wolfy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not a single word in the major French media.

Only the patriotic media announce his death.

Let us remember his last words: "Unjabbed are the guardians of human kind".

wolfy 18 points ago +18 / -0

In fact, it is about one hour and 40 minutes of precise and documented accusations concerning :

Van der Leyen, Merkel, Macron, Bush, Biden, French ministers and members of parliament, French politicians, MSM, members of the european parliament, Institut Pasteur, Vanguard Group, FDA, Rothschild, Rockfeller, Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, etc, etc, etc.

They used VIABLES aborted children in their experiments!!!

wolfy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gendarmes equipped with assault rifles (FAMAS) and RAID (Recherche, Assistance, Intervention, Dissuasion commonly abbreviated RAID, an elite tactical unit of the French National Police).

wolfy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't believe it. Macron is a synthesis of all the defects of globalist malfeasance

wolfy 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Yes, I want to be informed of the consequences of this action by the publisher of the free Alternatif Bien-être newsletter. Privacy"

"Yes, I want to be informed" "No"

wolfy 4 points ago +4 / -0

The French government's call for the vaccination of children on Monday, December 6 was written in advance. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) had authorized on November 25 the use of experimental vaccines against Covid-19 in children aged 5 to 11 years, only following once again the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) American (press release of October 29). This now only concerns the Pfizer / BioNTech product, although it is also necessary to continue to sell the Moderna stock in the vaccinodromes.

In France, the High Authority of Health (HAS) followed suit by proposing (on November 30) to vaccinate all "fragile children", namely "all those who present a risk of developing a serious form of the disease and die and for those living in the entourage of immunocompromised or vulnerable people not protected by vaccination ”. She calls it "the cocooning strategy", a seemingly beneficial name, which masks the fact that children are much less contaminating than their parents and teachers (as shown in a study by the Institut Pasteur). And the HAS has already announced that it "will decide later on the relevance of expanding this vaccination". The first group (“at risk” children) would already concern at least 360,000 people. But, oddly, the HAS does not number the second group, that of "children aged 5 to 11 living in the entourage of immunocompromised people or that of vulnerable people not protected by vaccination". It must be said that, according to the government, the vaccination rate of people over 65 years of age exceeds 92% in France, so that it is not clear how many “immunocompromised or vulnerable people” are not yet vaccinated. But whatever the reality, the key is to continue the great march towards full vaccination (and repeated every six months at least) of all mankind. This is the new religion which is spreading in the world and allows the great master moneyers Pfizer and Moderna to rake in 1000 dollars of profit per second at every moment of our lives, all orchestrated by their regional vassals that have become most of the Western governments as well as international agencies - starting with a European Commission led by an Ursula von der Leyen orchestrating the great vaccine operation while having a son working for the McKinsey firm and a husband director of a biotechnology company oriented towards therapies genetic.

wolfy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tribune: "A new vaccine religion is born in the West"


The ideology of the complete and repeated vaccination of populations is a kind of new religion, with its god, its great financial masters, its devotees, its techniques of mass propaganda and its shameless lies. By now opening the way to the vaccination of children and by creating elsewhere between citizens unprecedented discrimination for reputedly democratic regimes, it violates human rights that were believed to be “inalienable” and dressed citizens against each other. More than 1,200 academics, doctors and caregivers alert in a forum on QG, the free media

wolfy 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't think so. Rather, it means that the test gives many false positives.

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