posted ago by GatesOfHell ago by GatesOfHell +174 / -0

...how genuinely confident he is. This doesn't seem like a man unsure of the outcome - even when the enemy seeks to murder him, before murdering countless others. In spite of his talk about the 'gravity' of the Georgia runoff, there wasn't a hint of desperation in the way he presented himself, or in his manner of speaking.

It really occurred to me, tonight, how he's playing his own part in the show. He knows exactly how things will play out - the rallies are, for the most part, optics.

The Dems/DS really are trapped. If they steal, it will whip millions of DC-bound patriots into a fresh frenzy, while Trump, Q and co. will have even more of the goods they need to indict. But the baddies HAVE to steal, because to attain their primary goal - absolute censorship - they need two fully reliable stooges to do their bidding. Perdue and Loeffler are clowns, but don't exactly fit that bill.

The bastards' goose is cooked from the start! Keep in mind, the various new encroachments on free speech - Cuomo's concentration camps, Caliphornia's $1000 fact-checker fine, Thom Tillis's attack on memes- aren't just desparate attempts to hold the fake scamdemic narrative together. They're also direct responses to the Great Awakening! It's full steam ahead, pedes. WWG1WGA ?