whataboutJesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude, you're unhinged. If your view is true, provide education and not rage filled insults .. grace to the humble, law to the proud.

whataboutJesus 3 points ago +5 / -2

Yea, I don't comment often because there isn't much to say. Like a leftist, you insult instead of educate. How does letting everything be destroyed fix any of it? Wether the left destroys it or white hats let it burn, it's still destroyed... Am I missing something?

whataboutJesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Salvation is from Yeshua, not men in politics. Not sure how enduring to the end of my life (or time) has to do with q.... Unless you're saying q is Yeshua(?)

whataboutJesus 6 points ago +8 / -2

But that's not "what the plan was"... and a demo isn't a rebuild... And unless you kill every commie, the constitution is useless... It's for a moral and Christian nation/people according to Franklin and Henry... 40-60% of the people in the nation won't even pay lip service to Jesus let alone follow a constitution based on personal morality... The issue is people hearts... I don't see how the plan fixes that.

whataboutJesus 9 points ago +12 / -3

It's a nice thought but, a house burned to the ground isn't a house anymore.... I can't see how this level of destruction is a sound plan... You can't undo a mass financial collapse that will kill millions. You can't undo 10 million illegals. You can't undo pedophiles damaging kids. You can't undo people's sinful hearts. Q and the plan is a nice thought but, come on help me see how letting the house burn down is saving it? I come here for news and hope there's a plan... I just see too much damage and goal post moving to think it's real anymore. There are odd things like Trump's continued influence such as Johnson doing the bill announcement at his house the other week but... Again, if the plan is to let the house burn to the ground AND STILL have evil sin in people's hearts... How is that a plan?

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