posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +98 / -0

We are all looking at January 6th and crossing our fingers that everything works out.

What we fail to remember is POTUS would never let this situation get this far out of control without having some Ace in the whole, a Trump card.

We knew this was a sting operation from the start.

We were under a National Emergency when POTUS signed the 2108 Executive Order on Foreign Election Fraud. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/

POTUS could take what ever actions he felt necessary to prevent the steal of the 2020 election. He let it play out. Like I said, do you think he would let this situation snowball this far out of control and risk losing the country to a bunch of socialists without having several counter insurgency plans?

I'm willing to bet next years salary that POTUS has the correct vote totals and Biden knows this. Biden has already wrote his concession speech. Harris refuses to give up her Senate seat. Timing has to be just right, pull as many disloyal RINO's and Chinese spies from the shadows as possible.

POTUS has this under control, you know it, I know it, we all know, we all just worry to much. Have a good day

Here is the man who put together the NSA, he is talking about collecting vote data, you think POTUS can't prove the truth? https://twitter.com/Burke4Senate/status/1329143720965496841