Only one thing will trigger Mass Arrests >> VP Mike Pence stabbing POTUS and Patriots in the back by putting his signature on the biggest election fraud in history // A Government full of Traitors will never prosecute its own TREASON in Trumps Second Term and 4 more years of BULLSHIT is their Plan
posted 22 hours ago by Oh_Well_ian +97 / -0
It's going to be WILD
The Military is the only way.
Top Comment ( this pede nails it ):
This sounds accurate.If Pence rejects the electors and it leads to POTUS winning the election on a Constitutional technicality that most people do not understand, the MSM and every traitor in government will launch an all out assault in the second term which would likely lead to another Impeachment. ie. Deep State will target POTUS again, rather than him draining the swamp, with very few allies to assist. However, if Pence knowingly authorizes the fraudulent election, the Military will step in and arrest every traitor associated with the Big Steal. Additionally, Pence could still be a White Hat even if he authorizes, double crossing the Cabal that placed him at VP. Ironically, he would betray the Cabal by authorizing and triggering mass arrests.
so, to clarify, you are saying you want to live in an echo chamber just like the left does? the reason the world got to the point it's at is BECAUSE people ONLY hear affirmations to their own beliefs and REFUSE opposing viewpoints. Being able to counter someone's pov with your own logical argument is beneficial to all. Insulting people ON THE SAME TEAM because they maybe feel differently or are discouraged or losing hope, is how you SHRINK the size of your team and eventually lose.
'just like the left'
shut up, shill... You and your 14 hour account are a joke.
Read the submission again. I was right. Where is your post on what was going to go down yesterday? Huh? yeah.. I thought so.
you're not on my team ... you're a division fag
Agree. A real doomster.
notice how they pounce on any submission that garners positive consensus
also notice their jingoistic account names
a real 'freedom fighter' this one.. lol
This is the bullshit that has infected thedonald and I'll be damned if they do this to my submissions. I'm voat hardened and shills get punched in the mouth.
I think everyone on this board and not the TDW has been saying Pence is a traitor for a while now. It’s fair for people to question what is going on. It’s ok to lose faith. All this person is asking for us understanding. No reason to attack. Defend your argument. Attacking there account age and calling them a shill is not how you do that. If you don’t want to bother or have the time then don’t respond. We need compassion and understanding more than anything right now.
How many All-Star teams have a shitty 4th liner? The reality, at this point, just be with your family and friends and protect them. That's how you can help THE MOST! If you can't handle the fire that is ok, but it gets annoying having 100s of scared children crying and worse, sharing their crying on an information board where others are actively trying to use it. It's ok Anon, we all die sometime. Be the best version of yourself, put your faith in God and let come what may. We got your six.
Oh God, it's this fuck (FreedomFighter1976) again. Let's all hit the DEPORT button. This guy was clever, blended in sometimes even... He's not one of us. DEPORT.