The more woke I think I am, the more asleep I feel.
My wife’s about to divorce me. My kids don’t know who i am. On the 8 yo daughter knows orion’s belt is tied to giza and 911...boaz jachim
He was a legend, a real lover of liberty who knew decades ago what the hell was happening years ahead of when others called it out. He gave some great interviews.
Where do you think the leaders of the hippie movement got LSD?
From their dads, of course. Unfortunately, LSD doesn’t always weaken the resolve of its subjects. Sometimes, it strengthens it. “Ego death” doesn’t occur, and instead, what happens can be better described as “Ego rebalance.” Think Steve Jobs.
You fuckers, really? Zappa? Another wormhole.
Thank you, anon.
The more woke I think I am, the more asleep I feel.
My wife’s about to divorce me. My kids don’t know who i am. On the 8 yo daughter knows orion’s belt is tied to giza and 911...boaz jachim
Thanks to all. Still searching.
Joking about the divorce.
Giza doesn’t match Orion anymore. Mandela effect. Aliens are fucking with the computer code of our reality.
Close enough
Sounds like you're doing fine to me.
He was a legend, a real lover of liberty who knew decades ago what the hell was happening years ahead of when others called it out. He gave some great interviews.
Well he was spot on......
Several of the interviews are on YouTube.
"We're Only In it For the Money" (and the power).
Power, the had plenty of was the Power they wanted.
Indeed! To quote Moon Unit Z. from Ship Too Late to Save Drowning Witch album, "gag me with a spoon!"
envelope. I think his father had a top-secret job with the gov?
He's not wrong. As we're all seeing right now. And what the hell just happened in GA? Still using Dominion systems connected to a thermostat?
it's just as illogical to you, as it is to the rest of us. Really.
I've written code since the race was "6502 vs Z80".
The TRUE Holy Wars.
Writing good code and extrapolating from 1980 to 2021 ain't hard.
I don’t know why anyone is even remotely surprised. I never thought thought they would win.
His father worked for the defense industry a chemist and mathematician. Frank was well versed.
Honestly... It was a simpler world back then. Zappa had shit to work out. He worked it out.
You got the "Newspaper" every day.
Did you? "Work it out"???
(Not directed at the OP) Love you, Bud.
Zappa was a hard-ass. He NEVER compromised.
And his first gig was on the Ed Sullivan show.
He produced some great porn....
Nice, do you know what year that was? and Thanks
Zappas dad was an agency guy....
Well said Frank
Actually it will do those things with the right President in office but generally speaking he's right.
Zappa's father Francis was a chemical warfare specialist assigned to - the Edgewood Arsenal. Edgewood is the longtime home of America's chemical warfare program, as well as a facility frequently cited as being deeply enmeshed in MK-ULTRA operations. Laurel Canyon: Military Intelligence Family Backgrounds of the Iconic 60s Counterculture Rock Stars
Where do you think the leaders of the hippie movement got LSD?
From their dads, of course. Unfortunately, LSD doesn’t always weaken the resolve of its subjects. Sometimes, it strengthens it. “Ego death” doesn’t occur, and instead, what happens can be better described as “Ego rebalance.” Think Steve Jobs.