I have checked the article and the beforeitsnews piece linked to by the article.
Be careful with stories that can't be verified anywhere else and which uses trendy words like quantum or blockchain. Does every state use the same printer? And all printers have an invisible ink pass that is infrared detectable? Hide all of that from Dems who control some states?
I am very suspicious when someone throws the words quantum or blockchain around and tries to portray some tech as unbreakable. One has to look at the security of the system in its entirety. Even blockchains have vulns. There are just too many ways to cheat with electronic voting or tabulating systems.
Color me skeptical, unless there is more independent reporting.
You called the election fiasco. Your judgement is right on this too - we need to wait for more information, no matter how good this in particular sounds. It may be 80% truth at best - but that 20% bullshit can have a very far reaching effect.
It's not the watermark, but you're close.
Each state prints their own ballots because each state has their own candidates as far as Senate, House and other down ballot players and issues separate from the G.E.
If only we knew where they got...............well, you'll see
I saw Sydney Powell on lou Dobbs and she was talking about "Hammer and "Scorecard'. I haven't heard anything about it since. Anything up with that claim? She's a serious person. I doubt she'd go on national tv and make a false claim.
Sorry no.. Just no. There is no Quantum blockchain.. There is no blockchain watermark. IT DOESN"T WORK LIKE THAT. I do this for a living. Please stop spreading this shit. Watermarks are most certainly on the ballots, but they will be in the traditional dot pattern form for printer identification and possibly other forms like a unique serial number or something. But not a blockchain. YOU CANNOT PRINT BLOCKCHAINS. CHAIN means the it needs to be updated regularly. You can't do that on PAPER.
What I'm going to say won't change the fact that this story is likely false, but there technically is a way that you could use the "blockchain" to secure these ballots with a form of a "watermark".
The watermark obviously couldn't make up the blockchain, because as you said, a blockchain is a regularly updated chain of digital blocks. However, each ballot's watermark could theoretically store a cryptographic key, and then said cryptographic key could have been added to a blockchain stored on a government system somewhere, as the ballot is mailed out. None of this GPS tracking nonsense, none of this quantum nonsense. What this would get you is a way to verify whether a ballot is real, and if it was sent to the right person, by checking the cryptographic key in the ballot as it's scanned, and then compare it to the cryptographic key in the blockchain on the government secure server.
I have checked the article and the beforeitsnews piece linked to by the article.
Be careful with stories that can't be verified anywhere else and which uses trendy words like quantum or blockchain. Does every state use the same printer? And all printers have an invisible ink pass that is infrared detectable? Hide all of that from Dems who control some states?
I am very suspicious when someone throws the words quantum or blockchain around and tries to portray some tech as unbreakable. One has to look at the security of the system in its entirety. Even blockchains have vulns. There are just too many ways to cheat with electronic voting or tabulating systems.
Color me skeptical, unless there is more independent reporting.
You called the election fiasco. Your judgement is right on this too - we need to wait for more information, no matter how good this in particular sounds. It may be 80% truth at best - but that 20% bullshit can have a very far reaching effect.
mixing truth with lies just will let people invalidate the truth. this is shill behavior.
No source. No good. A heads up at best.
Yep. Any one can put out a bogus story and then when it can be shown to be untrue, the story is “voting fraud has been disproven”
Any kind of source for those claims?
Link please?
Source? Honestly if there was a way to prove the vote totals mentioned here....might wake some people up.
Because the disinfo agent who wrote it wasn't trying very hard. That's why.
It's not the watermark, but you're close. Each state prints their own ballots because each state has their own candidates as far as Senate, House and other down ballot players and issues separate from the G.E. If only we knew where they got...............well, you'll see
I saw Sydney Powell on lou Dobbs and she was talking about "Hammer and "Scorecard'. I haven't heard anything about it since. Anything up with that claim? She's a serious person. I doubt she'd go on national tv and make a false claim.
Sorry no.. Just no. There is no Quantum blockchain.. There is no blockchain watermark. IT DOESN"T WORK LIKE THAT. I do this for a living. Please stop spreading this shit. Watermarks are most certainly on the ballots, but they will be in the traditional dot pattern form for printer identification and possibly other forms like a unique serial number or something. But not a blockchain. YOU CANNOT PRINT BLOCKCHAINS. CHAIN means the it needs to be updated regularly. You can't do that on PAPER.
What I'm going to say won't change the fact that this story is likely false, but there technically is a way that you could use the "blockchain" to secure these ballots with a form of a "watermark".
The watermark obviously couldn't make up the blockchain, because as you said, a blockchain is a regularly updated chain of digital blocks. However, each ballot's watermark could theoretically store a cryptographic key, and then said cryptographic key could have been added to a blockchain stored on a government system somewhere, as the ballot is mailed out. None of this GPS tracking nonsense, none of this quantum nonsense. What this would get you is a way to verify whether a ballot is real, and if it was sent to the right person, by checking the cryptographic key in the ballot as it's scanned, and then compare it to the cryptographic key in the blockchain on the government secure server.
This is a good point. Could be someone's public SSL key on a ballot.
Take a look at this patent:
Secure Voting System