volkischexe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are we destined to be allies?

Because Jewish scripture says we'll be "blessed" by the Jewish god if we protect the Jewish homeland?

America does not serve Jews. America does not serve Yahweh. America does not serve the bible.

America serves the American people, and its guidance is exclusively found in our founding documents, not Jewish scriptures.

volkischexe 2 points ago +2 / -0

The vast majority of Jews are nothing like any of us. They are raised from birth - even if not raised religiously Jewish - to believe that Jews are holistically superior to everyone else, and thus have a moral obligation to rule over everyone else. They're taught that non-Jews are low-IQ sheep waiting to be led around by the nose.

They hate us. All of them do. Liberal Jews hate us. Conservative Jews hate us. Religious Jews hate us the most, because the scriptures they read daily tell them how we were created by their god to be their slaves.

Jews read the myth of Genesis and take it very seriously - "subdue the world and establish dominion over it" includes subduing and establishing dominion over us.

volkischexe 1 point ago +2 / -1

stop reading Jewish prophecies to understand the world. stop reading Jewish scripture to understand the world.

Revelation is not prophecy. It is an instruction manual for Jews to conquer the world.

The one world government ruled by Jesus in Jerusalem is still a Jewish one world government.

volkischexe 1 point ago +1 / -0

daily reminder that Congress has been ignoring federal law for decades now.

It is a violation of federal law to provide any form of material aid to a nation with an active nuclear weapons program.

Israel has evaded this for decades by refusing to disclose their program.

But the Pentagon fucked up awhile back, and what we all knew to be true was proven by them.


Congress has an absolute obligation to the law. The law was never changed; aid to Israel is federally prohibited.