Seems like such a small place to send you. Do you think there was a reason?


It's drop 60: https://qalerts.app/?n=60

You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military. Why is this relevant? Game theory. Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information. Operators never divulge. Alice & Wonderland.

Specifically this line:

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

I've never seen anyone focus in on that one. But it's ALWAYS stood out to me. One of the craziest things about all this is who would have been in on it from the beginning, right? This post, and that line, seem to be telling us that someone else is part of this, but...only potentially...

So even team Q wasn't sure? Who is this one, apparently special person? And how are they actually related to the plan? Who would have all the same information as the original Q people, but not really be part of them? And what is their mission? Where did they get their orders from? And why are they a "potential" operator?


I showed it to one older person and it made sense to them, but that was years ago. Now their wife wants to know more, but I can't find it.

EDIT: It's this one, but I need one without German over it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7ns2752BNk29/


"You're watching a movie" always seemed important to me. Then you had Q reposting movie posters. But when I search for that I find nothing.

If. (www.upgoat.net)
posted ago by we_kill_creativity ago by we_kill_creativity

A lot of the "trends" that get pushed to the front page here are obviously done by bots, so I'm not sure if all of you are actually falling for this or not, BUT...

You do realize that the ivermectin push still accepts their evil premise that there even is a "pandemic", which there clearly isn't, because it's only ever been the common cold, right?

So we're just going to go from them requiring the vax to them requiring ivermectin? Probably less dangerous, but the concept is just as evil. Just stop playing their game already. Arguing about how masks don't work = accepting the premise. Just like arguing about the vax vs. ivermectin...

Come on people, stop being slaves...

EDIT: Dear God, you people...Ok, no one's forcing you to take Ivermectin? No one was forcing you to take the vax in the beginning either. Do you STILL not understand how this process works?

Also, I never said Ivermectin is "bad", did I...? Of course not, but the bots want to turn this discussion into that, predictably.

Stories about people rushing to vet clinics and pet store to buy Ivermectin to the point of them being out of stock? That's insane...what for? It's still "them" trying to get you to accept their premise that there even is a pandemic to go out and buy this for.



...and yet that seems to be the gist of half the posts here...

Have you ever considered the idea that all the people mentioned in the title are waiting for YOU to start saving yourselves? At the local level? Slaves no more...huh? No, it seems like way too many of you are still slaves.

Have you ever considered that part of the plan is...idk...YOU!?

I'm familiar with non-canonic books that are mentioned in the Bible such as the Book of Enoch, which I've read, but I was just reading from Numbers in the Old Testament, and it mentions a Book called the "Book of the Wars of the Lord"...I now need to read this book. That sounds really badass. Any have resources regarding this?

EDIT: Just realized the mistake in my title, should be "The Book of the Wars of the Lord".


The premise? "There's a pandemic"

Arguing about the effectiveness of masks = accepting the premise.

Arguing about the effectiveness of the vax = accepting the premise.

Arguing about how effective Hydroxy is = accepting the premise.

Based on the premise you're all blindly accepting, they have now "approved" the vax...OK, so what. I don't and never have accepted the basic premise that there ever has been any sort of pandemic. Even CNN admits it now: https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/18/media/covid-endemic-reliable-sources/index.html

So, the reason you want me to take the vax, you say, is because of a "pandemic", but there is no pandemic...? Ok, not taking it. That simple....

As I and others have said from the very beginning over a year ago: NONE OF THIS ENDS UNTIL YOU ALL ACCEPT THAT THERE IS AND NEVER HAS BEEN ANY PANDEMIC.

Instead of the blatantly obvious election fraud being overturned? To me, if Biden gets to pretend to be president for a full term, that's a defeat. You?

EDIT: This place is adorable...can't let sensible, adult level questions be discussed...


...you admit there never was a virus/pandemic. We all know, without any doubt, that no numbers reflect the notion of a pandemic, that "they" were/are merely pretending that the numbers showed that.

There will always be a 2nd variant... 3rd variant...so on and so forth, until all of you admit there's no "SuPeR dUpEr, SuPeR sCaRy ViRuS!!11!" and...STOP ARGUING ABOUT WHERE A COMPLETELY OBVISLOUSLY BULL SHIT PANDEMIC WAS "LEAKED" FROM...that argument is just another layer of the psyop onion and YOU make it real every time you engage in it.


I looked on Reddit and couldn't find anything. Is there a community website somewhere? I ask here because I couldn't think of anyplace else where I might find people that watch it. Relevant to here I guess because I feel like people here might feel like "The Chosen" in our time.


Take this: https://twitter.com/amuse/status/1352472488194748421?s=21

and combine it with this: https://noagendaassets.com/enc/1611263656.121_superclipreeducation.mp3

And you can see where they're trying to steer the near future. Plan, no plan...whatever, this needs to be said:

They won't "force" anyone to do it...just like they didn't force anyone to pretend there's a pandemic...just like they don't force anyone to do anything. The name of their game is to gradually condition people to CHOOSE to do it. To consent to it.

My point is, it's obvious that they're actually going to try this, and nearly every person who we're going to rely on to stand up to it has just spent the past year enforcing rules for a "pandemic" that clearly never existed. "They" just spent the past year making sure literally everyone required to enforce "re-education facilities" is the kind of person that will do exactly as they're told no matter how ridiculous/sick/evil it is. Please realize the first line of enforcement will be local...

I've not had this issue before.


The should have been a statement made awhile ago now. Even if they do come out soon and say something it's suspicious because of how long it's taken. And please don't post about the fucking BuzzFeed article claiming it was a "disgruntled employee"...I'm asking if the literal State Department has commented.

EDIT: Is https://qalerts.app/ working for anyone? Won't come up for me.

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