we_kill_creativity 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anonymous media boot camp. But yes, it was a boot camp. Pizzagate happened before Q. The people who did Q had to figure out where that kind of information could find a home. It found a home on Voat. That's important to understand.

we_kill_creativity 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, 2020vision think mirror: http://www.thexradio.com/news/78-local-news/24569-vision-2020-has-been-great-now-what

Why would I be able to find that ?

We're at a crossroads....literally: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cross_at_the_Crossroads

Why would I be able to find that?

What kind of crossroads? A crossroads of opportunity: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fd/ba/b3/fdbab3cb3642275dad5e6abba1bef30d.jpg

Why would I be able to find that?

You're watching a movie? : https://files.catbox.moe/x7xxhx.png



Why would I be able to find that?



From the same article: https://files.catbox.moe/q91xfj.png

Again, how am I finding all this?

One of those teachers: https://www.nnstoy.org/stoy/joe-fatheree/

One of the top 10 global teachers of the year: https://ilprincipals.org/presenter/86/#:~:text=Additionally%2C%20he%20was%20named%20the,%2C%20innovation%2C%20and%20teacher%20leadership.

Now...for the rest of the story...

When r/GreatAwakening got banned from reddit, where did team Q send you all? To Voat.

And that's really fucking important.

Why do you think they sent you to Voat? My username is a clue.

we_kill_creativity 0 points ago +1 / -1

The enemy would like to know as much about this person as they can, so they didn't want to specify their gender. The post is talking about who has the full picture. They mention a, singular operator, who has the full picture. The kind of person you are talking about would not have that information.

They are dialed in with order specific to their mission based on their shared knowledge of the full picture.

The grammar of this line:

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

only makes sense if that potential operator has the same information as:

the people who have the full picture

we_kill_creativity 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm just going to copy/paste my response to someone who made a similar argument:

I think Q is using the term "operator" in the generic sense. He's referring to any potential "special operators"

If that were the case they would have just "outside of potential operators". They specifically said "a" singular operator and the post is about the people who have a birds eye view of the plan.

I'm not trying to be rude, but grammatically you take isn't correct, and, as we know, details are important.

General "special operators" wouldn't be in on the initial plan, nor would they "have the full scope", which is what that post says that potential operator has.

we_kill_creativity 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Q is using the term "operator" in the generic sense. He's referring to any potential "special operators"

If that were the case they would have just said "outside of potential operators". They specifically said "a" singular operator and the post is about the people who have a birds eye view of the plan.

I'm not trying to be rude, but grammatically you take isn't correct, and, as we know, details are important.

General "special operators" wouldn't be in on the initial plan, nor would they "have the full scope", which is what that post says that potential operator has.

we_kill_creativity 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most actors are controlled, that's a given, and doesn't really pertain to what this post is about.

A movie about making a movie about a war and everyone's an actor. I happen to think that the Q plan was created around the time this movie came out.

we_kill_creativity 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you, but no. It was an hour long or so, and was just a video of him giving a live presentation to a group of people. I've looked through rumble and have never found it, It's really frustrating because it might be the perfect video to show an older person regarding Q/annons.

we_kill_creativity 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, if you go to qalerts.app, there are alot of Q posts that link to things that no longer exist.

we_kill_creativity 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a start, I know those, but Q reposted several movie posters that aren't on the internet anymore. Do you know what I'm talking about?

we_kill_creativity 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you really not understand that there is no "virus", that there never ever has been a "pandemic", and that the idea that there's a "super duper cover up that lit leaked from wuhan" is nothing more than diversion from the FACT that there's no pandemic whatsoever...?

You're an unwitting useful idiot with a post like this. Sorry, not sorry...

we_kill_creativity 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey look! We're all participating in replacing "vax mandates" with "ivermectin mandates" and I'll be called a shill for pointing this this out!

I'm not saying ivermectin is bad, I'm saying I'm not going to give a shit about it because of what's clearly just the common cold...it's that simple...

Let the downvotes commence!

we_kill_creativity -2 points ago +2 / -4

Show me one number or statistic that indicates it's not the common cold....

The numbers are exactly the same, and in fact the common cold has always been called COVID. COrona Virus ID ... COVID.

we_kill_creativity -5 points ago +1 / -6

Is freaking out about ivermectin being better than the vax helping them reenforce the false premise of the pandemic, yes or no?

we_kill_creativity 0 points ago +1 / -1

But if it came out of Woo Woo Wuhan, it most likely is weaponized.

Because people told you that? Where's the actual evidence? It's not just "a cold", it's the common cold all the way around by every metric it's ever been measured by.

By the way, of course ivermectin is great for the common cold, among other things...and of course it makes sense to have it, but this post obviously isn't about ivermectin...it's about them getting you to accept their premise by replacing the vax with ivermectin...there's no reason to be freaking out over ivermectin. There is no pandemic.

we_kill_creativity -8 points ago +1 / -9

Ivermectin also doesnt kill or maim people, the vaccine does, so how on Earth is it worse?

It's not "worse" as far as side effects. This post isn't about fucking Ivermectin, or whether it's good or bad as a treatment...moron...it's about how they get even people here to go along with their basic premise...

we_kill_creativity -4 points ago +1 / -5

What's new about this new sort of illness...?

and taking the precaution of having on hand a medication that combats an illness that for some is only resolved with that type of medication is a sensible thing to do.

But that's not what they're pushing, is it? They're pushing the idea that we all go to vets and pet food stores to buy it in a panic because it's the magic bullet answer to the vax, which would be us playing into their hands?

I've never once said ivermectic is bad...that's because this post isn't about fucking ivermectin, it's about them getting us to go along with their premise...which is a concept apparently going over everyone's heads.

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