Bill Cooper had that entertaining way of starting off his Short Wave broadcast with that air raid siren
And BTW, it's time for patriots to be thinking of resurrecting SW broadcast as a means to get the patriot word out
The Internet should not be viewed as a rock solid platform for comms
To get feet wet, buy a GMRS radio - it's one level below SW HAM; it require a FCC license, but there is no test involved, it cost $70, but it's good for 10 years, and it applies to everyone in the household of the licensee
Now the thing that is valuable about GMRS is can get units that transmit with up to 50 watts of power, which is not shabby, but even better than that, there are lots of GMRS repeaters all over the 48 states; even your handheld GMRS unit will have a good likelihood of being able to connect to a GMRS repeater
There are GMRS repeater networks that attempt to span the 48 states - is spotty, of course - these are pretty much civic/volunteer repeaters and depend on dues-paying local clubs to keep their repeater maintained
And there is an actual nation-wide GMRS network that involves connecting a $155 device to your home Internet connection, so yeah, it's relies on the Internet, but it is a way to establish right now a nation-wide real-time communications network
Now one thing am going to work on personally is a text messaging capability for GMRS so that comms don't have to necessarily happen in real-time per the sender and recipient, as with analog voice comms; the FCC back in 2017 started allowing for text messaging over the GMRS frequencies, but no one seems to have that up and going yet.
The HAM guys have done packet radio and text messaging for many years over SW, it all faded away when the Internet came on strong and supplanted all that, but more lately there are HAMs resurrecting it and there a lot of YouTube videos on the subject
I don't think am going to try and fully implement the packet transmission stack that the SW HAM guys use, but instead will just do something simple like use analog Morse Code that is automated in its encoding/decoding by a Raspberry Pi - the new Model 400 Pi looks like could be perfect for the task of doing text messaging. The GPIO header pins will be where the modulation to the radio is connected. The Pi will take the place of a handheld mike, so to speak. The next step after that will be to get some GMRS club with a repeater to agree to allow this manner of text messaging usage of their repeater. One step at a time, though.
[EDIT] BTW, when listening to one of these nation-wide, repeater-based GMRS networks, they had a discussion topic of what GMRS users would like to see as new capabilities. The top requested feature was text messaging. So once the capability is implemented, don't think it will be that tough to get adoption in the GMRS communities and get to where all the GMRS repeaters allow text messaging usage.
But the FCC doesn't allow radio programming broadcast over the GMRS frequencies, so to do what Bill Cooper did will require going over to Short Wave HAM bands
BTW, a Faraday Cage is very easy to construct for putting electronic gear inside of to protect it
here's what have learned in actually making a Faraday Cage that works:
take a container like a cardboard box with a lid that has flanges to fit over and overlap the edges when the lid is put on; or a star-foam ice chest
go to hardware store and order some aluminum foil tape
wrap the box or chest completely in aluminum foil - you will want to get to 24 micron thickness, and if using typical supermarket foil, will need to wrap the container 4 times; so you might want to order some aluminum foil that has appropriate thickness so will just have to wrap 1 time
now here is the sensitive part - need to be careful with where the lid fits and seals because, darn it, cell phone microwaves a very short wave length and they will penetrate through the tiny gap of a lid - that's why urge to go with a box that has a lid that has flanges
It's pretty straight forward to put a radio that is playing, say an AM or FM station, put it into the box, put the lid on, and have the radio go completely silent; but it can be more challenging to seal sufficiently to where you block microwaves of your cell phone - but you now know the issue to concentrate on, and I affirm to you that it can be adequately addressed to where a cell phone will be blocked from all transmissions when put inside a Faraday Cage
But when taking the Prepper step of making these low cost boxes for protecting your radio gear, you'll probably need to buy two of everything - the unit you use every day, and the unit you have put away in a Faraday Cage so that it will survive through an EMP
Just so you know, cell phone signals are very low energy and this is why they aren’t penetrating your steel cans. An EMP on the other hand is a pulse of extremely high energy and is far more likely to penetrate the steel. You can’t say your electronics are safe from EMP just because they aren’t receiving their normal signal.
If you can get your hands on military grade electronics rather than commercial, you won’t need any sort of extra shielding as their circuitry is designed to withstand EMPs by having far thicker circuits and more/wider insulation between circuits. They’ve learned from when the last time the sun gave off an EMP.
Tin foil will block transmissions but not an EMP, if it were that easy they would seal electronics in shielding instead of making the circuitry resistant.
BTW, where would this text messaging thing for GMRS go? Well, imagine a computer server that is always listening for GMRS text messages on some repeater network, and that that computer is running a software system that is kind of like Twitter. You'd have a conventional Internet-based access to this server and would set up your account. But if the Internet were to go down our for some reason (or the server is banned from the Internet), then would still be able to post text messages to the server via GMRS.
Now when operating over GMRS, this would all be very, very low band width, so wouldn't be pushing images and videos - just brief text messages - just like Twitter started out as.
But think of a world where patriots can't rely on their Internet servers having their DNS names resolved because they've been prohibited by the police state, so there's no way to get IPs resolved easily for people to find the servers - and maybe one has to keep shifting on use of IPs. Well, this GMRS based text messaging server could be a way to daily post DNS-to-IP associations, and patriots everyday would download the latest mappings from GMRS.
Yeah, that would be what I'd have the GMRS text messaging server provide - be a dispenser of a DNS (or several DNS servers) IPs - so that patriots could use that to download and seed their computer's DNS search list to include DNS resolution of patriot sites that have been banned from all the official or approved DNS servers
Patriots would have a way to determine their DNS list that isn't dependent upon being officially approved or allowed via the usual gate keepers
And one has to imagine that these IPs would probably have to be changed frequently so that Patriots will need to always have a means to stay up to date on them.
it's very conceivable that that day will come given how deep the reach of Cancel Culture has already gotten on such matters - Gab is kind of like the Poster Child
yes, a home-made Faraday Cage consisting of a star-foam ice chest wrapped in 4 layers of supermarket grade aluminum foil has been tested and with extra care and effort regarding the lid seal, it does indeed completely isolate a cell phone from RF signal interaction
am going to make more, but am going to shift the design over to cardboard box with manner of lid with flange and will order aluminum foil of thicker grade such that will require only one layer of wrapping (to save time in the process)
lot of people go with ammo cans, and that's a great approach - if you have some laying around to spare (mine I actually use for ammo storage), but they tend to be more spendy than cardboard boxes and aluminum foil (and foil tape); if I went with an ammo can, I'd also put an electrical non-conductor liner inside the can in which to house the electronics devices
Little note. You can operate a radio without a license. We do it all the time here in the U.S. when training inside our borders. In the times we face less government t control is better. I won't sign anything or give them the chance to regulate me. I'm free
My goal is to get the organizations that maintain all these GMRS repeaters to get on board with an async GMRS text messaging feature, which means I need to play in the FCC regulated waters that they do or else they won't have anything to do with me.
These organizations are decent orgs as they tend to revolve around civic-minded search and rescue and emergency scenario backup comms.
Pretty much all the GMRS repeaters are either maintained by dues-paying clubs or else depend on donations from their radio enthusiast patrons.
take a look at this prepper article write-up I did on this GMRS radio stuff to see where my head is at on all that - basically thinking because it does repeaters too, that might be able to get a wider audience of patriots involved in an uptake of GMRS vs SW HAM
Wife just bought so.e beofengs I've got to dig into and learn how to program like wLkies this weekend. So first time ever even remotely interested in learning radio stuff.. gonna be new experience atleast
BTW, I turned the info on the GMRS radio and Faraday Cage into a combined prepper article - would appreciate an upvote and recommend for pinning - hoping to assist other patriots on these topics
I think another good piece of ammunition to have is evidence of Creation and evidence against evolution, in order to back up the story of the Mysteries of Babylon beginning in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of Creation.
If you don’t have this ammunition, watch Kent Hovind’s creation seminar series (extremely exhaustive) and follow these other resources:
No one will debate Kent Hovind because no one can refute him. I’ve been using his arguments as well and have yet to find a single refutation, and I have successfully argued against people who claim to be scientific intellectuals and believe evolution is based upon science, showing them without any refutation that evolution is a more religious belief than creationism.
Anyone may feel free to try and argue your case if you believe differently and cite your sources.
I remember years ago watching an interview, I think it was Bill Cooper. He said he was on a boat while in the Navy or something and saw a UFO. It was pretty interesting. I heard about him from my cousin, who read his book Behold a Pale Horse while in prison years ago
I'm listening, but have some reservations as to his great knowledge. For example, he absolutely mangled the word "Ephesians". Next, he is making these big revelations about the use of words, but he is speaking English, and none of these ancient texts were in English. When you say "son" and "sun", yes they are ".homophones, but only in English. "Figlio" and "sole", in Italian, for example, sound nothing alike. This is a sort of trap the "big thinkers" often fall into, and they astound themselves with their enlightened insight. Which ain't so enlightened. They should study the ancient languages first, before offering these "major insights. Nevertheless, I will having some free time soon, and I may keep listening. He may be a "cafeteria Christian", picking and choosing which parts of the dogma he agrees with. Christians don't get this choice. That is heresy.
Bill Cooper had that entertaining way of starting off his Short Wave broadcast with that air raid siren
And BTW, it's time for patriots to be thinking of resurrecting SW broadcast as a means to get the patriot word out
The Internet should not be viewed as a rock solid platform for comms
To get feet wet, buy a GMRS radio - it's one level below SW HAM; it require a FCC license, but there is no test involved, it cost $70, but it's good for 10 years, and it applies to everyone in the household of the licensee
Now the thing that is valuable about GMRS is can get units that transmit with up to 50 watts of power, which is not shabby, but even better than that, there are lots of GMRS repeaters all over the 48 states; even your handheld GMRS unit will have a good likelihood of being able to connect to a GMRS repeater
There are GMRS repeater networks that attempt to span the 48 states - is spotty, of course - these are pretty much civic/volunteer repeaters and depend on dues-paying local clubs to keep their repeater maintained
And there is an actual nation-wide GMRS network that involves connecting a $155 device to your home Internet connection, so yeah, it's relies on the Internet, but it is a way to establish right now a nation-wide real-time communications network
Now one thing am going to work on personally is a text messaging capability for GMRS so that comms don't have to necessarily happen in real-time per the sender and recipient, as with analog voice comms; the FCC back in 2017 started allowing for text messaging over the GMRS frequencies, but no one seems to have that up and going yet.
The HAM guys have done packet radio and text messaging for many years over SW, it all faded away when the Internet came on strong and supplanted all that, but more lately there are HAMs resurrecting it and there a lot of YouTube videos on the subject
I don't think am going to try and fully implement the packet transmission stack that the SW HAM guys use, but instead will just do something simple like use analog Morse Code that is automated in its encoding/decoding by a Raspberry Pi - the new Model 400 Pi looks like could be perfect for the task of doing text messaging. The GPIO header pins will be where the modulation to the radio is connected. The Pi will take the place of a handheld mike, so to speak. The next step after that will be to get some GMRS club with a repeater to agree to allow this manner of text messaging usage of their repeater. One step at a time, though.
Here's a low-cost GMRS radio to try it out and learn the ropes: BTECH GMRS-V1 GMRS Two-Way Radio, GMRS Repeater Capable, with Dual Band Scanning Receiver (136-174.99mhz (VHF) 400-520.99mhz (UHF))
[EDIT] BTW, when listening to one of these nation-wide, repeater-based GMRS networks, they had a discussion topic of what GMRS users would like to see as new capabilities. The top requested feature was text messaging. So once the capability is implemented, don't think it will be that tough to get adoption in the GMRS communities and get to where all the GMRS repeaters allow text messaging usage.
But the FCC doesn't allow radio programming broadcast over the GMRS frequencies, so to do what Bill Cooper did will require going over to Short Wave HAM bands
yeah, think of potential EMP attack, etc
BTW, a Faraday Cage is very easy to construct for putting electronic gear inside of to protect it
here's what have learned in actually making a Faraday Cage that works:
take a container like a cardboard box with a lid that has flanges to fit over and overlap the edges when the lid is put on; or a star-foam ice chest
go to hardware store and order some aluminum foil tape
wrap the box or chest completely in aluminum foil - you will want to get to 24 micron thickness, and if using typical supermarket foil, will need to wrap the container 4 times; so you might want to order some aluminum foil that has appropriate thickness so will just have to wrap 1 time
now here is the sensitive part - need to be careful with where the lid fits and seals because, darn it, cell phone microwaves a very short wave length and they will penetrate through the tiny gap of a lid - that's why urge to go with a box that has a lid that has flanges
It's pretty straight forward to put a radio that is playing, say an AM or FM station, put it into the box, put the lid on, and have the radio go completely silent; but it can be more challenging to seal sufficiently to where you block microwaves of your cell phone - but you now know the issue to concentrate on, and I affirm to you that it can be adequately addressed to where a cell phone will be blocked from all transmissions when put inside a Faraday Cage
But when taking the Prepper step of making these low cost boxes for protecting your radio gear, you'll probably need to buy two of everything - the unit you use every day, and the unit you have put away in a Faraday Cage so that it will survive through an EMP
Just so you know, cell phone signals are very low energy and this is why they aren’t penetrating your steel cans. An EMP on the other hand is a pulse of extremely high energy and is far more likely to penetrate the steel. You can’t say your electronics are safe from EMP just because they aren’t receiving their normal signal.
If you can get your hands on military grade electronics rather than commercial, you won’t need any sort of extra shielding as their circuitry is designed to withstand EMPs by having far thicker circuits and more/wider insulation between circuits. They’ve learned from when the last time the sun gave off an EMP.
Tin foil will block transmissions but not an EMP, if it were that easy they would seal electronics in shielding instead of making the circuitry resistant.
BTW, where would this text messaging thing for GMRS go? Well, imagine a computer server that is always listening for GMRS text messages on some repeater network, and that that computer is running a software system that is kind of like Twitter. You'd have a conventional Internet-based access to this server and would set up your account. But if the Internet were to go down our for some reason (or the server is banned from the Internet), then would still be able to post text messages to the server via GMRS.
Now when operating over GMRS, this would all be very, very low band width, so wouldn't be pushing images and videos - just brief text messages - just like Twitter started out as.
But think of a world where patriots can't rely on their Internet servers having their DNS names resolved because they've been prohibited by the police state, so there's no way to get IPs resolved easily for people to find the servers - and maybe one has to keep shifting on use of IPs. Well, this GMRS based text messaging server could be a way to daily post DNS-to-IP associations, and patriots everyday would download the latest mappings from GMRS.
Yeah, that would be what I'd have the GMRS text messaging server provide - be a dispenser of a DNS (or several DNS servers) IPs - so that patriots could use that to download and seed their computer's DNS search list to include DNS resolution of patriot sites that have been banned from all the official or approved DNS servers
Patriots would have a way to determine their DNS list that isn't dependent upon being officially approved or allowed via the usual gate keepers
And one has to imagine that these IPs would probably have to be changed frequently so that Patriots will need to always have a means to stay up to date on them.
it's very conceivable that that day will come given how deep the reach of Cancel Culture has already gotten on such matters - Gab is kind of like the Poster Child
Have you tested this
yes, a home-made Faraday Cage consisting of a star-foam ice chest wrapped in 4 layers of supermarket grade aluminum foil has been tested and with extra care and effort regarding the lid seal, it does indeed completely isolate a cell phone from RF signal interaction
am going to make more, but am going to shift the design over to cardboard box with manner of lid with flange and will order aluminum foil of thicker grade such that will require only one layer of wrapping (to save time in the process)
lot of people go with ammo cans, and that's a great approach - if you have some laying around to spare (mine I actually use for ammo storage), but they tend to be more spendy than cardboard boxes and aluminum foil (and foil tape); if I went with an ammo can, I'd also put an electrical non-conductor liner inside the can in which to house the electronics devices
When they come looking for you, shoot your cellphone and then throw it the water.
Little note. You can operate a radio without a license. We do it all the time here in the U.S. when training inside our borders. In the times we face less government t control is better. I won't sign anything or give them the chance to regulate me. I'm free
My goal is to get the organizations that maintain all these GMRS repeaters to get on board with an async GMRS text messaging feature, which means I need to play in the FCC regulated waters that they do or else they won't have anything to do with me.
These organizations are decent orgs as they tend to revolve around civic-minded search and rescue and emergency scenario backup comms.
Pretty much all the GMRS repeaters are either maintained by dues-paying clubs or else depend on donations from their radio enthusiast patrons.
I've posted this on the GMRS radio and Faraday Cage stuff combined into a prepper article
would appreciate upvotes and recommends for pinning
Is there a particular GMRS or shortwave NET for patriots? Shortwave preferred since I can hit repeaters.
take a look at this prepper article write-up I did on this GMRS radio stuff to see where my head is at on all that - basically thinking because it does repeaters too, that might be able to get a wider audience of patriots involved in an uptake of GMRS vs SW HAM
but the HAM tech level license is said to not be bad at all - that kids take it and pass, so surely us adults can study and pass it too
BTW, would appreciate an upvote and a recommend to pin on that article - believe it could be helpful to a patriots thinking about the problem of comms
Wife just bought so.e beofengs I've got to dig into and learn how to program like wLkies this weekend. So first time ever even remotely interested in learning radio stuff.. gonna be new experience atleast
Embarked on similar odyssey myself
BTW, I turned the info on the GMRS radio and Faraday Cage into a combined prepper article - would appreciate an upvote and recommend for pinning - hoping to assist other patriots on these topics
I combined the two topics into one prepper article that I posted:
I think another good piece of ammunition to have is evidence of Creation and evidence against evolution, in order to back up the story of the Mysteries of Babylon beginning in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of Creation.
If you don’t have this ammunition, watch Kent Hovind’s creation seminar series (extremely exhaustive) and follow these other resources:
No one will debate Kent Hovind because no one can refute him. I’ve been using his arguments as well and have yet to find a single refutation, and I have successfully argued against people who claim to be scientific intellectuals and believe evolution is based upon science, showing them without any refutation that evolution is a more religious belief than creationism.
Anyone may feel free to try and argue your case if you believe differently and cite your sources.
Kent Hovind gave me my first real dose of legit scientific evidence for creation. His videos are great.
I also recommend Creation Ministries International for some good online articles:
I bet their plan was amazing until... they hit the firmament.
Hi. :)
Yes, I, too, think we're here in Earth, a realm with a mobile above us showing us where we can go once we grow up.
God bless.
Babylon mystery religion that I read in the 80's is also very good.
I remember years ago watching an interview, I think it was Bill Cooper. He said he was on a boat while in the Navy or something and saw a UFO. It was pretty interesting. I heard about him from my cousin, who read his book Behold a Pale Horse while in prison years ago
Bill Clinton called Bill Copper “the most dangerous man in America.” I wonder why?
Cool posted, avid listener of anything really interesting, audiobooks, podcast, livestreams, etc. This looks right up my ally
I'm listening, but have some reservations as to his great knowledge. For example, he absolutely mangled the word "Ephesians". Next, he is making these big revelations about the use of words, but he is speaking English, and none of these ancient texts were in English. When you say "son" and "sun", yes they are ".homophones, but only in English. "Figlio" and "sole", in Italian, for example, sound nothing alike. This is a sort of trap the "big thinkers" often fall into, and they astound themselves with their enlightened insight. Which ain't so enlightened. They should study the ancient languages first, before offering these "major insights. Nevertheless, I will having some free time soon, and I may keep listening. He may be a "cafeteria Christian", picking and choosing which parts of the dogma he agrees with. Christians don't get this choice. That is heresy.
Oh, please. SMH.