villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think the WH wanted innocent people to die they just knew there was no option but to cull the population and allow the bad guys to do it. I might have expressed intention on their part but It was just a decision that "had to be made". The culling part made with the intention to depopulate was brought to the table by the cabal since the NWO kicked into gear. WH knew they had to let it play. My mistake. Nobody wants billions of zombies in heaven IMO.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly and they will allow all of this necessary collateral to happen under Biden, not under Trump. We don't judge a difficult decision from an impossible one and the logic and ethics behind it is precisely what the Bhagavad Gita delves into. How the righteous (Arjuna) have to kill their own family in order to re-established the Dharma (order) again.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The prophecy is not a date-by-date one. It is a "script" and apparently there is a large group of people (probably the cabal religious zionist faction) who are actively working to implement that script. There is a saying the Azov battalion uses "Those who want to hasten civilization collapse". I started to research if there is a plan for Armageddon and apparently, there is. I'm still looking for the book by Peter Lemesurier that analyses history as a repeating cycle and how Nostradamus taped into this "script" to create his predictions instead of being some sort of "seer". so we are not deatefagging. Is like a "scenario planning" script nothing else.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do not want to belive it either, but if there is a script then is very probable Biden admin an the cabal will deploy it before allowing the population to get to the truth.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

So apparently there is an Armageddon Script guys

Who is Peter Lemesurier’s and his book, The Armageddon Script: Prophecy in Action, explores the prophecies of the Essene sect and offers the belief that there are still people today who are carrying out the Armageddon Script. The book also describes the author’s understanding of the end of the world, using quotations from prophecies from various sources, many non-Christian 1. The book is 264 pages long and was first published on January 1, 1985 1.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Source: http://atpministry.com//files/docs//Zews-463.pdf

THE ANTICHRIST PLAN – PART II It is interesting how from time to time the New World Order / Illuminati types will lift the veil a bit….that we might have a look at their plans. Last time we reviewed the dark occult demon-inspired plan to bring about a Global Government through the vehicle of three world wars, as enunciated by Albert Pike. Taken from a letter written in 1871, through the first two stages this plan is working out just as spelled out in the letter. Next we will look at a more detailed unfolding of the last stages of the plan as revealed by a couple of NWO heavyweights. LIFTING THE VEIL….A WEE BIT A few years back, David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries did some groundbreaking work, reporting on a seminar of the New England Theosophical Society that outlined for the attendees the plans to call forth the New Age Messiah. Bill Lambert, who was the Director and featured speaker at the conference, believes that prophecy is self-fulfilling. “What a person thinks, he creates.” 1 A belief in the concept of Armageddon will lead to massive nuclear war. So too, when enough people believe it, this world will be ready for the New Age Messiah. It is then that he will arrive. This is the same message of The Secret, that New Age drivel that is taking the world by storm. Applying the message, Peter Lemesurier, author of the Armageddon Script agrees. “If the Messiah is to appear, then he must be produced”, says he.2 (In other words, a New Age Christ will be a product of humanity …NOT Divinity!) Lambert’s remarks, when taken in conjunction with other New Age writings, lay out a clear and rather precise blueprint for realizing the coming New World Order. Whether with full knowledge or not, it is interesting that the specific steps that Lambert spoke of, all dealt on some level, with events that are clearly predicted in Scripture. We’ll take as our working template the scenario outlined at the Theosophy seminar. With due props to David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries, here is the plan that according to Mr Lambert and other Illuminati types. Their self-imposed deadline for completion of the process is no later than 2020. But God has HIS timing!

  1. The New Jerusalem Covenant Project – The problem of Palestine will be solved when Jerusalem becomes a truly international city, - for Jew, Christian & Muslim alike. [We have already seen proposals to ‘reach some agreement’ between Israel and the Palestinians, on East Jerusalem. You’ll recall that we’ve also noted the Vatican’s interest in having the Holy City declared an international city, - to operate under the control of the Catholic Church.]
  2. One World Religion Declared – A concurrent religious celebration for Christians, Muslim & Buddhists will occur. At that time the New World Order Religion will be announced. Last time we covered how Pike’s Masonic plan envisions the destruction of TRUE Christianity – to be replaced by a very real – and open – Satanic worship. And then there is Pope John Paul’s vision of the entire globe, religiously united under the aegis of the Catholic Church.
  3. A Global Political / Business Conference – The conference will put military armament - as well as human and environmental resources and even space under control of a global governing body. Now here’s David Bay quoting conference speaker Bill Lambert. Once these religious and political / business meetings have taken place “a grand merger of all forces will occur world-wide that will move the world in any desired direction”. [They’re planning the political / religious super kingdom of Antichrist.] That desired direction must start however with a combination political / religious settlement in the Middle East. Lambert again: “Once this religious problem is solved, then the power and influence of the Orthodox Jews in Israel would permanently decline”. There is a concerted effort to take down the Orthodox Jews. Biblical Christianity and Judaism are the arch-enemies of the New World Order.
  4. The New Temple Is Built – It is a combined Temple / Church / Mosque. [I’ve seen the design for this building on the internet in the past but have not recently been able to locate it.] Orthodox Jewish groups are preparing even now to rebuild the Temple. They are producing the needed furniture, articles and vestments. But the Bible is clear that the next Temple will be the temple of Antichrist. That man of sin will enter the Temple at the halfway point of the Tribulation - three-and-one-half years after confirming a covenant. The timing of the Temple and the Covenant is directly tied into God’s plan for the End of the Age. 2Thessalonians 2:3-4 reads: “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”
  5. War Drives The Plan – Quoting Mr Lambert: “The impetus toward this type of settlement is made possible only because of a general fear of war. This fear of war must be maintained until the desired political and religious changes have been instituted”.3 Jesus put it thus: “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” (Matthew 24:6) (KJV) It’s necessary here to take a little side trip to the work of Peter Lemesurier, author of the Armageddon Script. In his book he lays out in detail just how the Illuminati New World Order types plan to maintain the pressure that will create the conditions necessary for the rise of the Antichrist. Here are the details of the plan.  Arab Israeli War - Israel wins an annihilating victory, fulfilling many Biblical prophecies. These include the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17:1), the Psalm 83 War and the prophecies contained in the short Book of Obadiah, which details the complete destruction of the Palestinians. With tensions almost daily rising in the Middle East, Syria already involved in civil war – and Egypt descending into that state – we sit on the brink of a military explosion in the region. Even now, Israel is preparing to fight a multi-front war involving Syria, the Palestinians and Hezbollah in Lebanon. All of these are specifically mentioned – using their ancient names – in the prophecy found in Psalm 83. And even the Iran crisis could play in here. Though it seems clear that Iran (Persia) will lead a major invasion of Israel after the end of the Psalm 83 War: An Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facilities could set off that very war – possibly without the active involvement of Iran itself. Conditions are rife for such an explosion.  Catastrophic Terror – Major terror attacks against the US & Europe using WMDs. This danger grows daily as we see weapons – even possibly weapons of mass destruction – proliferating across the region and getting into the hands of groups like al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. And after Benghazi, we know that some of this has gone on with the cooperation of the United States Government. We are effectively turning technology over to terror groups that are organically committed to using them against the West. [How convenient for those wishing to create the chaotic conditions necessary to bring the ‘New Age Christ’ to power.] Once in the hands of the crazies, it will only be a matter of time before these weapons are turned against us. [And then won’t we be surprised, wringing our hands and saying: ‘Whatever could have gone wrong?’.]  Nuclear Crisis In Korea - Lemesurier writes, “A hair raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man’s very survival.” When he wrote those words it seemed impossible that North Koreans could ever be a serious nuclear threat. Now they are a nuclear power with a demonically insane history of provocation.  Taiwan Invasion - China uses the fact that the U.S. is occupied on two fronts to invade Taiwan, challenging the already stretched American Naval forces in the region. This may seem a bit of an odd prediction, perhaps a little too ambitious – until that is one takes real stock of what it is saying – and measures that against the emerging military reality in the Pacific. The purpose is NOT to say that China will seize Taiwan, an island they see as a ‘breakaway’ province from Communist rule. The purpose, the vantage point of the NWO types, is to stretch the United States military to the breaking point, rendering it ineffective to affect world events. Toward that end, let’s review just a bit of history. Under the Clinton administration, a significant amount of cutting edge missile and satellite technology was transferred to the Chinese.4 This closed a major gap, allowing the Chi-Coms to catch up with the US in many areas of military capability. Since then, China has been busy modernizing its navy and other armed forces, becoming a serious threat to American interests in the region. In addition, they’ve become more aggressive in advancing Chinese interests, pressuring Taiwan – and most recently, picking a fight with Japan over some disputed islands. With America pledged to defend both Taiwan and Japan, this puts the US in the Chinese crosshairs. And either fight – with Japan or with Taiwan – would serve the purposes of the Powers-That-Be in advancing the cause of the New World Order. In the past, this newsletter has carried the stories in which high-ranking members of the Chinese military establishment revealed that a struggle with the US over world hegemony was part of the inbred military philosophy of that Communist nation. In addition, in 2011, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong confirmed China’s active support of Iran and their nuclear ambitions saying: “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war.”5  Alien Presence – Extraterrestrials manifest a presence that leads to the collapse of the religious beliefs of many around the globe. [Artificial or demonic in nature.] Here are the words of Bill Lambert as quoted by David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries. “UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the Anti-Christ appears.” [Henry Kissinger has suggested much the same thing.]  Stock Market to Crash – We’ve reported here in the past how several sources have revealed that the economic meltdown of 2008-2009 was a planned event; put in place to move the world toward a truly one-world-economy. Currently, the US and the West especially, are sitting on a mountain of debt and obligations that will never be able to be paid off. As this is being written, the Federal Reserve is essentially creating an additional $80 billion per month. Unfunded mandates are exploding in health care and retirement accounts. And all of this is delicately balanced. Even the slightest interference with the world’s oil supply could send the world economy into a tailspin. That disruption could come at the hands of terrorists or war erupting in one of several hot spots – at most any time.  Earthquakes around the world - (Unconfirmed reports exist that Russian and U.S. military capabilities include the ability to create earthquakes.) Earthquakes and volcanoes are increasing all the time. We’ve not had the time nor the space to even catalogue the main ones any longer.  The New Age Christ Appears - He is a man of peace. He claims to be the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha rolled into one. He shows displays of supernatural power.6 So that’s the plan to reveal the New Messiah. But they’ve got ideas too on just how that will work itself out. Some of which have some very interesting prophetic implications.
villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Source: https://www.threeworldwars.com/world-war-3/ww3.htm

In the words of Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script:

Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come. Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats and welcome on stage the players of this Grand Play:

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't even know how to dismantle that but memes are putting a dent on them for sure

by Kokonut
villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

When you serve and the other one cant respond and you win the point is called and "ace" like in Trump Card

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

We don’t know for certain but we are seeing multiple illegal border crossings by people who are made to believe they work for the UN and will get their marching orders from them. We are seeing a “stand down” order in all major countries to not defend themselves. And please explain how can the public decide to defend itself from enemies and dangers they can’t see? The perfect storm is a very convincing way to implement reverse immigration and wage open war with support from the public. Mutual annihilation of crazy factions is way more easy to accomplish than trying to re educate extremely brainwashed nations. I’m not dooming I’m seeing how this is playing out and hoping for all the patriots to start taking over their local institutions before there is nothing and no one who can mount a defense against the plan. I’m being realistic.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember the Daegel population numbers for 2025 we found pre COVID? Those numbers are very worrying specially in the G20 “white nations” who are currently experiencing over 50% excess deaths. So yeah, instead of nuclear Armageddon commanded by Killary et al we are experiencing “depopulation by choice” if you can call it that way. This is not dooming but please explain why the white hats felt so comfortable allowing for this massive death to come bu iatrogenic means? The shots have killed around 7 million in the US and might have caused harm to 100 million hearts who will stop working decades before their natural expiration dates. And we all can see how dumbed down and disconnected from Source the majority of the people can be. So yea I do think depopulation was agreed as one of the accepted collateral damages for the awakening. Whatever is standing in 2025 will be more manageable than what we had pre COVID. You can see the % of liberals and progressives who are willing to take all the next shoots. Of course no one will accept this but both white and black hats are staging a painful “culling of the heard” with all of the collateral damages implicitly agreed upon as there is no other way to expose the Khazarian Mafia and globalists behind the veil.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

sure dude, people spend their whole life developing their jacobs later / alchemical experience but is "much Jesus"..fucking study Constantine and his psyops, All ascended masters are simply Arhats. all Abrahamic religions are crowd control. If this is the first time you see the Arhat concept go back to basics an then tell me the harsh truth. lets fucking of. 0.22 caliber on all of them. I AM THAT I AM therefore i enjoy Arjuna Deep and Jesus redpill,

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The “Light” is God’s Way of creating and maintaining Order, Peace, and Perfection throughout His Creation. The “Light” is your Christ-Self, your “Mighty I AM Presence”! Everyone has the same Supreme Privilege of contact with the All-Powerful Presence of God, and It is the only Power that ever did, now, or ever will raise the personal self and its world above earthly discord and limitation. If man knew that he never ceases creating, even for an instant, he would realize, through the Presence of God within himself he could purify his miscreations and thus be free from his own limitations. He spins a cocoon of human discord around himself and goes to sleep within it, forgetting at least for a time that if he can build it, he can also break through. By using the “Wings of his Soul,” Adoration and Determination, he can break through his self-created darkness. Then he lives once more at the Center of his Being in the “Light” and “Freedom” of his “God Self.” Unveiled Mysteries Book - The Original Volume 1

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is all over it. Playing hide and seek and pushing the two timelines in the map against each other. I don't think is possible to include him in the map, as He is the drama of life happening for His entertainment. And if you are talking about the particular guy in the Bible then go to the Hearts Center on youtube and look for conversations between Jesus and Saint Germain. There are also maps at https://deepstatemappingproject.weebly.com/free-downloads.html with a more visual appeal including the evolutionary tree of religion and all of the cults or spiritual paths derived.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +2 / -1

My mother and my ancestors channel. They sometimes help people find a document a diseased person left hidden. Other times they just talk and bring calm and closure. She has a Spanish-language best-seller book with the stories her clients allowed her to publish./// When Constantine killed the true Christians took all the books in the empire and created "the bible" he did so with the sole purpose of eliminating humanity's knowledge of reincarnation. People back then knew and remembered their old lives and reverenced life as they were one with it. They died and continued their existence in the spiritual realms. Coming and going life after life to learn, and help others, praise divinity through their doings. So please imagine you die and you don't actually die. That would make a population fearless and uncontrollable. People that don't fear death can't be controlled. Now think about all of the great minds that died and then what? stayed playing the violin? No, they continue to work in this divine plan because they know God and how his creation necessarily includes an "opponent" to make it less boring for us all (to have an enemy makes the game great but painful). Well, we now call these ascended masters, some centuries ago they were Arhats. These are people like you who understood the game and are now helping to pierce the Maya/matrix/ignorance. And of course, some dumb kid channeling through acid can be highjacked by any lower vibrational entity or even the "opponent" himself but David is completely aligned with Q and what he channels is full of truth in ways you can only understand if you recurrently followed his live broadcasts while Q happenings happen. They are completely aligned. Is the same source. Or you can continue with the cabal religion blue pill. it takes an effort to hear and study the channeling and I don't know many anons dwelling in these higher realms precisely because they have said "Don't go there" because "is the devil's work". Oldest trick in the book to spook you back into your predetermined path.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that tomorrow we will have another scenario coming our way. I guess corruption will be exposed in Ukraine in ways that Zelensky has to run into hiding.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe we are being told that Israel is the last one to be redpilled. They don’t know what to do with the best army in the world once they know who the enemy is but they are a huge part of the redpill. The secret history crosses them. Hope they get the star out of their flag and make amends after that. I do believe we just had the start of the apocalypse and that it will happen before our eyes. Those who have eyes to see are the Blessed Ones. Selected to watch the cleansing of the stage and our rebirth…

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

The cabal didn't have a perfect caw to milk pre-Israel. They engineered the NWO UN/Nato order and satanist Israel II before the two wars. This whole charade goes back more than 100 years. They have millions of unaware populations playing out a make-believe globalist charade. The cabal got caught by Thailand, Italy, Japan and yes Germany, so they engineered the war, then Won the War and erased the real history of those who caught TheM. And they are also the desk soldiers of this bolchevique consciousness takeover. They have "the institute" of higher arts that expand their grip all over the charade. They are the bankers, the journalists, the experts and all of the commie bastards. They help the "eye" keep their 3 "feeders" always in business. Look at the parliament of Iran. How many Windows? Look at the Parliament of Israel from a birds eye view. What is there? The charades has its magicians and they all concocted a fake Israel to "feed" their eye.

villageidiot22 5 points ago +5 / -0

In 1997, three engineers, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo José Anzola and Roger Piñate, began collaborating in a group while working at Panagroup Corp. in Caracas, Venezuela. Following the 2000 United States presidential election and its hanging chad controversy in Florida, the group proposed to dedicate a system toward electoral functions. Smartmatic was officially incorporated on 11 April 2000 in Delaware by Alfredo José Anzola. Smartmatic then established its headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida

Smartmatic was a little-known firm with no experience in voting technology before it was chosen by the Venezuelan authorities to replace the country’s elections machinery ahead of a contentious referendum that confirmed Hugo Chávez as president in August 2004. Before the election, Smartmatic was part of a consortium that included a software company partly owned by a Venezuelan government agency. In March 2005, with a windfall of some $120 million from its first three contracts with Venezuela, Smartmatic then bought the much larger and more established Sequoia Voting Systems, which by 2006 had voting equipment installed in 17 states and the District of Columbia. On August 26, 2005, Sequoia Voting Systems announced that Mr. Jack Blaine would serve in the dual role as President of Sequoia Voting Systems and President of Sequoia’s parent company, Smartmatic.

Chavez then exported the election rigging technology to Argentina and Spain where socialist governments that had less than 30% of the population favored suddenly became glaring socialists. In Spain and with the help of Lord Maloch-Brown and George Soros the parasitic media of Latin America incubated a drastic and un natural swing to the left that allowed for the continuation of the Venezuelan chaos and humanitarian crisis, the constant flow of drugs to destroy the moral fabric of the western mind and success stories for election rigging business clients who -sometimes even without knowledge of the candidate- rigg their elections in order to expand the socialist bolshevik.

Now we know that Canada and Spain, two of Cuba and Venezuelan controlled countries interfered in the US elections.

Days after it was revealed how 2020 US Elections were rigged by Canadian Crown Agent Dominion Voting Systems through a so-called “glitch”, now GreatGameIndia has found involvement of another dubious foreign company in US Election meddling. The votes cast by Americans were counted by a bankrupted Spanish company Scytl in Spain. Like Dominion Voting Systems, Scytl has a long history of election fraud in various nations including injecting backdoors in its election software. The issue has prompted experts to question why the sensitive job of counting votes was outsourced to a foreign company? How could a bankrupted Spanish company count American votes in Spain? Due to such widespread fraud, the Chairman of the US Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes that the 2020 US Presidential Elections is illegitimate.


US Federal Election Commission Chairman Says 2020 US Election Is Illegitimate Due To Widespread Fraud November 13, 2020 Chairman of the US Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes voter fraud is taking place in states still counting ballots and that the 2020 US Presidential Elections is illegitimate.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pick the weapons you find in the battlefield. It was developed for clowns and we are using it against them (ask Australia). The enemy picked the place and the weapons not us. “By the book” and “Non Violent”. Although Dan just said to let karma do the work. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️/

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry I was using Sharp’s as in Calvin Klein’s shorts. Gene Sharp’s 198 non Violent. The Einstein Institute was a CIA front and this toolkit is one of the best one out there. Thanks for the correction

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

An artist that went to Bolivia with some rich frends told me that buried people alive below malls so that the sales were good. Some old story about Jesuits who buried alive their fellow soldiers and used their souls for remote viewing. The story goes about how the remote viewing allowd them to see the “gold” of el dorado and that’s why they came to America and killed millions. The secret is a secret because it is inhumane. And they need us to “trust” that the elites are “humane”. Nothing further from the truth.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many mainstream TV shows and movies include Hellfire as a central component of their story, merchandise, and fandom. It is no longer a secret. I hope people can see it and care about this. Black pills might work as red pills for normies.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wrote this as I'm researching the whole "liberty campaign" in Central and South America. The official story is that we had some great minds that believed in freedom and helped in the liberation of the Americas from Spanish control. The reality was that a bunch of British operatives stole control of the Americas from the Spaniards and gave it to the British through masonry and central banking. We were never liberated just handed over to the Satanist club. As I ponder this I see how all of our liberators were in reality just freemasons and brainwashing operations put them into a fake pedestal. "if it can be destroyed by the truth, it must be destroyed by the truth". This is a time of rebirth and the options are infinite. True liberty will soon come to the US and then we might do the same down south.

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