Fake News Code of Ethics (Companion to the Q / Anon Code of Ethics)
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"We are hate. 13 We hate the Creator, not the created."
I would argue that [they] do, in fact, hate us every bit as much as the creator. [They,] aren't of us. [They] don't come from us. [They] don't work with us, and [they] don't work for us.
[They] are of another class of "human." Most likely hybrids of some sort, if not outright and literally inhuman. [They] don't procreate with us unless ordered to. [They] don't commiserate with us. Nor do [they] themselves view us as being human.
With all of that in mind, it means [they] have a genuine hate directed toward humanity.
After all, to hate the Creator is to hate all things He created.