Based and redpilled Norm (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by wetsock ago by wetsock

Job interview claims I need to have the vaccine unless I have a medical or religious exemption. I can't really afford to not have a job at the moment. Any ideas?


I have been getting into Christianity and keep seeing this idea of "New Earth"

What gives?


Anyone else having a really hard time being conscious about everything going on? I haven't felt the same since covid. I feel like I am living in some dystopia nightmare that is slowly getting worse and worse. I am plagued by anxieties about self consciousness and existence. Not sure if anyone else has had these issues.

Hm.... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by wetsock ago by wetsock

Where can a man get some Q stickers? Amazon and Ebay are cucks


Why is it so hard for these leftard to understand that audits, by nature, are not unbiased? If the IRS audits me, THEY ARE LOOKING FOR FRAUD. FFS I am gonna blow a gasket if I keep trying to make these people understand that when you get AUDITED, the AUDITOR is LOOKING for something WRONG.


How does the relationship with Trump and Epstein play out? As well as the sex misconduct allegations? Is it just media hooplah?


Has anyone watched this video?


This man claims to start the push for turning shitty liberal communities in on themselves. It is a really interesting video, but he claims that he pushed Milo Yiannopoulos into the spotlight during the whole gamergate fiasco.

If you don't know of that shit show, a bunch of female gamers claimed that they were being oppressed when they really were not. A lot of them pulled Smollett like self victimization attempts and got caught.

He claims that he intentionally used 4chan to pretend to be feminist to cause racial divide in the feminist community by dividing black and white feminist, basically making them eat each other alive.

This kind of explains why liberals and leftist are always playing the "who is the wokest" game. Now we see them eating each other alive on Twitter.

Ultimately, he claims that what he started ultimately led to Trump being in office. He started this whole thing to collapse the control of the establishment. What do you guys think?

This feels really fake and cringe.... (youtu.be) ? These people are stupid!
posted ago by wetsock ago by wetsock
Dr. Rachel Levine is a pediatrician. ? These people are sick! ?
posted ago by wetsock ago by wetsock

https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0956797616677082 I recently came upon an article doing a sample study on erotic target identity inversion. This is the idea when someone is sexually aroused by the idea of becoming that of what they find sexually arousing. IE a man who is attracted to women may find it erotic to cross dress and pretend to be a woman. This study shows that there is a significant correlation with ETII and pedophiles. Roughly 50% of the 475 men in the study admitted to being aroused by the idea of being a child (autopedophilia).

It gets really interesting when you begin to factor autogynephilia (the arousal of imaging yourself as the opposite sex while having a preference for the opposite sex) In the sample size that preferred little girls, roughly 60% were aroused by the idea of being a little girl. 26% percent of this group were aroused by the idea of being either a little girl or little boy. A combination of 86% in consideration of the people in the group who were aroused by the idea of being the opposite gender (little girl).

In the demographic that preferred either little boys or little girls, 28% were aroused by the idea of being a little girl while 45% were aroused by the idea of being either.

So about 73% of this group was aroused by being the opposite gender (again, a little girl).

Interestingly enough, 96% of the men who were attracted to boys also were aroused by the idea of being a little boy. 0% were aroused by the idea of being a little girl.

What we are noticing is a significant correlation in autogyenephilia and autopedophilia in this sample size. Without writing another big essay, there are studies that show that nonhomosexual transgender men are more likely to be aroused by the idea of being a woman than homosexual transgender men. So there is a correlation in transgender tendencies and pedophilia. So there actually is some scientific support on why there is a push to normalize pedophilia in the male to female transgender community.

Mind you Dr. Rachel Levine began to transition in 2011 while being married to a woman. They shortly later divorced in 2013.

Pretty concerning when the assistant health secretary is a man identifying as a woman while also at the same time being a pediatrician.


kinda like looting...



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