored, signed and enacted on December 20th 2017.


It specifically says, I paraphrase, that this declared National Emergency for Serious Human Rights abuses and Corruption emanates from outside the United States in whole or large parts and poses an unusual and extraordinary Threat to the National Security of the United States of America. Switzerland is one of those “Threats” and is prominently targeted by this ongoing US led Military Operation.

“Your” Joe Biden, the former VP under Traitor Obama has been already executed by the US Military Justice for Treason and Crimes against Humanity (Covid19 PsyOp). He has been buried in Arlington on January 20th 2021. The entire Biden Administration is fake and has been set up and operated by the US Military as a Central Casting operation to entrap you all and to totally Obliterate the globalist Deep State.

Follow me on President Trump’s Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@najadi4justice

www.thedocuments.info www.spaceforce.com

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well apparently he was Dick Chenney and his cabal buddies male prostitute as well. “Sign that deal and I will send you a Senator and future President” for you to fuck.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been in this battle against evil in the US government and, for that matter the world, since spring of 2021. The truth is that I didn’t recognize the enemy early on.

First I thought the problem was one of poorly designed drug development processes gone awry, and then a public health emergency response gone awry.

Then I thought it was also about medical freedom and freedom from a weaponization of public mandates - including vaccines, masks, lock-downs, social distancing, mandates, vaccine passports, etc. But still I persisting in viewing the problem through the lens of a focal point, that of a singular set of “problems” to be fixed.

Despite all the evidence to the contrary. Yet- deep in my heart, I knew that this fight is all about future generations and their legacy. Here is my dear friend Dr. Luc Montagnier - shortly before his death.

As I began to really wake up to what the world was facing, I began to feel an unease. This fight is bigger than I could have dreamed of early on, and it has been planned for a very long time. I have now come to realize that “we” are in a fight against evil.

That our educational system have became corrupted with socialist/Marxist ideologies, regulatory capture has turned our republic - our representative democracy- into a shell of itself, and the various deep/administrative states have come to dominate our government to the point where we live in a system of inverse totalitarianism.

So many of our children have been brain washed by social media and the socialist teachings of an controlled educational system.

But we are lucky, in that some parents are managing to raise children who are aware of what is going on - and wish to change things for the better. They are the hopes of the future.

The problem being that global fascists - that is the worlds’ largest transnational corporations, are quite willing to take advantage of these foolish ideologies. Liberal democrats and socialists have become one in the same. Progressives see themselves as full on Marxists and are proud of it. The culture of victimhood has become the rallying cry of the new left or shall I more properly say, “far-left”.

Those of us who are patriots, who believe in exceptionalism, of Americanism and the benefits of meritocracy- which include capitalism- have been branded as being part of an evil empire. This is part of an ongoing psychological and propaganda war, and it is what is actually evil. I have come to embrace the term “constitutional conservative” - as being the closest to how I have come to view the nirvana of America that once was and can be again. I believe that by returning to our constitutional roots, we can recapture the American spirit.

American greatness. It is the traditional values, Judeo-Christian values, that keep us as both individuals and as a culture healthy and of pure mind.

As the globalists - the opportunists, who view the world through the lens of wealth for the elite few, are very willing to use any trick in the book to silence those of us who fight against the tyrants.

That includes paying chaos agents, particularly on social media. Each day, these paid assets write horrific things about those of us fighting for our freedoms; it is clearly their mission is to divide and conquer. So, as you read hit pieces about the very organizations and people working to preserve our freedoms and way of life - know that these are planned attacks. These are paid chaos agents.

Our fight is not just medical freedom, it is about freedom. I have written extensively about all of this in the past. Including the censorship, propaganda and psywar being waged against all of us. I will continue to write about it. It is the fight of our lives, for our lives and for our children’s lives.

This week, I received about 30 abstracts from people who are willing to spend their own coin to travel to DC to speak at Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing. I have been organizing, collating and sorting these abstracts. I am overwhelmed with how much passion there is in those who fight and who question why.

But here is my truth:

I salute those who are in the fight with me. Those organizations who are hanging tough. The people around me, who work hard to continue to change the system from within and from outside. So many people working to bring sanity to the world. So…

  • I salute those who have donated money, resources, time and energy to fight for our freedoms.
  • I salute those who have organized events, protests, conferences and the like.
  • I salute those who have just shown up to protest and who volunteer.
  • I salute those freedom fighters who are artists including musicians.
  • I salute those who have written essays, news articles and scientific papers.
  • And I salute those who have run for office, which is a thankless task.
  • I salute those who have just the act of having an open mind and spreading the word amongst friends.

So many of us are doing what we can. It all matters. We are all heroes.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nothing to do with clones. They replaced a criminal and Installed a “system”

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

“THE TWO PUTINS” ~ by Freya Ferdinand II

On to the story... The original Putin was said to have been deranged mobster and gangster, according to members of the Russian government. He would kill anyone who got in his way or anyone he simply wasn’t a fan of. Everyone around him lived in fear of their lives. Russian officials got together and filed charges against Putin for all the murders he’d committed.

Below, you will see pictures of Putin jailed inside of a courtroom. A #guilty verdict was quickly handed down and Putin was “swiftly” executed that evening in December 2011, for crimes against humanity and extreme torture of his victims.

I first found a video on YouTube of Mrs. Putin claiming the new Putin was not her husband and that he was removed from their home one night in 2010 by Russian officials and he was never seen by her again. A few weeks later, a different man was dropped off to their home and the military tells her the man is her husband. It is clear to her he is not.

She says she sleeps on the couch from that day forward, as there is a stranger in her bed. She eventually works up the nerve to tell him she wants a divorce because she will not be married to a complete stranger. Mrs. Putin stated the man agreed by saying he was relieved because he was not attracted to her. The Putins suddenly divorce not long after Putin was replaced.

Mrs. Putin disappears with her two daughters, which no one has ever seen since that time and is never seen again herself. Putin 2.0 then began dating a much younger woman whom he seemed much happier with. Everyone believed Putin merely traded up as most men in power seem to do without a second thought, but no one realized this was not the same person at all.

I noticed that no one in United States was talking about this! However, Russian media, from where I learned of this story, was all abuzz with this information. They knew the Putin we see today was NOT the real Putin and they were celebrating this fact. Why? Because the second Putin—the replacement Putin, was brought in to clean house and clear out Russian corruption, the same exact way Trump was placed in power to do in the great U.S. of A. Coincidence? Absolutely not! Putin made Russia great again!! He kicked the Deep State out of Russia, although they do still very much exist today, but more so on “fringe” outskirts of Russian and within neighboring countries like Ukraine. Putin kicked “Deep State butt” and Russia has been flourishing for quite some time ever since! According to Russian citizens, Russia is now a safe and decent place to live thanks to Putin 2.0.

Many do not know, but President Trump has been taking queues from Putin 2.0 and what Russia was able to do to free themselves from Deep State oppression over the past 9 years.

I realized Putin was cleaning up Russia when he forbade the United States from adopting children from Russian orphanages. There was overwhelming evidence these Russian children were being adopted in droves by Satanists and high-level Luciferians in atheism states to be used in Satanic Ritual. It was heartbreaking, but when Putin found out what was going on with these adoptions, he shut down the ability for the US to adopt the children, and brought the entire ring to a screeching halt. Putin is one who understands the deep sickness that permeates the Cabal. No time for mercy. If one doesn’t put these people down, they’ll simply move their operations next door (like to Ukraine), it is truly of no consequence to them.

Trump and Putin were the only two “Super Power” leaders, leading the fight against the Cabal together for the first few years. I believe this #plan has been in works for decades and as soon as Putin was replaced and Trump was installed, just as from Dark to Light, the real game of saving this planet could begin.

Even if you have a hard time believing the real Putin was executed and replaced, believe me when I say I researched this subject well, but more importantly—Thank goodness 📷 he was! There’s very good reason many in danger, seeking diplomatic protection have fled to Russia. Putin 2.0 has proven to be an ally, mentor and friend to President Trump like no one else. This is also the reason Hillary and company called their fake election tampering collusion hoax, a “Russian” collusion, if you catch my drift. They know Trump and Putin are linked together in crushing the Cabal for once and for all.

Take a look what Putin had to say and these are a few of many very vocal statements Putin has brazenly made against the Deep State:


Shockwaves are reverberating around the Kremlin today as word spreads regarding an extraordinary meeting called by Vladimir Putin yesterday where, according to sources, the Russian president said that “95% of the world’s ruling class are not even human,” but are “cold-blooded hybrids” who are “members of an ancient cult.”

Did Putin just out the world’s political and financial elite as cold-blooded hybrid human reptilians? Did he really just go there? Speaking at a behind closed doors forum for the highest echelons of government and staff in his home city of St. Petersburg, Putin responded to questions about the Panama Papers leak by pointing out who was behind the plot: the U.S. government, their spy agencies, and George Soros’s OCCRP.

Putin slammed his fist on the table and exclaimed, “George Soros, you sly dragon, this is war,” according to sources close to the President. Putin then vowed to ramp up sanctions against Soros’s Open Society even further.

When questioned by a top aide as to what he meant by “dragon” (an unusual word in Russian), Putin sighed heavily and fixed the assembled group with his trademark stare before explaining that all is not what it seems in regards to how the world is run. Resisting gentle attempts by close aides to stop the President ‘going there,’ Putin said that the evidence was everywhere, and that he personally had intimate knowledge of their dealings. He said that he was not one of them, but they are afraid of him and have attempted to lure him into their “ancient Babylonian cult.” “The evidence, ancient and modern, is enormous,” he said.

Putin said that mankind has been manipulated to become “unconscious” through the use of programming by media and politics, the perfect example of which was the recent Panama Papers leak. The world’s ruling class have tyrannical control over our food, water, and air supply, and they are actively dumbing down the masses." Please click on all photos below.

It is important to note when looking at the pictures, there was only a two month time period when the old Putin was executed and the new Putin arrived. ‘‘Twas not years between them but only months.”

More photos in comments.

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

The tool shall be able to gather information from the following mandatory online and social media data sources: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Deep/Dark Web, VK, and Telegram,” the bureau said. It added that the ability to search Snapchat, TikTok. Reddit, 8Kun, Gab, Parler, ask.fm, Weibo, Discord. and “additional fringe platforms, and other encrypted messaging platforms,” would be a bonus.

In procurement documents, the FBI said information collected from online sources through the tool should be retained in the vendor’s systems before being exported to the bureau, and that the system should be able to continuously monitor sources.

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