Go check out r/somethingiswrong2024 on Reddit.

They're a bunch of psychotic libs that are doing tea leaf readings and think Trump will not be certified today. Their copes and seethes will all come to a boiling point today.

Happy Nothingburger day, lads!


Over the past few months I've started to notice a slow but steady redpilling of many leftists. Not a full fledged MAGA redpilling, but a redpilling none the less. Many are abandoning Biden and the Democrat party as a whole over the war in Gaza. If you are on this site, it's safe to assume that you know that Israel is not our friend. Israel is at the center of everything involving the Deep State/cabal. We all are familiar with the "save Israel for last" drop, but unfortunately, Trump was a big supporter of Israel during his first term.

I can't help but think how big it would be for Trump to come out against Israel. Not necessarily in support of Palestine, but taking a hard stance against Israel could see a massive wave of unity between the far-left and sections of our movement.


Dozens of times every day there are top posts connecting the dots of....absolutely nothing. To believe a lot of these connections, would be to essentially believe that Q is God himself - or at the very least, a time-traveler. This does our movement ZERO favors, and turns off probably just about any sane person lurking here from believing anything posted here.

Years back (can't be bothered to find the actual quote), it was said by the Q team that we already have everything thag we need, which is likely why we haven't seen any Q posts with frequency in quite some time. We don't need to be making connections with everything all the time. The connections and proofs that we need are already there - adding all these endless weak "proofs" just dilutes the proofs that we already have.

Legitimate research is great, but lately we have been diving into the connect-the-dots meme territory.


The incumbent party still holds a primary, even though most don't participate because the incumbent president is usually unchallenged, or is the obvious nominee regardless. I don't recall anyone polling as high as RFK Jr in an incumbent primary, at least in recent history. If Biden was a popular president with an actual base, someone polling 15-20% wouldn't even be a threat, regardless of low voter participation. However, who would actually come out to vote for Biden in a primary deemed "unimportant". If RFK supporters showed up and voted, he would be guaranteed the nomination. Am I missing something here?? Why isn't this talked about?


The "plan" seems to be contingent on a mass "great awakening", aka the normies finally waking up to the crimes against humanity and the overall corruption of the deep state. BUT - are we overestimating the general care of everyday normies? Look back at everything else that should've been clear as day to them, yet had no effect. Leaked Clinton emails about spirit cookings and literally worshiping Moloch - how in the absolute FUCK did this not cause a "great awakening"? The absolute buffoonery of COVID, the obviously stolen election, the Epstein saga...to go further back, JFK, 9/11. None of these things proved worthy or significant enough to waken normies out of their stupor.

What could possibly be the thing that brings us to a point of no return? And would they even believe it, after NPR tells them it's fake news, and Don Lemon calls them bigots for even considering it?

This is one of the biggest thing that perplexes me. I genuinely believe there is NOTHING that can un-blackpill the normie. Some of you have suggested that only when sportsball, porn, and Netflix disappear, will they ever even contemplate giving a fuck., and I think that may be the right answer.

Just some thoughts...


Will Trump be in "jail" when SHTF? According to the drops, he has to be away from the public for optics reasons. Does Trump getting arrested start the Ten Days of Darkness? First arrest will shock the world?

Are we seeing these important milestones come to pass?


I enjoy all the good info posts about the horrors inflicted by the vaxx. BUT - does anyone have any useful information for those of us who actually did get the vaxx, be it forced or otherwise? I had to for my job (I know, save the lectures - I didn't have to, but I was in a bad place financially and couldn't risk losing my job). Now I'm really worried about possible risks, and what I can do to maybe cleanse myself, or prevent possible side effects? Any information is helpful!