Next feature request for Dominion: create fake votes.... on the WH YT channel!
Sorry, but shows that predict mass arrests during the inauguration don't age well.
Who will take his place?
Newton's first law of dynamics. Bankrupt or not, the federal government is a giant mass that runs itself. It will take a lot of force to stop it.
The Democrats now run everything. It's nearly impossible to impeach Biden. Even if he is impeached, Harris takes over, then Pelosi is next in line. Am I missing something?
After all of the blatant lawlessness in past 2 months, I don't have much confidence in the court system.
I thought SCOTUS would not take a case if the outcome would be moot, i.e., they would not remove Biden even if they rule in favor of Trump?
This should have been one of the the main reasons Trump should have handed control over to the military, to protect his 75+ million supporters who stuck by him.
What's worrying is that they cheated to win this election, and now they are openly changing the rules to make sure they never lose again. Adding PR and DC as states, cancelling the electoral college, allowing illegals to vote, lowering the voting age (while indoctrinating our kids with their propaganda in schools and entertainment), silencing free speech, etc.
How do we come back from this?
Twitter was dying before it became Trump became prolific there. Now Twitter has become so poisonous. It is done.
I don't remember any dramatic military actions within our borders since the Civil War?
Yes, TCM still showing "Joe" movies until they switch to "murder" movies at 8PM. :)
That's the thing. We thought there were a lot of movement behind the scenes since January 6th. As of today, we have resignations, executive orders, and below average number of pardons. Nothing makes any sense, but nonsense seems to be the reality. Sorry to sound like a doomer, but Biden has already been sworn in and presumably has access to the nuclear codes.
Whoopi nominated her for surgeon general! :-D
No. Watching at home like everyone else.
Check out the sign
That makes perfect sense, but the market is totally out of whack and has been going up and up since the lock down last year. It does not compute!
He was in Washington this morning, how does flying out of Mexico make any sense?
Any thoughts on Assange and Snowden?
Just make sure they don't go full SJW on you, like they did in almost every single large corporation in America!
Remind me please, what does 17 mean?
It has been going up since the election. All time highs. Could be due to the fact that money means nothing. They don't even have to print it. Just press some button on a computer and we got unlimited money. Feels like cheating at a game.
TY. I needed that.
Who has access to the emergency alert system now? Has Biden taken over that?